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Love's U-Turn From a Mistake Drama Review: Meredith's Lessons on Forgiveness and Fighting for True Love

Creation time: Aug 18 2023Update time: Nov 22 2023879

Love's U-Turn, From a Mistake on the GoodShort platform, is an emotional romance drama about Madeline Crawford, who fell in love with a boy she saved ten years ago. The boy, Jeremy Whitman, is now all grown up but is seeing her sister, Meredith Crawford, instead. At a party, Madeline sees Jeremy and Meredith together. She feels a sense of sadness and longing. Meredith drugs Jeremy's drink to get him to sleep with her that night. But Jeremy mistakenly goes to Madeline's room instead and shares a passion with her. After gaining his senses the next day, he rushes out of her room in shock. He gets caught on camera and forced to marry her. Can Jeremy remember her and embrace their relationship? Or will he choose to stick to the woman he thinks he loves?


Love's U-Turn, From a Mistake romance playlet collection, has 52 episodes and has 23.8K views, 21K likes, and 7.9 avid followers on the GoodShort platform. It is accessible via a website or app.


Romance lovers will love the plot twist of Madeline, Jeremy, and Meredith's love triangle in Love's U-Turn, From a Mistake, and in the end, whose love will remain supreme?



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Love's U-Turn From a Mistake tackles significant requirements in relationships. It talks about love and forgiveness to get a second chance at happiness. Madeline is genuinely in love with Jeremy and willingly gives herself to him. However, he rejects her harshly and even calls her vile names like "whore" and "gold digger." He even files for divorce and openly ridicules her with Meredith. For self-preservation, Madeline separates herself. Despite loving Jeremy, she needs to love herself first.


Jeremy's reason for choosing Meredith is that he thinks she saved him ten years ago. That situation at the lake prevented him from opening his heart to someone else. However, he is clueless that he has mistaken his savior's identity. How he redeems himself and asks for forgiveness is monumental to the plot. Because he chooses to let go of his pride and win back the love of his life? Or stick to his ego and continue living a lie?


Main Characters


Madeline Crawford

Madeline Crawford is the heroine of the story. The Crawford family adopted her at a young age. Unfortunately, her stepsister, Meredith, hates her. Her world turns upside down when she sees a drowning boy at the lake ten years ago. She bravely jumps into the water and saves him. As the boy regains his senses, he asks for her name. That is when Madeline made one of the biggest mistakes of her life.


Time flies by, and she meets that boy who is now grown up. He is dating her stepsister, Meredith. She tries to ignore them, but fate pulls a cruel joke on her. Now, Madeline has to face the consequences of her actions in the most miserable way possible. In the process, she questions herself, is Jeremy Whitman worth all the trouble?


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Jeremy Whitman

Jeremy Whitman is handsome and rich. He is what every woman dreams about. Ever since his second chance at life ten years ago, Jeremy fell in love at first sight with the girl who saved his life. But, due to the blurry vision, all he could remember was hearing her voice and the feel of her soft hands. Jeremy awakens, but his savior runs away. He uses his sense of hearing to recall who she is. Unfortunately, he made a big mistake in taking note of her identity.


Growing up, Jeremy searched for a girl named Meredith Crawford. It was a common name, but the memory of the lake kept him going. Finally, he finds a woman who seems to remember that incident and matches the identity he is looking for. However, he is clueless that even if the criteria are correct, he is still wrong. Is it possible to turn around his mistake, or will it haunt him forever?



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Madeline Crawford saves a drowning boy. She instantly feels love for him. He introduces himself as Jeremy. She could not stay with him for long. She left him with a cryptic reply that she was Miss Crawford. The boy hears a voice calling for Meredith and assumes her name. Jeremy promises himself that his future wife will be Meredith Crawford.


After ten years, Jeremy finds Meredith Crawford, the stepsister of Madeline. After a party, instead of spending the night with Meredith, he wakes up on Madeline's bed. He accuses her of tricking him and refuses to be with her. Madeline gives up and tries to move on with her life. But what happens when, piece by piece, things get clearer? Is it possible to start again, despite the scars of heartbreak and rejection?



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Popular Episode: Love's U-Turn, From a Mistake Episode 2


Latest Episode: Love's U-Turn, From a Mistake Episode 52


All Episodes of Love's U-Turn From a Mistake




Love's U-Turn From a Mistake is a moving tale of love, rejection, deceit, and forgiveness. The elements are well executed. Viewers can empathize with the characters on the show. Each episode will keep you guessing and wanting more. Madeline and Jeremy's story starts like a fairytale, midway turns to a nightmare, but hopefully, there is a happily ever after for them.


You will find yourself rooting for the main couple to realize their feelings. Fans will wish they end up together in the final episode of In Love's U-Turn From a Mistake.




Q: Where can I watch Love's U-Turn From a Mistake?

A: It is available via GoodShort platforms.


Q. What is Love's U-Turn From a Mistake all about?

A: It is about Madeline trying to win the heart of the man she loves the most. It also shows Jeremy's pursuit of finding the woman he loves.


Q: How long does each Love's U-Turn From a Mistake episode take?

A: It is a series of short videos. The range of playtime is from 1 minute and thirty seconds up to two minutes and a half.

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