
Chapter 7 - First Day 2.0

Zea rushed towards Yohan, leaped off the side of the wall and threw her body through the air for a diving punch. But Yohan was quicker; he managed to dodge her strike and grab hold of her, pushing her against the ground.

But due to Yohan's quick reflexes, he was able to avoid Zea's attack and grab hold of her. He pinned her onto the ground, kept her firmly in place. Not letting up until she had stopped struggling.

"Haven't you done enough? Stop it already," he whispered.

Zea's anger burned too fiercely to be extinguished. She swiftly maneuvered her body and locked her legs around Yohan's neck with damn precision.

Yohan found himself face-to-face with Zea's luscious legs around his neck, he almost forgot that they were in the middle of a fight.

Damn! It's a triangle choke.

But it was already too late. Utilizing her legs, Zea isolated Yohan's head and arms. Cutting off the blood flow from his brain.

Fuck... Yohan cursed under his breath. He need to act fast or else he'll surely pass out. He wanted to pound Zea's face. He could, but he won't. But this girl is too determined to end him. His eyes were turning red. He tried to stand up.

Zea was taken aback when she felt herself being lifted off the ground. She couldn't believe the sheer strength of this guy. Despite being caught in a vicious triangle choke, he still managed to rise to his feet.

She refused to let him go. Yohan forcefully slammed her body against the wall, causing Zea to release her grip. He gasped for air, desperately trying to catch his breath. The last thing he remembered was people entering the room, forcibly separating them.

And then, there was silence. Pitch black. Until a hard slap woke him. Yohan opened his eyes and immediately recognized the all-too-familiar ceiling. His gaze shifted to the face he dreaded seeing—the Guidance Counselor's face.

Fuck! Yohan cursed inwardly.

He sat there, accompanied by Zea on the other side, and the unconscious guys from the restroom seated behind them. They all shared a similar appearance—disheveled hair, crumpled and dirty uniforms, some even torn.

"Isn't this exciting? Couldn't let the first day of school go by without a brawl, huh?" The guidance counselor's voice dripped with irritation as he scrutinized each of their faces. But when his gaze landed on Zea, a heavy sigh escaped him.

"When I mentioned that I'll be seeing you around campus, I didn't expect it to be in these circumstances."

Zea couldn't meet his gaze, avoiding the intensity of his stare. The guidance counselor could only inhale deeply, trying to compose himself.

"Who beat all of you up?" he asked, eyeing the bruised faces of the students.

They nervously pointed towards Zea.

"Is this true?" the counselor asked her in disbelief.

Zea gave a slight nod to confirm the accusation.

"And who instigated this?"

They looked at each other and turned to Yohan with fear in their eyes.

"Ah! Of course, Yohan Gan, as always. Don't you have someone else to target in this school? Now you're going after a girl?"

"She took all my money for registration," he mumbled to himself.

"What did you say?"

"She fucking ripped it."

The guidance counselor shifted his gaze to Zea. "Is this true, Ms. Garcia?"

Once again, she nodded, confirming the statement.

"So you and your group dragged her into the restroom to take revenge on her. Then what? What were you intending to do?"

"Nothing!" they all protested at once.

"I just wanted to teach her..."

"Teach her? Teacher her what, Mr. Gan?"

"I never had any fuckin' intentions like that. I was just damn annoyed by that girl, and I wanted to scare her off. But she didn't back down. Yeah, I might be a troublemaker, sir, but I ain't no fuckin' molester," Yohan gritted out, trying to set the record straight.

"Proceed to the Detention Room!" the counselor said angrily.

Annoyed, they both looked at each other as they rose to their feet.

"And where the hell do you two think you're going?" the counselor scolded Zea and Yohan. "Get back here."

Reluctantly, they both took their seats again, shooting each other angry glares.

"What did you expect? Did you honestly think I'd let you enjoy a cozy nap in the Detention Room? After the two of you initiated a brawl and wreaked havoc in the boys' restroom?"

He gestured to his assistant, who promptly brought a broom, mop, and bucket before them.

"As your punishment, I want both of you to clean the newly constructed preschool building. And let me make this clear, no fighting. Clean every single room, including the hallways. You won't attend your classes for the entire day, and you won't be allowed to go home until everything is spotless and finished."


The two of them glared at each other while clutching the broom and mop. There was no one else in sight, just the two of them. And damn, they despised each other.

"What are you staring at?" Yohan spat.

Zea smirked. "The most pathetic asshole I've ever encountered."

Yohan was about to let go of the broom, but their attention was suddenly drawn to approaching footsteps.

"Let's stay here. No one will see us," a soft female voice suggested.

Yohan's forehead furrowed. That voice...

"Why do we have to hide anyway?" the guy asked.

From the second floor, Yohan discreetly peered downstairs.

Selene? Yohan couldn't believe his eyes.

"Come on, don't get upset. I just don't want any rumors," Selene sweetly embraced the guy.

Yohan clenched his fists and that didnt slip from Zea's eyes. She glanced downstairs as well.

Isn't that Selene? Our class president?

Zea zeroed in on Yohan, noting the tension in his jaw. It was evident that he had a thing for that girl. Looks like this asshole is about to explode any damn minute, Zea whispered to herself.

Yohan caught Zea's mischievous grin directed at him. He firmly held her shoulders and motioned for her to stay down and keep quiet.

"You don't want any issues? Or you don't want Yohan to find out?"

"You know I only stay close to Yohan. So no one can touch me at school, right?" Selene sweetly assured him.

Yohan's eyebrow arched, taken aback by what he had just heard. Selene's behavior was a stark contrast to her angelic demeanor.

"Everybody thinks he's your boyfriend. I'm tired of hiding."

Selene silenced him with a kiss. "You're the only one for me. I don't even enjoy his company, I just need Yohan to maintain my scholarship. You know he has a strong connections in the school, right?"

Zea's jaw dropped. The school drama is piping hot. But amidst all that, she couldn't help but steal a glance at Yohan hiding behind the wall, silently listening to this shit. Yes, she was still angry at him, but she wasn't heartless.

The guy bid farewell to Selene, leaving the girl behind. Yohan was about to confront her, but Zea grabbed his arm, urging him to stay hidden as Selene's friends approached.

"I told you she would be here with her lover boy," one of Selene's female friends teased.

"You mean boy toy?" Selene retorted with a bitchy smirk, and the group burst into laughter.

"How do you manage to juggle three boys in the palm of your hand? Not to mention having Yohan. Aren't you afraid, girl?"

Selene casually flipped her hair. "Not at all, bitch."

Yohan's jaw clenched, seething with anger, Zea firmly held onto his arm, and restrained him.

"By the way, what about the transfer student?" one of the girls asked.

"What about her?"

"Aren't you threatened? She's unbelievably attractive and intelligent too. She might outshine you."

"That girl?" Selene chuckled. "Come on! Speaking French doesnt make you smart. If that bitch is intelligent enough, she wouldnt be called in the guidance office with those morons!"

Zea's eyebrows shot up upon hearing Selene's words.

This damn bitch... She was about to stand up, but Yohan held her back.

"Stay low," Yohan silently mouthed.

Zea gave him a stern look. "Do I look like a push over to you?" She stood up, grabbed Yohan's shirt and yanked him towards her until their faces nearly touched.

His jaw tightened the moment his gaze met hers. He swallowed hard. He may look calm but he's mind is a chaotic mess as Zea's face inched closer.

"The hell are you doing?"

"I gonna bitch slap that girl with her own medicine!" she whispered smirking and kissed Yohan's lips.

His body jolted with surprise, his mind struggling to comprehend the whirlwind of emotions coursing through him. He couldn't understand her actions, yet he couldn't deny the intoxicating allure of her kiss.

He reveled in the way she kissed him, the softness of her lips against his, and the intoxicating scent of her long hair. Lost in the moment, he found himself captivated by her mesmerizing beauty once more.

One of Selene's friends glanced over the second floor, her eyes widened upon seeing the two kissing. "Oh my God!" She pointed at them.

The whole group looked at where she was pointing and were equally stunned to see Yohan kissing another girl on the second floor.

"Is that Yohan?"

"Oh, wait, isn't that girl the transfer student?" the girls whispered among themselves.

Selene stood frozen the moment she saw Yohan kissing another girl. She couldn't believe her eyes.

Completely drawn at the moment. His fingers slowly trailed up, cupping Zea's face as he kissed her with such intensity, as if it were the only way he could breathe.

What the hell? This guy is actually enjoying this, huh? she whispered to herself. But witnessing the enraged look upon Selene's face only added to her satisfaction. With that, Zea deepened her kiss, giving back even more.

"Uhm, girls... maybe we should head back before Yohan catches us here," the other girl suggested.

"YOHAN!" Selene's voice echoed through the air. She was livid, and she wanted him to know that she was there.

Reluctant to broke off from Zea's lips, Yohan turned his gaze towards Selene. Unfortunately, he doesn't give a fuck anymore. He grinned and returned to Zea's lips once more.

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