


We have been travelling for nearly twenty years, Nathaniel even after all these years hasn't given up looking for Scarlett following every lead, every sighting that is reported and he refuses to let anyone know where we are because there still seems to be some sort of spy or leak in the kingdom as we have gotten close to her a couple of times over the years but he always seems to know and moves on before we can do anything.

So we only head home maybe once a year for a few days at most, so Nathaniel can check in with uncle Dominic and catch up on anything that he needs to know about and then we are on our way again, Victoria on the other hand heads home every few months so that she can stay on top of what is going on there and report what she has learnt on our travels. But then when I think about it I think it has been more than a year or two or maybe even three since we went home last.

Victoria had to return home a couple of months ago as uncle Dominic had sent Theodore to
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