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Unveiling the Intriguing World of Ace: A Captivating Mafia Romance Novel Review

Waktu penciptaan: Mei 11 2023Perbarui waktu: Mei 17 2023471



"Ace" is a captivating mafia romance novel penned by author DailyDolan. Set in a world filled with danger, intrigue, and forbidden love, the story follows the complex relationship between Sofia and Ace, two individuals caught in the midst of a turbulent underworld.


Sofia, a strong-willed and independent woman, finds herself drawn to the enigmatic and alluring Ace, a powerful figure within the mafia. As their paths intertwine, a deep connection forms, leading to a passionate and tumultuous love affair. However, their romance is not without its challenges.


Amidst the backdrop of the mafia world, where loyalties are tested and alliances are fragile, Sofia must navigate the dangerous dynamics and dark secrets that surround Ace. As their bond deepens, Sofia becomes entangled in a web of violence and deceit, forcing her to confront her own vulnerabilities and question where her loyalty truly lies.

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With each chapter, DailyDolan weaves a tale of passion, betrayal, and redemption, keeping readers on the edge of their seats. As the characters grapple with their desires and the consequences of their actions, the story delves into themes of love, trust, and the blurred lines between right and wrong.


Full of unexpected twists and turns, "Ace" takes readers on an exhilarating journey through a world of power, desire, and the ultimate quest for love and redemption. This gripping novel explores the depths of human emotions and the complexities of relationships, leaving readers eager to uncover the next chapter in Sofia and Ace's compelling story.

  • Genre: Mafia Romance
  • Total Chapters: 100
  • Author: DailyDolan
  • Status: Completed


Dive into the world of organized crime and forbidden love with "Ace" by DailyDolan. This captivating novel takes readers on a thrilling journey through the intense and complex romance between Sofia and Ace, set against a backdrop of danger and loyalty. With 100 chapters and a completed status, "Ace" delivers an immersive experience that will keep you hooked from start to finish. Prepare to be captivated by the gripping narrative and unforgettable characters in this Mafia romance.

Author Introduction


DailyDolan, a talented and imaginative writer, is the creative mind behind the captivating novel "Ace." With a deep passion for storytelling, DailyDolan has crafted a compelling narrative that seamlessly blends elements of romance and the intense world of the mafia.


Known for their ability to create vivid characters and intricate relationships, DailyDolan invites readers on a thrilling journey through a world filled with love, danger, and unexpected twists. Through their masterful storytelling and attention to detail, DailyDolan brings the pages of "Ace" to life, captivating readers from the very first chapter.


As an author, DailyDolan has established a reputation for delivering gripping narratives that keep readers on the edge of their seats. With "Ace," they have expertly woven together themes of love, trust, and loyalty amidst the backdrop of the mafia world. Their unique perspective and imaginative storytelling transport readers to a realm where passion and danger collide.


Plot Summary


"Ace" follows the story of Sofia, a young woman who becomes entangled in the dangerous world of the Mafia after forming a close relationship with Ace, the enigmatic and powerful Mafia King.


The story begins with Sofia waking up after a restful night's sleep, reflecting on her fears of Ace being attracted to someone else. She joins Ace in the kitchen, where he surprises her by cooking breakfast for her and her friends. As they share a meal, Sofia and Ace engage in playful banter and intimate moments, revealing their deep connection.

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However, the tranquility is shattered when Ace's ex-lover, Kate, arrives uninvited, causing tension and confrontation. Sofia, always protective of Ace, stands up for him, even as the situation escalates. In the heat of the moment, Ace brandishes a gun but ultimately refrains from using it.


Amidst the chaos, Sofia takes the girls to another room to watch movies, trying to restore a sense of normalcy. But Sofia's jealousy flares when the girls discuss Ace's attractiveness, prompting her to assert her position as his partner. Despite her insecurities, Ace reassures Sofia of his commitment to her.


The narrative delves deeper into Ace's personal struggles, particularly his grief over the loss of his mother and his complicated relationship with his father. Sofia offers him comfort and support, understanding the pain he carries. Their bond grows stronger as they navigate the challenges and dangers of the Mafia world together.

As the story progresses, Sofia accompanies Ace to his workplace, witnessing the ruthlessness and power dynamics within the Mafia. She learns about Ace's responsibilities and witnesses his skill and authority. Despite her initial apprehension, Sofia realizes that Ace's position as the Mafia King comes with immense pressure and scrutiny.


The plot intensifies when Ace engages in a high-stakes sparring match. Sofia, concerned for his well-being, watches nervously, aware of the potential dangers. As the fight unfolds, Sofia's fear escalates, and she is overwhelmed by memories of her abusive past.


This traumatic experience leads to a heated confrontation between Sofia and Ace, as their emotions clash. Sofia becomes afraid of Ace, seeing shades of her abusive father in his anger. The turmoil strains their relationship, and Sofia contemplates leaving.


In the midst of this turmoil, Sofia seeks solace and calls Terry, Ace's loyal bodyguard, to arrange a way home. She finds herself grappling with her feelings for Ace, torn between her love for him and her need for self-preservation.


Analysis of Characters


  1. Sofia: Sofia is the protagonist of the story and serves as the audience's entry point into the world of the Mafia. She is portrayed as strong-willed, fiercely protective of Ace, and compassionate. Sofia's past experiences with abuse and trauma shape her character, making her empathetic towards Ace's pain and determined to support him. Throughout the story, Sofia grapples with her own insecurities and fears, but she ultimately shows resilience and a willingness to confront her emotions.
  2. Ace: Ace is the enigmatic and powerful Mafia King. He is depicted as complex, with a hardened exterior yet vulnerable and deeply scarred on the inside. Ace's role in the Mafia forces him to make tough decisions and maintain a tough persona. However, his relationship with Sofia reveals his softer side and his capacity for love and tenderness. Despite his flaws and the weight of his responsibilities, Ace displays a strong sense of loyalty and protectiveness towards Sofia.

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  1. Cara, Scarlett, Riley, and Kate: These characters serve as Sofia's friends and play a supportive role throughout the story. Cara is portrayed as a loyal and caring friend, while Scarlett brings humor and liveliness to the group. Riley represents innocence and naivety, often providing comic relief. Kate, on the other hand, becomes a source of conflict as Ace's ex-lover, stirring jealousy and tension in the relationship between Sofia and Ace.
  2. Dante: Dante is portrayed as Ace's friend and confidant, carrying his own burdens and scars. He serves as a source of guidance and advice for Sofia, offering insights into Ace's behavior and emotions. Dante's complex relationship with Sofia evolves from initial indifference to a deeper connection based on shared experiences and understanding.
  3. Ice: Ice is a member of Ace's inner circle, known for his lack of emotions and ruthlessness. However, it is revealed that behind his cold exterior, Ice harbors his own emotional struggles and has been hurt by past relationships. Ice's loyalty to Ace is unwavering, although his actions occasionally lead to tension within the group.


The characters in "Ace" are multifaceted, each bringing their own strengths, vulnerabilities, and conflicts to the story. Through their interactions and personal journeys, they explore themes of love, loyalty, trauma, and the complexities of navigating a dangerous world. The character dynamics and growth contribute to the narrative's tension and emotional depth.




  • Love and Loyalty: Love and loyalty are central themes in "Ace." The story explores the depth of love between Sofia and Ace, showcasing their unwavering commitment to one another despite the challenges they face. Their love is tested by external forces, such as Ace's past and the presence of other characters who threaten their relationship. The theme of loyalty is also prominent among the characters, with friendships and alliances tested and solidified throughout the narrative.

  • Trauma and Healing: The theme of trauma and healing is interwoven throughout the story, particularly in Ace's character. Both Sofia and Ace have experienced past traumas that continue to impact their lives. Ace's painful past, including the loss of his mother and the abandonment by his father, contributes to his guarded nature and emotional struggles. The narrative explores the journey of healing as Sofia and Ace navigate their traumas together and find solace and support in one another.


  • Power and Responsibility: The theme of power and responsibility is depicted through Ace's position as the Mafia King. The story delves into the complexities of power dynamics within the Mafia world and the burdens that come with leadership. Ace grapples with the weight of his responsibilities and the moral dilemmas he faces. The theme highlights the choices and sacrifices individuals must make when they possess power and the impact of those decisions on themselves and those around them.


  • Identity and Self-Discovery: Identity and self-discovery are explored through Sofia's character. Throughout the story, Sofia undergoes a process of self-exploration and growth, gradually understanding her own strengths, desires, and boundaries. Her relationship with Ace and her experiences within the Mafia world help shape her identity, as she learns to navigate her own emotions and assert her independence.




  • Knives: Knives symbolize danger, power, and the violent nature of the Mafia world. They are often used as weapons and represent the constant threat of harm and the potential for betrayal within the narrative.


  • Darkness and Light: The contrast between darkness and light is used symbolically throughout the story. Darkness represents the dangerous and secretive aspects of the Mafia world, while light represents hope, love, and emotional healing.


  • Ace's Tattoos: Ace's tattoos, such as the skull on his neck, symbolizing his affiliation with the Mafia and his tough exterior. They also serve as a reminder of his past and the pain he carries.


  • Food: Food symbolizes comfort, care, and nurturing within the story. The act of preparing meals and sharing food represents the bond and intimacy between characters, particularly Sofia and Ace.


Themes and symbolism in "Ace" add depth and complexity to the narrative, exploring the emotional, psychological, and moral dimensions of the characters' experiences and relationships. They enhance the storytelling, allowing for a deeper exploration of the human condition and the challenges faced in a dangerous and complex world.


Hot Dialogues


  • "My mouth was full with something else the other day and you didn't mind." - Sofia playfully teasing Ace, showing their flirtatious banter and comfortable intimacy.
  • "Is your dad gone for good?" - Sofia, cautiously asking Ace about his father's absence, touching upon a sensitive topic in their relationship.
  • "I want to kill him." - Ace expressing his anger and desire for revenge towards his father, highlighting his deep emotions and internal struggles.
  • "You're the coolest... and the prettiest." - Sofia playfully demanding compliments from Ace, showcasing their lighthearted and playful interactions.
  • "Smoking is bad for you." - Sofia teasing Ace about his smoking habit, highlighting their ability to challenge and joke with each other.
  • "Put the gun down." - Sofia bravely confronting Ace in a tense moment, displaying her strength and determination to diffuse a dangerous situation.
  • "You're fiancé won't make us breakfast so I made some cereal." - Riley highlighting the contrast between Ace's actions and her expectations, creating a humorous moment and showcasing the dynamics between the characters.
  • "You're the best." - Scarlett expressing her appreciation for Ace's cooking, emphasizing the allure and admiration that other characters have for him.
  • "He's loved three girls already, they all broke his stone cold heart, he's not cold, he's soft." - Ace revealing a deeper side to his character and dispelling the perception that others have of him, showing vulnerability and complexity.
  • "Don't worry about me." - Ace, assuring Sofia of his strength and resilience, demonstrating his determination to protect her and handle dangerous situations.


These hot dialogues highlight the intense emotions, playful banter, and underlying tensions between the characters in "Ace," adding depth and complexity to their relationships and the overall storyline.


Writing Style


The writing style in "Ace" is characterized by its descriptive and immersive nature, effectively drawing readers into the world of the characters and their experiences. The author employs vivid and detailed descriptions to create a rich visual and sensory experience for the readers, allowing them to vividly imagine the settings, characters, and events of the story.


The narrative is predominantly written in the first-person perspective, with Sofia serving as the primary narrator. This perspective offers readers a direct insight into Sofia's thoughts, emotions, and perceptions, providing a personal and intimate connection to the story. The use of first-person narration also allows for a deeper exploration of Sofia's growth, inner conflicts, and evolving relationship with Ace.


Dialogue plays a significant role in the storytelling, contributing to the development of characters and their relationships. The dialogue is natural and realistic, reflecting the personalities and emotions of the characters. It effectively conveys their dynamics, whether it's playful banter between Sofia and Ace or tense exchanges during moments of conflict.


The pacing of the story varies, with moments of intensity and action interspersed with quieter, introspective scenes. The author adeptly balances the emotional and action-oriented aspects of the plot, creating a dynamic and engaging narrative flow.


The writing style in "Ace" also incorporates elements of romance, suspense, and occasional humor. It explores themes of love, loyalty, trauma, and power, weaving these elements into the plot and character development. The author skillfully builds tension and suspense, particularly during confrontations and high-stakes moments, keeping readers engaged and eager to discover what happens next.


Overall, the writing style in "Ace" combines descriptive prose, intimate first-person narration, well-crafted dialogue, and balanced pacing to deliver an immersive and emotionally charged reading experience. It effectively captures the complexities of the characters and their world, while engaging readers with its engaging and evocative storytelling.


Final Verdict


In conclusion, "Ace" by DailyDolan is a must-read for fans of the mafia romance genre. With its intriguing plot, well-developed characters, and intense emotional moments, this novel delivers a captivating experience that will leave readers breathless. The author's writing style is engaging, immersing readers in the dangerous and passionate world of Sofia and Ace.


With 100 chapters and a completed status, "Ace" offers a satisfying and complete story that will keep you turning the pages late into the night. The seamless blend of romance, suspense, and the complexities of the mafia world creates a riveting narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat.


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If you're looking for a thrilling and addictive read, "Ace" is the perfect choice. Don't miss out on this gripping tale of forbidden love, loyalty, and the enduring power of the human heart. Take the plunge into the world of "Ace" and discover why readers around the world have fallen in love with this captivating novel.


So, why wait? Pick up a copy of "Ace" today and let yourself be swept away by the passionate and dangerous journey of Sofia and Ace. Prepare for an unforgettable reading experience that will leave you craving for more.




Q: What is the storyline of "Ace"?

A: "Ace" is a gripping mafia romance novel that follows the complex and forbidden love between the protagonist, Sofia, and the enigmatic character named Ace. The story delves into their relationship, the challenges they face, and the dangerous world of the mafia that surrounds them.


Q: Who is the author of "Ace"?

A: The author of "Ace" is DailyDolan.


Q: How many chapters does "Ace" have?

A: "Ace" consists of 100 captivating chapters.


Q: Is "Ace" a completed novel?

A: Yes, "Ace" is a completed novel, allowing readers to experience the full journey of Sofia and Ace's story.


Q: What genre does "Ace" belong to?

A: "Ace" falls into the genre of mafia romance, combining elements of suspense, romance, and the thrilling world of organized crime.


Q: Is "Ace" suitable for readers who enjoy intense and passionate love stories?

A: Absolutely! "Ace" offers a captivating and intense love story set against the backdrop of the mafia, making it a compelling choice for readers who enjoy thrilling romances with a touch of danger.


Q: Does "Ace" explore themes of trust, loyalty, and sacrifice?

A: Yes, "Ace" delves into themes of trust, loyalty, and sacrifice, as the characters navigate the challenges and complexities of their relationships while dealing with the dangerous realities of the mafia world.


Q: Can "Ace" be recommended to fans of mafia romance novels?

A: Absolutely! Fans of mafia romance will find "Ace" to be an enthralling read, filled with suspense, emotional depth, and a captivating love story that will keep them turning the pages.

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