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The Alpha's Rejected Mate Reviews & Hot Chapters: A Career in Loneliness

Creation time: Nov 28 2023Update time: Nov 28 2023320

"The Alpha's Rejected Mate" is a Werewolf drama written by valeriadour that strolls us through Claire's struggles with virtually everything and everyone around her. She faces rejection by every member of her pack, including her own family and fated mate. Nevertheless, this state of affairs would not last as long as Claire had predicted it, eventually winning over the future Alpha's heart.


This tantalizing tale contains 43 episodes and has earned a hefty 522,1K follower count, with over 1.7M reads.


Get ready to experience a roller coaster of emotions in "The Alpha's Rejected Mate"!


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The plot begins with Claire describing herself and her abilities, as well as how those skills didn't comport with the standards of her pack. For that reason, virtually everyone - including her own brother - constantly shoved her aside.


At the time of the events described in the novel, she was just turning sixteen, meaning it was time to meet the mate that was chosen for her. When she found out her mate was the Alpha's son, Jake, she got extremely nervous. Naturally, she feared rejection considering his status, as well as her particular handicap.


Just as Claire expected, Jake rejected her bluntly, leading to her breakdown. As he witnessed her reaction, his wolf whimpered, launching him on a guilt trip that he would not return from for an uncomfortably long time.


Up till this point, Jake was having a romantic affair with another she-wolf named Ashley, and he thought he'd be content with this gorgeous partner by his side. However, ever since he met Claire his wolf had been longing for her, prompting Jake to seek her. But, will Claire accept him after his initial blunder?





Claire is an orphan with literally few friends (if any). Her parents were the only people who had ever shown an ounce of care for her, and their deaths left a huge gap in her life. From the moment she was at the mercy of her hateful brother, she had been longing for her fated mate to finally arrive and rescue her from an otherwise miserable existence, only to find that the only person (aside from her parents) who could ever love her truly also despised her.



Jake is the pack's future Alpha and Claire's supposed fated mate. He appears assured but, in reality, he's clearly confused about his feelings. On the one hand, he acts as if he doesn't care about Claire and even shows visible contempt over the fact that she's his mate. However, in that same breath, his wolf cries out for her almost against Jake's "will," with conflicting feelings and motivations ushering in him as a result.


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Hot Chapters


Chapter 4


Jake can't seem to be able to get Claire out of his mind. In order to try to appease his wolf, he slept with Ashley, but to no avail. His wolf kept whining for his mate as Jake attempted to resolve his inner conflict.


Chapter 6


Claire falls and nearly kills herself. For a moment, she thinks herself dead, but then regains consciousness, surprisingly finding Jake at her side, drowned in guilt.




"The Alpha's Rejected Mate" explores themes often found in popular Werewolf novels, such as bullying and discrimination, as well as the psychological damages that these produce.


Generally, when people in a group get discriminated against it's because they don't share that group's values or don't meet certain criteria. In the case of Claire (the novel's female lead), she lives in the Werewolf realm, wherein athletic qualities are cherished above almost all else, so the fact that she's not exactly the fittest of her pack means she's likely to be universally scorned, even by family members. This situation causes her to entertain suicidal thoughts.


Another major theme in this novel is "forgiveness." Jake (our male lead) feels so ensured at first in his decision to reject Claire that he doesn't even mince words, thinking he could never love someone like her. Later on, he has to grapple with the fact that Claire is exactly the she-wolf he needs in his life, though this realization comes after the harm was already made, meaning he must go through several hardships to convince her to forgive him.


Author Introduction


The author of "The Alpha's Rejected Mate" is a young woman nicknamed valeriadour. We don't know her real name, but we do know she's roughly 22 years old (at least at the time of this writing) and that English is not her first language. She has also stated that she wrote "The Alpha's Rejected Mate" when she was merely thirteen. Other novels penned by valeriadour include "Era of The Lost" and "A Luna's Duty."

Writing Style


Despite the author not being a native English speaker, her writing skills in that language are surprisingly superb. As for the way she tackles the narrative, she mostly focuses on gathering the thoughts of the characters as the events occur, rather than simply relaying these events in a strict chronological order. This makes the action a bit slower-paced but, thankfully, not to an insufferable degree.


Point of View


In "The Alpha's Rejected Mate," valeriadour often shifts perspectives from one lead character to another, granting us a privileged view into their inner thoughts and feelings as the story progresses.


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"The Alpha's Rejected Mate" is a well-written Werewolf story that doesn't stray much from the genre's canons. As usual, we're presented with a misunderstood she-wolf hated by anyone and who happens to be the Alpha's fated mate. Surely you've read this plotline a thousand times, but don't let this apparent "genericity" trick you! (After all, essentially every creation copies from another to a greater or lesser extent.) This novel still has a lot going for it.


For starters, the way the events are conveyed is highly insightful and easy to follow. In addition, the characters have moderately enticing arcs (even if not revolutionary in any way) and, without spoiling anything, let's just say their problems don't magically go away at the end, which is a neat twist to the typical "happily ever after" formula of most literary works of this kind.


Finally, the plot is not overlong or padded, making for a relatively enjoyable reading experience from cover to cover (if anything, the novel is actually fairly short when compared to the standard novel's length.)


In short, if you are a fan of Werewolf stories, you can't go wrong with "The Alpha's Rejected Mate"!


Frequently Asked Questions


Is there a sequel to "The Alpha's Rejected Mate"?

"The Alpha's Rejected Mate" spawned an entire trilogy. The second book is called "A Luna's Duty" and is a direct sequel to the first book.


Is "The Alpha's Rejected Mate" for everyone?

The book is rated 18+, meaning that it's not suitable for people under the age of 18, as it touches upon various adult-oriented topics (though sexual content is severely toned down in comparison to other novels in the genre.)

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