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The Ballad of Never After: A Captivating Fantasy Novel by Stephanie Garber

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"The Ballad of Never After" by Stephanie Garber is a captivating fantasy novel and the sequel to "Once Upon A Broken Heart." With its engaging storyline, magical elements, and slow-burn romance, this book takes readers on an enchanting journey. In this review, we will delve into the author's writing style, the compelling characters, the intricate plot, and the delightful dialogue that keeps readers hooked throughout the story.

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Author Introduction


Stephanie Garber is a talented writer known for her imaginative storytelling and vibrant characters. She has created a world where stories come alive, filled with magic and intriguing twists. With "The Ballad of Never After," Garber continues to captivate readers with her unique blend of fantasy and romance.




The novel explores trust, betrayal, redemption, and the power of love. Evangeline Fox, the protagonist, grapples with her feelings for Jacks, the Prince of Hearts, and must navigate a treacherous world of curses and magic.




In "The Ballad of Never After," a captivating novel, the story comes alive through a diverse cast of characters. From the determined and gifted protagonist, Evangeline, to the charismatic and enigmatic Prince of Hearts, Jacks, each character plays a crucial role in shaping the narrative. Their personalities, motives, and relationships intertwine, creating a rich and dynamic tapestry that draws readers into a world filled with magic, mystery, and unexpected alliances. Here are some of the main characters:

· Evangeline: Evangeline is the protagonist of "The Ballad of Never After." She is a young woman with a troubled past who possesses a unique ability to hear the desires of others. Evangeline is determined, resourceful, and independent. Throughout the novel, she embarks on a quest to break a curse and protect those she cares about.

· Jacks: Jacks is a mysterious and charming character known as the Prince of Hearts. He has a mischievous nature and a complex past. Jack forms a complicated relationship with Evangeline, and their interactions are filled with banter and tension. He adds an element of unpredictability to the story.

· Grand Duchess Teodora: Grand Duchess Teodora is a powerful and enigmatic figure. She plays a significant role in the magical world and possesses her secrets. As Evangeline's mentor, she guides her on her journey and provides her with crucial information. Teodora's motives and allegiances remain uncertain throughout the story.

· Belle: Belle is a close friend and confidante of Evangeline. She is fiercely loyal and supports Evangeline in her quest. Belle is resourceful, intelligent and has her unique talents. Her friendship and presence bring a sense of grounding and stability to Evangeline's life.

· Rosalind: Rosalind is a captivating and powerful woman in a complicated situation. She has her agenda and motivations, which intertwine with Evangeline's quest. Rosalind's character adds depth and complexity to the story, blurring the lines between ally and adversary.

· The Bargainer: The Bargainer is a mysterious figure with significant power in the magical realm. Known for making deals, he plays a crucial role in Evangeline's journey. His true intentions and loyalties remain uncertain, and his presence adds an element of intrigue and suspense to the narrative.

With their unique personalities, motives, and relationships, these characters contribute to the rich tapestry of "The Ballad of Never After" and drive the plot forward, creating an engaging and immersive reading experience.


Point of View


The story is primarily narrated from Evangeline's perspective, allowing readers to experience her emotions, dilemmas, and growth firsthand. The first-person point of view adds depth to the story and creates a strong connection between the readers and the protagonist.

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"The Ballad of Never After" picks up where its predecessor left off, with Evangeline facing the consequences of her complicated relationships. A new curse is revealed, forcing Evangeline and Jack to form an unlikely partnership to break it. The plot turns unexpectedly as they battle old friends and new foes and confront the magic that manipulates hearts and minds.


Dialogue | Hot Chapters


The book excels in its captivating dialogue, which adds depth to the characters and enhances the overall reading experience. The hot chapters brim with tension and emotional turmoil, especially as Evangeline and Jack navigate their complex relationship. Here are some potential highlights or significant moments in the story:

· Betrayal and broken trust: The novel begins with Jacks betraying Evangeline, which sets the tone for their complicated relationship. This betrayal leads Evangeline to swear never to trust him again.

· Evangeline's magic and desire for a second chance: Evangeline discovers her magic and believes it can restore the chance at a happily ever after that Jack stole from her. This desire for a second chance drives the plot forward.

· Tenuous partnership and changing rules: Despite the betrayal, Evangeline enters a tenuous partnership with Jacks again when a new terrifying curse is revealed. The rules of their relationship change, and Evangeline has to navigate her feelings toward Jack and the dangers they face together.

· The Curse of the Hunter and the Fox: Apollo, Evangeline's husband, is under a curse called the Curse of the Hunter and the Fox. This curse forces Apollo to hunt and kill Evangeline, creating a dangerous situation for both of them.

· The search for magical stones: Evangeline and Jack embark on a journey to find magical stones that make up the missing pieces of the Valory Arch. This search forms the main plot of the book.

· Evangeline's conflicted feelings: Throughout the story, Evangeline grapples with her conflicting emotions towards Jack. She is torn between wanting to right her wrong with Apollo and not wanting to trust Jack due to his unclear motives.

· Slow-burn romance and tension: The summary mentions that Evangeline and Jack have a slow-burn romance. They spend time together, get injured, and nurse each other back to health, leading to moments of tension and potential romantic development.

· The cliffhanger ending: The book ends on a cliffhanger, with a twist involving Jack going back in time and a memory-altering encounter between Evangeline and Apollo. This leaves the reader with unanswered questions and sets the stage for the next book in the series.


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Writing Style


Stephanie Garber's writing style is engaging and whimsical, transporting readers to a fantastical world filled with vivid imagery and enchanting descriptions. Her ability to weave intricate plotlines and build suspense keeps readers hooked until the end. While the magic system and certain plot elements may sometimes feel convenient, the storytelling remains enjoyable.


Final Thought


"The Ballad of Never After" is a captivating fantasy novel that will appeal to readers who enjoy slow-burn romances in a magical setting. Stephanie Garber's imaginative storytelling, well-developed characters, and intriguing plot make this book compelling. Despite minor flaws, the book successfully builds anticipation for the next installment in the series. If you're a fantasy novel fan that blends romance, magic, and captivating twists, "The Ballad of Never After" is a must-read.




Q: Is "The Ballad of Never After" a standalone novel or part of a series?

A: "The Ballad of Never After" is the second book in the series, following "Once Upon A Broken Heart." Reading the first book before diving into this one is recommended to understand the ongoing story and character dynamics fully.


Q: What genre does "The Ballad of Never After" belong to?

A: "The Ballad of Never After" is a young adult fantasy novel. It combines romance, adventure, and magic elements within a fantastical setting.


Q: How would you describe the writing style of Stephanie Garber in this book?

A: Stephanie Garber's writing style in "The Ballad of Never After" is engaging and filled with vivid descriptions. She creates a whimsical and immersive world, capturing the reader's imagination. The prose flows smoothly, making the story easy to follow and enjoy.

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