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Bullied by the Badboy - A Comprehensive Review

Creation time: Apr 6 2023Update time: Nov 22 2023309

With a high rating of 9.6, Bullied by the Badboy is no question one of the hottest teen fiction novels to read this year. It has a total of 143 chapters and has already been completed. It is written by Maramartha and has gained 124.9K views and counting.


Bullied by the Badboy tells the story of Tessa, a diligent student with a bucket list of tasks to complete before graduating high school. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when she comes face to face with Benjamin, the school's bad boy. Despite his troublesome reputation, Tessa is drawn to him, and as their paths continue to cross, a tumultuous relationship begins to develop. Will their relationship have a happy ending?


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Author Introductions


Bullied by the Badboy is written by Maramartha. She is well known for writing romance novels and creating flawed yet relatable characters. Her stories feature heart-wrenching moments and passionate love. Despite the roller coaster of emotions, Maramartha's stories end with justified and satisfying endings.


As of the time of this writing, her stories garnered over 2 million views on various online reading apps and websites. For a closer look into this author's writings, you may follow her on Instagram: @maramartha.author.


Bullied by the Badboy Novel Key Factors


Bullied by the Badboy has a lot of interesting qualities that will captivate your attention and emotions. To help you have a deeper understanding of this novel. we have analyzed its key factors and provided all the essential information below.




The themes of this novel include redemption, healing, forgiveness, and transformation. It also highlights how past experiences and personal struggles can affect behavior and attitude Furthermore, it explores the themes of self-discovery and social expectations.



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The main characters in the novel are Tessa and Benjamin. Below we provide the descriptions for these two characters.


1. Tessa


Tessa is a diligent student who is determined to complete her bucket list before graduating high school. She is initially intimidated by Benjamin's bad-boy persona but is eventually drawn to him.


2. Benjamin


Benjamin is known for being the school's notorious bad boy. He has a muscular body, piercing blue eyes, and a huge ego. As the story develops, readers discover that Benjamin has a troubled past and a bad reputation for being a bully. At the beginning of the story, he was hostile toward Tessa but eventually opens up to her.

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Point of View


The novel is written in the first-person point of view. The story is narrated by the main character Tessa and gives the readers a subjective view of the situation.


The author made a good decision to write from this point of view as she was able to provide an intimate perspective of the character's life. This allows the readers to connect with Tessa's feelings and imagine her thoughts and experiences better.




Tessa is the ultimate model student. She excels in academics, and she never missed any classes. As she takes her final year of high school, she aims to complete every task on a bucket list. However, her plans take an unexpected turn when she crosses paths with Benjamin, the school's bad boy.


Without anyone's knowledge, Tessa participates in underground boxing fights, and one day, she unexpectedly faces Benjamin in the ring. Benjamin's behavior towards Tessa is often harsh, but as the story progresses from this point, the two become closer and Benjamin slowly reveals his inner struggles to Tessa. The budding romance between the two has been difficult for Tessa and her bucket list has also added more pressure on her.


As the story reaches its climax, Tessa and Benjamin confront their pasts and issues. They constantly face instances when they must decide if their love is worth fighting for or not.


Most Notable Dialogue


The author writes effective dialogues that stir emotions; however, these are the ones that left a lasting impression.


"I'm not what you think I am, Tessa. I'm not a hero. I'm not a good guy. I'm the villain of my own story." - Benjamin


This line reveals the vulnerable side of Benjamin that may not be immediately apparent because of his tough and masculine character. It marks a turning point where he begins to open up and share his struggles with others.


"He's like a wildfire, dangerous, and destructive, but so captivating that I can't look away." - Tessa


This is one of the touching lines of Tessa. In this part, we can see how she is starting to see Benjamin in a different light. Through her words, it is evident that she is beginning to have a deeper understanding of Benjamin and see beyond his tough character.


Writing Style


The author's writing style is descriptive and narrative. This effectively draws the reader into the character's thoughts and feelings. Upon reading the chapters, we can say that the dialogues are realistic and relatable. They also have a mix of humor, wit, and emotion Overall, we can say that the writing is very engaging.


Final Part


At the end of the final bonus season, readers are left with an intense scene of Tessa going into labor with Benjamin's child. It is an important moment that marks a significant milestone in their relationship and serves as a strong reminder of their amazing growth as a couple.




Bullied by the Badboy is a captivating and relatable story of high school romance. Benjamin and Tessa are two of the most memorable characters in the web novel world and they will stay as an inspiration for many readers. Ultimately, this novel is a compelling narrative that can keep any reader's attention from the first to the last pages.


If you are a fan of young adult romance novels that are heartwarming and filled with emotions, then Bullied by the Badboy is no doubt a must-read. With its relatable characters, engaging plot, and touching themes, this novel is sure to leave a lasting impact on its readers. Pick up a copy of this book today and join Tessa and Benjamin on their beautiful journey.




Q: Where Can I Download Bullied by the Bad Boy PDF?

A: Bullied by the Badboy PDF is available on different online reading platforms like goodnovel.com. This novel is also available to read on the Good Novel app.


Q: Is Bullied by the Bad Boy a Good Book?

A: The short answer is yes. Bullied by the Badboy is a great book to read especially for those who like teen or young adult fiction. It is relatable, original, and will definitely take you on a roller coaster of emotion. 

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