
Chapter 2

The heat wave I mentioned earlier hit you like a wall and your body reacted immediately. Invisible hands touched your body as if you were wearing nothing. You took a deep breath and try to calm your raging hormones as you walk to the building for your very first interview.

You look behind you as you catch a lycan werewolf's scent, but no one is there. You walk faster, regretting wearing the high heels. Actually, you regret being outside in the first place, as you can smell several lycans. You reached the building where your interview is and struggle with the glass door as you are in a hurry to get inside, where you think you would be safe.

The doorman looks at you strangely. Probably wondering what was wrong with you since the heatwave has no effect on him since he is nothing more than a human. He pushed down the crossbar and open the door for you.

“Thank you,” you say out of breath, and not a moment too soon the lycans you smelled catch up with you.

"Don't let them in!" you say in a panicked state.

The doorman looks at the pair of rough-looking men and locks the door. “Should I call the police? Are you in some trouble?”

“I'm here for an interview,” you tell him, turning your back on the lycans, who look like they are ready to have you right here and now. They are not rogues. You recognize them all. You grew up with some of them. You used to be best friends with one of them, but that all changed after you shifted for the first time. Truth is, your body wants them to take you right now, but you deny yourself in the name of being a virgin for your fateful partner, who was most likely bedding someone else right this moment.

"Are you OK?" the woman doing the calling snaps her fingers in front of you.

You shot your eyes up at her, your pupils are dilated.

"It's your turn," she says with a frown and walks back to the office.

Take it from me; run the other way if you want to stay a virgin.

Of course, you're not going to listen to me. Of course, you got up and walked to the office where there is a lycan, that hope that the lycan he smells every time the door opens would have the common sense to leave.

You introduce yourself to him and his assistant, who is a human. You don't dare shake his hand, not that it matters because he didn't offer it to you. At least one of you has the common sense to know what is good for yourself.

You see him shift uncomfortably in his chair.

"Do you need a glass of water, sir?" asks the assistant, looking concerned at his behavior.

“Yes, please,” he chokes out, his eyes as wide as yours.

"Actually, no," he change his mind, realizing the moment she left the office, the two of you would tear your clothes off.

His assistant look confused, halfway out of her chair, her eyes still on him.

“I'll get you a glass of water,” she declares and leaves the office, ignoring his request for her not to leave.

You swallow and move your chair further away. "I didn't get your name."

It was because he didn’t introduce himself yet, silly.

“Horny. I mean Henry. Henry Bass,” he chokes. Under normal circumstances, you would have laughed, but these are not normal circumstances, not at all.

"Shall we begin?" he asks, his voice hoarse. He reaches out to take his assistant's clipboard and a pen to take notes and the movement sends his delicious scent your way. Not a moment later, your tailored jacket is on the floor. You flung yourself against his body as your lips locked in a passionate and desperate kiss. Everything happens so fast.

The scattering sound of broken glass and a splash of water made him pull away from you where he already had you on his desk with your skirt around your waist.

You jump off his desk and ran to the door, pulling off your tailored pencil skirt. You don't even give the assistant a second look.

You hear him jump over the table as a scream escapes his assistant. You know he is coming for you and won't stop until he haves you several times. He is locked on you like a hound dog and there is no escape. Even though you are running away from him, you want him. Your body wants him. Your wet virgin pussy wants him.

You shot toward the front doors of the building and stop when your eyes met the lycans that almost had you earlier.

Stop denying yourself, you foolish virgin. Let them have you already. I promise you will enjoy it. Who even says you have a fated mate out there?

You looked behind you. Henry Bass is approaching fast. You look around you. 'Where to?' you wonder

"The stairs!" Henry shouts, clearly against mother nature as well.

You dart for the door that has a picture of stairs on it. The stairs go up. You don't know where they will take you, but you run up them, two to three at a time. You hear the door slam open, but you don't stop. The stairs go up in block formation and before long, out a breath, you slam open a door. The heat crash against your already warm skin. The sun hit your eyes and blinds you for a moment.

You shut the door behind you and turn the handle to lock it. You hear Henry's body slam against it. You stand with your back against the door and slide down until your rear met the ground. Henry is panting on the other side, and you can hear him breathe. Hot tears of frustration run down your face as you listen to Henry jerk off. You got up to open the door. Your body wants Henry to take you hard and carelessly.

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