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His Promise: The Mafia's Babies Book Review: A Story Full of Dangerous Emotions and a Fiery Romance

Creation time: Jul 11 2023Update time: Jan 8 2024506

His Promise: The Mafia's Babies by Chay Tamika is a Mafia romance novel, which follows the life of Serena, who never imagined her life would change completely after one night of passion with her boss, the handsome and powerful Christian, the mafia heir. Now, she is pregnant with twins and has to face the dangers and secrets surrounding the man she loves. Christian promises to protect her and her children, but will he be able to keep his promise?


This novel has 248 chapters and is finished. Her story has been rated 9.7 stars on GoodNovel. The book has received many positive reviews from readers who praise the author's writing style, plot development, character development and emotional depth.


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Author Introduction

Chay Tamika is an author who writes romance and mafia novels, full of emotion, intrigue and passion. Her best known work, Her Promise: The Mafia Babies, tells the story of Serena and Christian, two people who become involved in a complicated and dangerous relationship after a night of passion that leads to an unexpected pregnancy. Chay Tamika manages to capture the readers' attention and make them feel part of the story.


Main Theme

The main theme of the book is love in the midst of the mafia. Serena and Christian fall in love despite their differences and the obstacles that stand in their way. They have to deal with the betrayal, danger, secrets and lies that surround the mob world, and at the same time, take care of their twin sons. The book explores how love can be stronger than fear, how trust can be restored after disappointment, and how hope can emerge in the midst of darkness. The book also shows how the past can affect the present, and how decisions can have unpredictable consequences. It is a story of love, but also of survival, loyalty, family, and a destiny that seems impossible to reach.





Serena is the main protagonist of this intrepid and exciting story, she is a young journalist who works as a stripper to pay her debts, although she doesn't want to go to that dark place where she must fulfill desires and fetishes, she is forced to do it. She is someone intelligent, brave and kind. She does not know her biological parents, and has lived in several foster homes, and so she dreams of having a better life, and falls in love with Christian, not knowing that he is the heir of the mafia.



Christian is an attractive, powerful, arrogant and reckless man. He is the leader of the Lamberti family, one of the most influential and dangerous in the mafia. He has a strong, dominant and possessive character, but he also has a tender, protective and loyal side. He is attracted to Serena, and proposes a fake marriage to protect her and her children from the dangers in which his work involves him.



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Serena and Christian meet at a strip club, where she works and he is a customer. They have a night of passion, which results in an unexpected pregnancy. Serena decides to quit her job and walk away from Christian, without telling him that she is pregnant. Christian searches for her and finds her, and proposes a fake marriage to protect her and her children from the enemies of the mob. Serena reluctantly accepts, and moves into the Lamberti mansion, where she has to adapt to the life of luxury and danger they lead.


There she meets Christian's family, who have their own secrets and problems. Serena and Christian have to pretend to be a happy couple, but soon they begin to develop real feelings that embroil them in an intense romance. However, their love is threatened by lies, betrayals, jealousy and attacks from mob rivals. In addition, Serena discovers that her biological parents are connected to the mafia world, and that her past hides a truth that can change everything.


Hot Chapters


Chapter 13

Serena, frightened by her pregnancy and the world in which Christian lives, so she decides to close the doors of her heart and get away from everything forever, in addition, to hide her pregnancy from the world. Christian, obsessed with Serena and the idea of having a family, looks for her and finds her, and proposes a fake marriage to protect her and her children from the enemies of the mafia, who want to harm them. Serena reluctantly accepts, not knowing what awaits her.


Chapter 90

Serena discovers that her biological parents are connected to the world of the Mafia, and that her past hides a truth that can change the course of everything. She turns out to be the long-lost daughter of Don Castillo, the sworn enemy of the Lamberti's and this is how she discovers that Christian knew her identity from the beginning, and that he used her to get closer to her father. She feels betrayed and deceived and decides to escape from him for good. Christian realizes that he has made a mistake by lying to Serena, and decides to go after her to win her back. He confesses to her that he loves her more than anything in the world, and that he is willing to give up everything for her. So he makes her a promise: to protect her and her children to the end.


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Writing Style

The author's writing style is fluid, natural and vivid. She uses a first-person point of view for the development of the novel. In this way, the reader can get to know the thoughts, feelings and emotions of the protagonists, and better understand their motivations and actions. It also creates a greater closeness and identification with the characters, and greater intensity and drama in the scenes.



His Promise: The Mafias Babies is a mafia romance novel that tells the story of Serena and Christian, two people who become involved in a complicated and dangerous relationship after a night of passion that leads to an unexpected pregnancy. Serena, a former stripper who dreams of becoming a choreographer, has to adapt to life in the Lamberti family, one of the most powerful and feared in the mafia. Christian, the mafia heir, has to protect his family and his beloved from enemies who want to harm them, however, their love is in danger and they must take action. A fearless and romantic novel, that will make you sigh and keep you hooked from beginning to end, what are you waiting for? The show has only just begun...



Q: Is there a sequel or spin-off to the book?

A: Yes, there is a sequel called Our Promise: Vincenzo Garcia, which tells the story of Vincenzo, Christian's brother, and his relationship with Mia, a former police officer.


Q: Where can I read the book?

A: You can read this complete book which is available on the GoodNovel app or website.


Q: What genre is the book?

A: The book is a romance and mafia. It has scenes of action, suspense, drama and eroticism. The book is intended for an adult audience, and contains explicit language and sensitive situations.

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