Semua Bab Waiting For Love: Bab 1 - Bab 10
10 Bab
Chapter 1
"I'll never be able to love again, mom." I cried.Harvey was my world. Ever since the first day we met as silly 9 year olds, he was my best friend and someone who I thought was my soulmate. After being together for 8 years, it ended when I moved away for school, and only then did I find out how much of a fool I was."You might be able to pick up where you left off, sweetheart," mom pleaded, trying to make me feel better. I was finally spending a weekend with my parents, they shouldn't have to console me"I can't. He cheated on me, mom. He cheated on me with someone who I thought was my friend for the last 2 damn years we were together and I'm only just finding out now! How can you do that to someone you love? How do you trust someone again after they do that to you?" I continued to cry. It truly felt like my life was fading, my world was crashing down.Mom shook her head and held my hands. "June bug, everything will be okay. Just know that I love you and will support you no matter wha
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Chapter 2
- Zach’s POV ~ 4 Years prior -For years, I have been helping my mom with bills. As a kid, trying to find work was difficult, however I had friends who knew what strings to pull.I got into fishing, was put on a boat and tested for my strength. Ever since I was 13, this is all I have known. It was easy to get into, it gave good money to help my mom get out of debt, but it’s like it keeps on coming.I heard a lot about my dad and how he was a millionaire, if not billionaire, and owned his own oil drilling business. My parents had a one night stand, but my mom never bothered to tell him about me, she didn’t want to ruin his life. For 21 years, I lived without a father, never even knew his name. I had to teach myself most things a dad teaches his child. It was hard, of course, but my mom never forgot to tell me how proud she was of me. She was my idol, my hero, and I did everything in my power to make her proud.I remember my mom telling me that she tried to reconnect with him, but she n
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Chapter 3
- June’s POV ~ Present Day -Friday was quick to close in and I packed my stuff into my car.As I started my 4 and a half hour drive, I put on some of my favorite music and was sure to grab a coffee and sandwich from the local cafe. Since Terri was working, I was going to hang out with Zach for a bit, so I let him know that I was on my way to Pleasant View, and he replied with kissy faces.I’m not sure why it seemed like he was so attracted to me, I was never attractive. I’m a bigger girl and my face isn’t very pretty, but I’m funny and my personality is the only thing I have going for me. I was always known as the funniest one out of the friend group and I liked to hold that high.When I got closer, I gave Zach a call and he answered on the first ring. “Hey beautiful, are you close?” He laughed and followed it with “if not, you will be when I get my way with you” under his breath.I didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that I heard what he muttered, so I brushed it off. “Hey! I’m just
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Chapter 4
After a long conversation about Harvey and Trash-lyn, my phone went off with a text that came through.“Hey, I picked up some Chinese. Did you want to come over for supper?”God, it’s been so long since I’ve had Chinese food. “Of course! I’ll be there in just a minute” I messaged back.Terri looked over my shoulder and smiled at me. “Ya know, he hasn’t committed to a girl in a long time. He’s really smitten with you.”I smacked her arm and rolled my eyes at her. “Honestly, Terri, I doubt it.” I sighed. “Since everything that happened with Harvey, I don’t even want to think about a relationship. I’m sure he’s a sweet guy, but I just don’t think I can trust anyone.”Terri wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear, “Maybe he’s worth it.” She kissed my cheek and pulled back, giving me a warm smile. “I love you, and you deserve the world.”I hugged her back and told her I was going to Zach’s for supper. She giggled and shooed me away, so I began my walk back to Zach’s home, admiri
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Chapter 5
As soon as I nodded my head, my lips were on his. It was a passionate kiss, it felt like he actually wanted to kiss me and he was doing it with pure love. My stomach started to gather butterflies and he pushed into the kiss more. I bit onto his lower lip and tugged which resulted in him moaning into my mouth. Heat pooled between my legs and I slowly started to sway my hips, feeling his length beneath me. Zach reached up and went under my shirt to touch my skin. I groaned against the feeling of his fingertips and he pulled me in closer. “Can I take your shirt off?” He pulled back to ask. I nodded and he looked in my eyes. “Are you sure?” “Yes, Zach. Please, take it off.” I breathed. He slowly tugged on my shirt until it came up over my head. He looked at my body and licked his lips. “You are so beautiful, June.” With those words, he started to kiss my skin. He stopped at my bra and slowly unclipped it, revealing my breasts. He ran his thumbs over my nipples and continued to kiss
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Chapter 6
The morning was quick to come and I honestly had never had such a great sleep before. When I opened my eyes, the sun was shining through the curtains and I got a good look of his big room.He had a dark wood dresser to match his side table and bed frame. I was surprised to see how clean his room was, you could almost see the reflection off his floor. The more I looked around, the more I learned how kinky this man truly was.In the bed frame, he had hooks screwed in specific spots. 1 in each corner, 2 in the middle by the head of the frame. It mimicked the foot of the bed also, but on the posts, there were some hooks there too. On the wall, he had shallow drawers that must’ve held the toys, but I didn’t want to snoop too much and get caught.The sweet smell of pancakes and coffee blessed my nose. I put on a loose shirt and some shorts, then walked out to the kitchen. Zach was there in shorts singing along to some country, flipping some pancakes, and had his coffee machine spewing out c
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Chapter 7
After Zach let out everything about his dad, I could see the relief lifting off his shoulders.“Hey June, do you remember what you said to me the other night?”Knowing exactly what he’s talking about, I stuttered and froze. “Look, I was stupid and tired. Don’t let sleepy June speak for extremely conscious June.”Zach let out a chuckle. “I know, I won’t press on it. But, just know that… Me too.” He leaned in to kiss my cheek and then got up. “I got a frozen pizza to toss on, are you hungry?”I nodded and he went out to the kitchen. I got up to walk to the bathroom and started to wash my face. I remember exactly what I told him, I just know it was too soon. Besides, he’s got so much on his plate, I don’t need him to worry about committing to a relationship right now. I just want him to be happy and I will support him through it all.I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket and I take it out to see Terri’s name on the screen. I answered it and she was smiling at me over the FaceTime call.
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Chapter 8
When the movie was over, Terri stood up and wrapped her blanket around her. “I appreciate you guys for keeping it quiet while I watched the movie.” She winked.Both Zach and I looked at eachother, wide-eyed, and then I locked a gaze with her. “What are you talking about?”“Nothing, I’m just pulling your leg.” She laughed. “Unless..?”“Unless what? We watched the movie.” Zach told her.“Okay, perfect.” She smiled. After a few minutes of small talk, Terri announced she was going to head home since it was getting late.We said our goodbyes and she left, leaving just Zach and I. I started to fold up the blankets and noticed his phone started to ring.“Hello?” He answered. “Yeah, uh.. Give me a minute and I’ll call you back.” I looked over at him and raised an eyebrow, but didn’t ask who it was. “Hey, I know you gotta leave tomorrow but would you maybe want to stay another day? My brother is gonna be here in the morning to discuss some things going on with the business and I’d like you the
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Chapter 9
When I pulled into the driveway, I sat in the car for a minute with my head against the seat. I got out to bring my things inside and heard a familiar vehicle driving down the road. I rolled my eyes and stayed inside, hoping it wouldn't pull into the driveway.I got occupied pouring juice when I heard a knock on the door. I stood at the counter, contemplating on even going to the door.“June, please open the door. I know you’re home.” The familiar voice said, sadly. I walked over to the door and took a deep breath before opening.“What do you want, Harvey?” I sighed.“Ca-can I come in please?” He stuttered. I stepped to the side and let him walk in. He was skinnier and sick-looking compared to how he was when I last saw him. “I’m really sorry, Junie.”“Don’t call me that. My name is June.” I said, sternly.“I’m sorry.” He ran his hand through his hair. I remembered the times he would come over late and lay in my lap with sadness and guilt written on his face, as I played with his hair
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Chapter 10
The morning came quickly and I was still laying in Zach’s arms. He was cute when he slept. I decided to get up, making sure he didn’t wake when I moved.He turned onto his side as I shut the door, and I walked out into the kitchen. I started to make some breakfast for us and thought about our relationship. We live hours apart, how could long distance work? Chewing my lips, I put the breakfast on the plates I set out on the counter. I heard Zach open the bedroom door and start walking down the hallway.“Good morning, beautiful,” he smiled. “Something smells delicious.” He peppered my cheek with his warm kisses. I turned my head so he kissed my lips instead, making him laugh. I returned a smile and looked away, hoping he wouldn’t notice the look into my eyes, but I guess I was shit out of luck because he noticed. “Everything okay, June bug?”“Oh, uh…” I paused. Maybe now is the time to be honest. “I’m scared.”“Of?” He looked at me, concerned. “If it’s your stupid ex-”“No, it’s not.” I
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