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Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad Review & Hot Chapters: Grace's Odyssey of Love, Betrayal, and Redemption

Creation time: Dec 7 2023Update time: Dec 7 2023285

Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad is a Werewolf novel written by Aurora Starling that tells a story of Grace, the first She-Alpha in werewolf history to face divorce. Shattered by her mate's betrayal, Grace's journey unfolds with intrigue, drama, and passion, taking unexpected turns, especially when she gets close to her ex-husband's dad, the handsome Lycan King Charles.


This captivating novel spans an exciting narrative across 320 chapters, earning a perfect 10 rating and garnering over 68k views on the GoodNovel platform.


Experience a captivating story of werewolf-lycan romance in Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad!


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Grace, once the powerful leader of the Mooncrest pack, faces the consequences, both emotional and financial, of her mate Devin's betrayal, becoming the first divorced She-Alpha in werewolf history. The novel opens with the aftermath of their divorce, an unprecedented event in werewolf history, leaving Grace grappling with the weight of being the first divorced She-Alpha.


As the narrative unfolds, we witness Grace navigating the uncharted waters of singlehood, a tumultuous journey complicated by the looming shadow of her ex-husband. On her 30th birthday, fate takes a surprising turn when she finds herself on the brink of a one-night stand with none other than her ex-husband's father, the charismatic and mysterious Lycan King Charles.


This sets the stage for a dramatic confrontation during a seemingly relaxed lunch with Lycan King Charles, abruptly interrupted by the scornful presence of Devin flaunting his new mate. The ensuing clash exposes the raw emotions and unresolved tensions, leading to a startling revelation from Lycan King Charles-"Son, come meet your mom." This unexpected twist propels Grace into a whirlwind of intrigue, drama, and passion. As readers are drawn deeper into the narrative, the plot unfolds with layers of suspense and unexpected turns. Grace's character evolves as she grapples with the aftermath of her past decisions, navigating the challenges of her newfound single life, and unraveling the mysteries surrounding the enigmatic Lycan King Charles.





Grace, the formidable She-Alpha at the heart of Aurora Starling's novel Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad, stands as a beacon of strength and resilience. Her journey begins with the dissolution of her marriage to Devin, a betrayal that marks her as the first divorced She-Alpha in werewolf history. Grace embodies a captivating blend of determination and vulnerability as she navigates the complexities of a single life and grapples with the unexpected twists of her romantic entanglements. Readers witness her evolution from a leader facing societal scrutiny to an individual forging her path, defying conventions, and redefining the very essence of love and acceptance within the werewolf community.



Devin, the once-devoted mate of Grace, is one of the central figures in the novel, characterized by his hotheaded nature and impulsive decisions. His initial pursuit of Grace painted a picture of love and commitment, but as the plot unfolds, his true colors surface, revealing a character marred by rash actions and insensitivity. Devin becomes the catalyst for the tumultuous events in Grace's life, embodying the consequences of unchecked desires and the impact of betrayal on both personal and societal levels.


Lycan King Charles

Lycan King Charles, the enigmatic and handsome father of Devin, introduces an intriguing dynamic to the storyline. His aura of mystery and authority sets the stage for unexpected twists, especially when he becomes entangled in a potential romance with Grace. Charles exudes steely determination and fury, evident in his retort to Devin during the confrontation at the pivotal lunch. As the Lycan King, he embodies the regal and powerful qualities inherent in his position, creating a magnetic presence that captivates both characters and readers alike.


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Hot Chapters


Chapter 4


In Chapter 4, the narrative takes an intense turn as Grace finds herself entangled in a passionate encounter with Lycan King Charles. However, the fiery moment is abruptly disrupted by a phone call, shattering the illusion of a stolen moment. Grace's disappointment deepens as she discovers that Charles is still bonded to his fated mate, revealing a complex web of deceit and infidelity. Struggling with a surge of fury, Grace conceals her emotions and sends an SOS text to Eason, seeking a way out of the challenging situation.


As Charles juggles a call and undresses, Grace contemplates her vulnerability in the presence of a powerful alpha lycan. The tension heightens as Charles expresses desire and attempts to resume their intimate moment, but Grace's conscience prevails. The unexpected call from Eason becomes her lifeline, pulling her back to the real world.


The plot thickens as Eason informs Grace about her youngest Wolfe's health crisis, prompting her to prioritize her family over the passionate liaison. Charles surprisingly offers his assistance, suggesting a ride home and displaying an unexpected kindness. As the chapter concludes, Grace grapples with conflicting emotions, acknowledging Charles' unexpected benevolence even as she navigates the complexities of her responsibilities as a mother.


Chapter 320


Chapter 320 unfolds from Grace's perspective, immersing readers in a night of passion with Lycan King Charles. Initially, the scene is set for a tender and intimate encounter, but the narrative takes a turn towards the more primal when Charles reveals his animalistic desires. Grace, unexpectedly, finds herself entwined in a more unconventional and carnal scenario, with Charles taking control and binding her. Surprisingly, instead of resistance, Grace embraces the perverse nature of the encounter, discovering a newfound pleasure in the intensity of their connection.


As the night progresses, Charles expresses his undying love and the desire to spend every waking moment in Mooncrest engaging in passionate encounters, thus creating a new layer of emotional intensity. The chapter, while exploring the raw and uninhibited aspects of their connection, introduces a dynamic shift in their relationship, leaving readers intrigued by the evolving dynamics between Grace and Lycan King Charles.




Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad delves into multifaceted themes, weaving an intricate tapestry of emotions, morality, and societal norms within the werewolf and lycan community. The theme of fidelity takes center stage as the plot unravels, exposing the nuances of trust and commitment within the werewolf and lycan world. The narrative prompts readers to reflect on whether such betrayals are inherent in the nature of lycans or if they are, like humans, susceptible to the complexities of emotions and desires.


The novel also subtly explores societal expectations and judgments within the werewolf community, especially regarding the unconventional choices made by Grace. As the first divorced She-Alpha, she becomes a symbol of breaking away from tradition, challenging norms, and redefining what it means to be a strong, independent werewolf woman.


Author Introduction


Aurora Starling, the creative mind behind this werewolf romance, is already a well-known name among romance novel aficionados. Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad is her fourth novel and has all the recognizable characteristics of her unique style. In this novel, she once again showcases a talent for weaving intricate plots and developing complex characters. The narrative in her novel typically unfolds in the first person, offering readers an intimate look into the hero's thoughts and emotions, as well as the point of view of other characters. Starling's writing style is engaging, with a perfect blend of suspense, romance, and supernatural elements.


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Final Thoughts


Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad by Aurora Starling is a werewolf romance masterpiece that delivers on its promise of intrigue, drama, and passion. With its well-crafted plot and compelling characters, this novel is a must-read for fans of the genre. Don't miss the opportunity to immerse yourself in the captivating world Aurora Starling has created. Download your copy and experience the thrilling saga of love, betrayal, and redemption.




Q: What sets Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad apart from other werewolf romance novels?

A: This novel stands out with its unique blend of romance, betrayal, and societal exploration within the werewolf and lycan community. The narrative delves into uncharted territory, challenging stereotypes and offering a fresh perspective on love and acceptance.


Q: Is the novel solely focused on romance, or does it explore other themes?

A: While romance is a significant aspect, the novel goes beyond traditional werewolf romance tropes. It delves into themes of fidelity, family, societal expectations, and the empowerment of the individual, offering a multifaceted and immersive reading experience


Q: Where can I read Mated to My Ex's Lycan King Dad?

A: The novel is available on the GoodNovel platform, both on the app and website. 

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