
Carson’s grief


If I wasn’t angry before, I was fuming mad right now. Cadel just has a way of fucking with my mind. Ever since we were children, I have been very jealous of him, as he seemed like the best one out of us three. Cameron did not seem to bother about it since he was the most reasonable among us.

I know that I can be too much to handle most times because of my arrogance, but I can’t help it. Especially towards Cadel. I want to do everything I can to spite him. To make his perfect façade drop. I wanted to see him vulnerable. Maybe I’d get over my obsession of trying to beat him at everything.

It started when we were still young, I had walked in on my parents talking about him and praising him in front of other alphas. I have never forgotten the smile and look of pride they had on their faces. I was the first child out of the trip, and I thought then that I deserved more praises than him. I know its childish, but I still have not gotten over it yet.

I’ve been told that I was
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