All Chapters of HIS ROGUE MATE: Chapter 1 - Chapter 5
5 Chapters
Logan’s POVBodies moved in unison to the beat blaring from the speakers above, grinding against the girl I was dancing with. Her hair kept getting in my mouth as she swayed from side to side. Great. I had so much sweat on me, most of which wasn’t mine. Just great. At least I’d numbed my mind with alcohol. I could barely make out the images before me, the thronging bodies a little more than a blur. My head felt as if a construction crew was in it, jackhammering my consciousness away. I felt like I was on autopilot with my body moving on its own accord, almost like I was going through the motions of something I’d done a million times before.I had been there before. I knew exactly how all this would end; with at least one of the girls I’d just so happened to meet at the bar in my bed, have some mediocre sex, and wake up with a diabolical hangover. Why did I do this to myself? Nothing about this was appealing to me but what was the alternative? Be mated, get married, and live a long, u
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A couple of minutes later, I was dressed and as I walked down the stairs, my nose was blessed by a savory aroma. Walking into the kitchen, my eyes were greeted by the sight of a delectable feast that almost made me cry.My mom had somehow made a feast out of nothing. When I looked in the fridge, all I saw was a bunch of cold things in packages. I could make a decent sandwich but my mom had made French toast, egg, bacon, hash browns, and other stuff that I couldn’t even identify.I walked over and kissed her on the cheek. “Eat,” she said as she cleaned the pans she’d used.“Don’t mind if I do,” I said as I grabbed a plate and heaped my plate with food. Nothing cures a hangover like a hearty meal and it didn’t get any heartier than this.My mom turned around and looked at me with that same look. This time though there seemed to be worry mixed in. “So,” I started as I stuffed my face, “where are we going?”“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” I rolled my eyes at her words but her dismis
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I hurried down the stairs and out of the building. I knew mom would give me an earful if she caught up with me and I didn’t want to deal with all that at the time. I decided I’d walk to my apartment instead of waiting for her. I’d only made it a few blocks when she pulled up beside me and not wanting to cause a scene, I got into her car.“What were you thinking? What is wrong with you?” she asked. Straight to it, I thought.‘Why did you bring me here today?”She was gripping the steering wheel so hard her knuckles were turning white. “All I want is the best for you. Why can’t you see that? I thought if I brought you here today and you saw how happy these people were you’d realize what you were missing out on. You can’t possibly want to live like this forever Logan. It’s no way to live.”Over and over again with this same thing. I was just about sick of it. “I told you how he used to bully me when we were kids, right? I’d tell da and you and you’d tell me he was just playing with me a
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Elise’s POV"And then she defeated the bad men and saved the emperor," mom said.I couldn't get enough of this story. She'd told it to me a million times and everytime I couldn't wait for the next time she told it to me. "Then what happened?"Mom knew that question was coming because I'd asked her the same question every time. This was our little ritual. She would tell me the same story and I'd ask her how it ends. It never failed to make her laugh. I loved seeing my mom laugh. She hardly did that these days with everything going on.She giggled as she answered me. "But El, you know how it ends.""But I want to hear it from you, mom"Mom gave a relenting sigh. She knew better than to argue with me. "She brings honor to her family and is rewarded for her bravery. Won't you let me tell you another story, El?"Snuggling deeper into my blanket, I prepared myself for my impending sleep. "I don't know mom. Do other stories have a girl who saves her emperor and bring honor to her family."Mo
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Logan’s POVIt had been a long night of thrashing around on the forest floor. I had woken up after what seemed like an inconceivable amount of time but it was only just a few hours. I knew because it was early enough for Mike to bombard me with calls and texts about going out. ‘Club Equinox is popping tonight where are you the girls here are insanely hot,’ his last text read. I couldn’t be bothered with that. Not after what had happened.Mom had also called a couple times. I remembered why I had gone to the woods in the first place; our fight.Well, she had wanted me to settle down, she’d gotten her wish now. Ironically, my mate was a rogue, a werewolf's pack's natural enemy.I noticed the men on the ground and remembered what had happened. She’d taken them down so expertly that I wondered how she got into the situation in the first place, how they’d managed to ambush her. I thought about stories I’d heard about rogues. There were known to wreak havoc among packs. If she was a typic
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