
Chapter 2

      I laid in bed, trying to figure out what to do next. Hours had passed since I read the letter left in the bathroom. "I am Anthony." ... was I supposed to look for the guy who left me here now? Could I even find him If I tried? Even if I did try, I have no clue where to start. My mind raced with thoughts of what to do next. I decided the first thing to do was to find something to eat. I had no clue when the last time I ate was, nor how long I had been unconscious. All I knew was my throat was dry; my stomach growling. It felt as if I was ravenous, my body eating Itself to stay alive.

      I got out of bed, walking towards the window. My eyes burning, I closed and opened them rapidly, adjusting to the light. The sun looked like it had just risen. I put my hand out towards the light, shocked by what I saw. My skin turned a brownish amber that was Shiny and slick to the touch. How best to describe It, I did not know? It was like my skin was glass, but not see through. Like I looked rock hard, yet soft to the touch. I looked shiny, not sparkly, but bright nonetheless. Like the sun hitting stained glass. It didn't hurt, but It was definitely obvious that I... was different. 'What is going on?!' I did not understand.

"Knock knock knock!" A banging at the door? I walked to it slowly, fearing what could be in the forest... who would be in the forest. I opened the door just a crack, but no one was there. I looked around, stepping outside the house. Something hit my foot as I stepped. I looked down. It was a box with a note on it.

                             Wear this beauty to hide your real skin

                                      Sincerely, Anthony

        I picked up the box to see what was Inside. It was a necklace. It had a golden chain with a blue gem the shape of a rose. It was small; probably the size of my pinky nail. It had a silver rose stem Hanging upside down from the chain. There were leaves coming off the silver stem. 'So now he's giving me gifts?' I looked around again. "HELLO!? Is anybody there!" I was freaking out now. What in the hell was going on here? I was lost in a forest, starving, no way to get help, and there was a stranger playing games with me!

       Out of nowhere I could hear a rumble. My stomach growling again, pulling me away from my worries. 'There must be something edible in this forest.' I looked around the house. The house had a gray roof, with purple brick Walls. On the walls were ivy vines growing up. In front of the house was a violet concrete path leading straight to the stream. Besides the path was nothing but tall grass leading toward the forest from the stream. It was like he gave me just enough room to breathe, but not enough to give me an idea of where I was. I knew a little about what food you could eat in a forest, but I wasn't sure if it was enough to help me here. 'Let's start with the stream. It should have fish!' I ran towards the stream. The world flashed by my face, and the next thing I knew, I was laying in the stream. "What just happened?!" I whispered to myself as I stood up. I looked back at where I was just standing confused. 'Maybe I imagined it?' Thinking to myself. Maybe I had walked faster than I thought? I was starving, why not be delusional Too? I didn't know what to think, my stomach growling louder now. My focus changed to the fish swimming past me. "Got to eat!" I tried focusing on the fish, my eyesight seemed to be brilliant.

          I could see the fish so close. It was like I was right next to them. My mind set on food, I paid no attention to this. I put my hand out; stepping slowly toward the fish. "Got you!" I jumped landing belly first in the stream. It was high enough water I could lay in it, and be covered, but not so high My head couldn't stick out. I looked down at my hands, the fish squirming to get out of my grip. I squeezed Lightly; trying to keep it in my hand. All of a sudden I heard a crack. The fish stopped moving. My eyes wide in surprise. 'Did I kill it with that little squeeze?'

          I stood up, holding the fish with one hand. It was a goby fish, maybe 8inches long. 'Maybe I should have gone for something bigger?' I walked to the grass in front of the house and laid the fish down. 'Can't eat this raw.' I walked into the woods looking for firewood. I didn't go deep in; afraid I'd get lost. I found a few twigs. It wasn't much, but It was enough to start a fire. I pulled some of the grass up, making a small pile. 'Will It work with it being so green?' I wondered. I turned and walked to the closest tree to try and get some bark. I pulled at the bark as hard as I could.

       The tree creaked and groaned as the bark came off. It was a giant piece; about 3 to 4-foot long. The aroma of sweet cherries filled the air. "I know what this is!!!" I shouted with joy. It was a maple tree forest! I left the fish, eager to eat the syrup inside the maple tree. I imagine it being sweet since maple trees have the best kind of syrup; the leaves should be sweet too. It must have been an old tree though. The way the bark came off was weird. I picked up a stick and stabbed The tree hard enough to reach the syrup, but not so hard the tree would creak again. I pulled the stick out. Syrup flowing out the hole. It smelled like freshly fallen leaves. I put my face under the hole; mouth wide open. I swallowed the warm syrup. 'It's so sweet!' It tastes like candy.

         It only took 30 minutes for my mind to focus again. 'I must get a container to put this in!', I ran into the house, in what seemed like a second passing. I was looking everywhere for something to put the sap in, but to my Avail, I found nothing. I stopped in the middle of the room, slowly turning towards the cooler. "I can't!" I was still with fear. 'Could I open them?' I wonder what If I did, would this become real? Would it be a joke after all? Or... or would the joke not be a joke after all? Me... a vampire. I stopped and thought of all that had happened so far. The fast pace, the strength, the skin like amber, and the hunger that still had not been satisfied with the sweet sap. 'Breathe... just breathe!' But as I did I realize something. The air did not help. It made me smell more of the forest, the stream, and my wet clothes. However, I did not feel like I needed the air, nor did breathing seem to help.

'I need to change clothes...' I said looking down at my clothes dripping on the floor. I slowly walked to the closet to see my options. I grabbed an indigo Skirt, a purple t-shirt (with yet another anime character on it), and under garments. I looked down at myself. 'I should probably clean myself off in the stream.' I thought, still unclear what to do. I was still uncertain If I should open the container. I needed something for the sap that was spilling on the ground at this very second. I pulled off my clothes, laying them on the floor in a pile beside the closet. I looked in the closet for soap. There was conditioner, shampoo, and 'yes!' Body-wash! Clothes and soap in hand, I walked to the stream. I laid my clothes on the ground where the path was. I put one foot in to feel the water. It was warm from the sun shining above. I stepped into the water, it only went to my knees. 'This won't work, even If I sit down, it won't be enough to clean myself...'

       I looked in both directions of the stream. One end kept going down the forest in what seemed to be a straight Line. The other was maybe a mile far from where I stood. Above, a waterfall. It fell down from the hill, but did not seem to come from the top, but in it. There was a hole, probably 5 or 10-foot-wide with water pouring Out of It. It didn't seem to be a thick or heavy waterfall. "That will work!" I said to myself making a fist, hitting the palm of my other hand. I walked to it trying not to run again. I did not feel starving like before, though my throat still burned, so my mind was steady. I brought the soaps to where the waterfall was, but when I got there, there was nowhere to sit them down at. I walked to the edge of the stream right before the waterfall, sitting them down in the tree line.

       One by one I put the soap all over my body. I started with my feet, going up my legs to my vagina, to my stomach, chest, arms, and back. Doing my butt last. I rinsed off my hands, picking up the shampoo and conditioner. I put a little of both in one hand, then took a little with my other hand, putting some at the front of my hair. I rubbed both my hands together, making sure both hands were covered in soap. I lathered the soap into my long hair, harder than It seemed. Why was my hair so long? I didn't hate it; it was just a lot. The soap smelled like pomegranate. I walked to the waterfall to get rinse off. It felt like rain drops hitting my skin. Hard enough to feel like a shower massaging My back, but so light I could barely Tell I was under a waterfall. I scrubbed the make-up off my face; it came off easily. I could tell because the water under me was changing colors.

      As I looked down, the colors fading away, I saw my reflection. Bear butt in the middle of this forest, there I was shining like a brown amber gem under the sunlight. I had not taken the necklace out of the box yet. It laid on the table in the bedroom. I was astonished by my skin. It was nonpareil to anything I'd ever seen before. 'Though that isn't much.' I thought as I remember I had no memory of anything but my name. My eyes, a dark blue. There was a hint of dazzle in them. I thought like a star, but the more I looked, it was more like I had actual glitter in the irises. My butt round, enough to grab a handful and still have some butt left. I grabbed my boobs. They were perky, firm, and bouncy. I jumped up and down to see. I had a pear shaped face. My cheek bones prominent. My features like a porcelain doll. My belly had no abs, but it was not bulky Either. It was the right size for the body I had. I looked down at my thighs, they had a little Bounce when I jumped, but not much. They were beautifully muscular.

       I walked back to the path leading to the house, water dripping down my body. I stood there, air drying, thinking to myself. 'I have to do this one way or another... the longer I am here the longer those coffee cups are saying open me.' Must this be so hard! I covered my face with my hands. I was shaking now. I was not cold so why? Did the truth scare me this much...? I got dressed now, in a t-shirt, skirt, bra, and panties. I did not bother putting shoes or socks on yet, for I felt I was done with the forest for now. I walked inside, still smelling the sweet cherry fragrance the bark gave off. It smelled so sweet my mouth felt dry, and my stomach felt empty. I paused. 'I...don't... feel so good' I thought kneeling over. I now knew I did something wrong. I ran to the bathroom in what seemed to be a split second, throwing Up all the sap.

        I laid there next to the bucket, ravenous more than ever now. I did not understand where I went wrong. 'You are a vampire now... You do not need to eat human food, but as a noble vampire you can if you desire. It will not hurt you, but you will get sick to your stomach.' The letter popping in my head. 'No way... you're just not feeling well.' I got up and decided to sleep, but could not. Starving, I laid in the bed. My eyes close. I guess I felt worse than I thought, because when I opened my eyes, it was dark outside the window.

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