
Chapter 9

Madison's POV

The following morning, I found myself in Tyler’s lavish and unfamiliar home. As my eyes fluttered open, I couldn’t help but marvel at the grandeur that surrounded me. This was my first time here, and it was nothing short of impressive. The luxury of the place left me in awe.

Tyler’s bedroom exuded luxury and grandeur. The centerpiece was an enormous intricately carved wooden bed draped with silk curtains.

A chandelier cast a warm glow, illuminating elegant artwork adorning the walls. The room was pristine and designed for relaxation.

Plush armchairs by large windows offered a cozy spot, and a mahogany dressing table showcased Tyler’s refined taste and love for the finer things in life. It was a world far from my own, now unexpectedly entwined with my life.

My initial surprise was quickly replaced by a realization. I had passed out the night before out of sheer exhaustion, following the intense make-out session we’d shared.

Despite the chaos and heartache from the previous evening, I couldn’t deny that the connection between Tyler and me was undeniable.

With the soft rays of the morning sun gently streaming through the windows, I stretched and yawned, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep. Moments later, Tyler stirred, and his eyes slowly opened, meeting mine.

“Good morning,” I whispered, offering a small smile. The weight of our circumstances hadn’t entirely vanished, but in that fleeting moment, I found solace in the warmth of our connection.

Tyler leaned in and placed a tender kiss on my lips, the touch of his mouth sending a rush of affection coursing through me. His affectionate gesture was both comforting and electrifying.

After that sweet good morning, he retrieved a t-shirt and handed it to me, offering a faint smile. “You might want to put this on. It’s the only thing I have that would fit you.”

I took the t-shirt from him, appreciative yet slightly bemused by the implication of his words. “And I promise not to stain it, I know it’s worth a fortune," I replied with a hint of amusement.

He nodded, seemingly pleased with my response, and gestured for me to follow him. I followed him downstairs, a mixture of curiosity and admiration bubbling inside me. The mansion was a sight to behold, each room more opulent than the last.

As we stepped into the kitchen, I couldn’t help but admire the pristine state of the room. Everything was immaculately arranged and clean. It was a stark contrast to my own modest kitchen, where clutter and chaos often reigned supreme.

It was then that I was introduced to Mrs. Sophie, the capable maid o inf the house, who had prepared a delightful breakfast for us. The tantalizing aroma of the food was irresistible, and I couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for her.

During breakfast, Tyler broached the topic that had weighed on both our minds – the humiliation we had faced at his parents’ house the night before. He offered another heartfelt apology.

Tyler pushed his breakfast aside, cleared his throat, and with a sincere tone, he began, “Madison, I want to tell you how deeply sorry I am for what happened last night at my parents’ house. You shouldn’t have been subjected to such humiliation, and it was my responsibility to shield you from it. I should have been more considerate and thoughtful about your feelings. I deeply regret the way it all transpired. I promise to do everything in my power to make it up to you and ensure such a situation never happens again.” He locked eyes with me, and his regret was palpable.

My expression softened, and I replied, “I forgive you, Tyler. It was a difficult situation for both of us.” The tension between us had already been replaced by a growing sense of understanding and acceptance.

After breakfast, I excused myself, promising to freshen up. It was in that moment of solitude that my phone buzzed with an incoming message.

 It was from Andy, and his words sent a chill down my spine. “You’re finished!” the text read.

I quickly checked my call history and discovered that I had received 68 missed calls from Andy, Sophie, and Gemina. Panic surged through me as I realized the gravity of the situation.

 “I’m screwed,” I exclaimed aloud, my voice trembling.

Tyler, who had been waiting for me in the living room, sensed my distress and immediately inquired about what had transpired.

 I tried to gather my thoughts, to explain the direness of the situation. “I was supposed to get back home last night, but I didn’t. I didn’t take their calls. I didn’t even hear it ring,” I rushed to explain, the guilt and fear of the impending consequences heavy on my shoulders.

In response, Tyler offered his assistance. He graciously volunteered to drop me off, sparing me the added stress of finding my own way back. I gratefully accepted, and with a whirlwind of emotions, we left his mansion and headed towards the inevitable confrontation that awaited me.

The drive to my place was a mix of tension and quiet introspection. I couldn’t help but replay the events of the past few days in my mind, the whirlwind romance that had unfolded so unexpectedly. My brain kept blowing up.

“ I think I’m falling for this guy! I thought in my head

Tyler’s gaze was focused on the road, but I sensed his concern. It was a heavy silence, and he finally broke it by handing me a file. It was a copy of the contract, and he urged me to read it when I got home.

I took the file from him, feeling a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. As I glanced at the papers, I couldn’t help but wonder what lay within the legal document that bound us together. It was a reminder of the unconventional path we had embarked upon.

“What’s in here?” I asked, looking at him with a mix of curiosity and mild suspicion.

Tyler’s expression was earnest as he replied, “It’s our contract. I thought it might be a good idea for you to familiarize yourself with it. You have a right to know what you’ve agreed to. But not until you get home.”

I stared at him in suspicion. “Anything to be worried about.

“No,” he simply said, navigating the corners of each street.

I nodded, accepting the file, and for a moment, I felt a sense of gratitude for his transparency. It was a stark contrast to the secrecy that had shrouded our initial interactions.

The journey seemed shorter than I expected, and soon, we arrived at my modest apartment building. I offered a small smile of appreciation to Tyler as I prepared to leave the car.

“Thank you for the ride,” I said, my voice filled with genuine gratitude.

Tyler turned to me, his gaze intense, his eyes searching for something I couldn’t quite discern. “Madison, I want you to know that I didn’t anticipate any of this. I never imagined our lives would become so intertwined. But now that we’re here, I need you to put yourself together and do this with me.”

The sincerity in his voice gave me a sense of reassurance, and I nodded in response. “I understand, Tyler. I didn’t expect any of these either, but I guess it’s here, before me."

As I exited the car and made my way toward the apartment building, I couldn’t help but wonder what was contained in the contract. I hope this jerk doesn't have something fishy up his sleeves. 

“Maddy!” I heard Gemila yell.

“Oh, what do I say now” I thought to myself as frustration engulfed me.

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