
Chapter Six Chance

The sun is beating down through the window of my little bungalow. Kia has me wrapped snuggly in his arms. He truly is my rock. After I left the club, he saw my emotional state, I may entirely be over Jackson, but my heart is not.

We came home and overate on ice cream. Let me tell you, Ice cream and alcohol do not mix. I'm thankful for Kia.

He begins to stir. "God who turned on the light, Tati, turn it off." He's never been a morning person, especially after a night of drinking.

"Kia, I can't turn off the sun. Get your lazy butt up, and let's go to the beach." I say while unwrapping myself from his death grip.

He yawns and pulls a pillow over his face. "In a minute, Tati, I need my beauty sleep."

"If you get anymore, I'll look like the beast next to you," I say jokingly.

"Fine, just know I hate you, now go get ready while I try to torture my eyes to open." His voice muffled from the pillow.

I get up off the bed and walk to my dresser. I pull out a yellow halter bikini top with matching bottoms and a pair of cut-off shorts. I walk into the bathroom and start the shower. After getting undressed, I submerge myself in the water. The water cleanses me, washing all my worries of last night away.

I get dressed after a long hot shower and meet Kia at the breakfast nook. He's already dressed and making breakfast.

"Morning sleeping beauty!" I call out.

"Morning, love, would you like some pancakes?"

"Some of your famous pancakes, I'd be a fool to pass them up!" When Kia stays with me, he always makes pancakes. It's become a tradition, and they're not half bad if he manages not to burn them.

I take a seat, and shortly after, he sets down a plate piled with pancakes. "Now you know I can't eat that much, Kia," I say while forking a bite of pancakes.

"I'm sorry, Tati, when I get to cooking, I can't control myself." He says while sitting beside me with an equally massive plate of pancakes.

We chat and eat, I get halfway through the plate, and I'm busting through the seams. I get up and wash the dishes while Kia finishes up.


We're lying in beach chairs side by side, just watching the waves crash down. Kia never shuts up, so it's nice to have this tiny bit of quietness. Of course, it's only short-lived.

"Oh my God, Tati don't look now but is that Jackson?"

I look over in the direction he's looking, and sure enough, it's him. Guess who is walking this way? Jackson looks determined, walking with the perfect strive. I like to hope he's just going to walk past us and leave me alone. I sink further in the beach chair, willing myself to become invisible. To be anywhere but here, but of course, that's not the case.

"Tati, I thought that was you." A voice calls out over to me.

"The one and only," I reply sarcastically.

"We need to talk, Tati, and I won't leave you alone until you at least talk to me," Jackson says, an aura of arrogance he didn't show last night.

"There's nothing to talk about Jackson. I saw what I saw; you need to move on and leave me alone." I brush him off, hopefully knocking his ego down to size.

"I've been a mess without you, Tati." He leans in close to me, so close that I can smell the alcohol on his breath. I move back, hoping he will take a hint.

"Don't call me that Jackson; only friends and lovers call me that, and you are neither one."

"Don't be like this; let's start over," Jackson says as he looks like he's about to cry. Yeah right! His acting skills are horrid.

"Why so you can cheat on me some more? Do you want to break my heart? After a year, I expected more from you, I don't think, so Jackson, leave me alone, I'm done!"

"But!" before he could say another word, Kia cuts him off.

"You heard her LEAVE!"

"No one's talking to you, Kia. This conversation doesn't concern you." Jackson growls out.

"It does when it pertains to my best friend. Now leave, I may look like a lovable teddy bear, but I'll mess you up."

Kia is solid muscle nothing about him screams lovable teddy bear but his voice. He would be any girl's dream guy if he were into that kind of thing, but sadly he's not. Jackson looks at him then at me. I guess he decides it's in his best interest to walk away, but not after giving me one last look.

"Did I mention how much I hate that guy," Kia says, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Was that before or after you called him, and I quote, "a total dreamboat"?" I roll my eyes.

"That was before I found out what a jerkwad he is."

"I came here to avoid him, and it's like he's a Visa card anywhere I want to be," I say while rolling my eyes in frustration.

"Chill, Tati, we will go out tonight and forget all about him."

We chill at the beach, but it isn't long before I'm ready to go back to my bungalow. I'm prepared to cuddle in PJs and eat ice cream. We're sitting on the couch watching a little fast and furious when my phone rings an unidentified number.

I answer the phone call, curious to see who's calling. "Is this Tatianna?" A familiar voice asks.

"Yes," I reply.

"It's Axon; I'm sorry I haven't called. I've been caught up with work and moving to my main office."

"It's okay Axon, I've been busy myself." I try to mask the frustration in my voice. Who does this guy think he is?

"I wish I could have taken you out your last few days in Ohio, but some business came up at my main office, and I had to leave. Maybe we can meet up the next time your in town?" I find myself smiling. My reserve is slowly breaking.

"Of course, Id like that." My heart is beating faster than I'd like to admit. I may have a schoolgirl crush.

"Great! So I'll talk to you later?" Axon sounds like he's just as excited for a second date as I am.

"Okay, I'll talk to you later; it was nice to hear from you, Axon; take care." I made the excitement in my voice. After hanging up, I let out a squeal.

"Omg, Tati, does someone have a crush? Who is he, dish girl dish?" Of course, Kia has to be nosey.

"His name is Axon. I met him in Ohio thanks to Kate. I didn't say anything to you about him because honestly, I didn't think he was interested in me."

"He seems pretty interested to be calling you." He raises a brow.

"I don't know Kia; we went out like last week, and he's just now calling." Disappointment laces my voice. I start coming down from cloud nine to realize. Maybe he's not that interested in me.

"Come on, Tati, give him a chance."

"Fine, I'll give him one chance, but that's it. I'm through with getting my heart broke."

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