
4- Punishments


He's staring back at me with a blank look on his face. Everyone else disappears in the room as he's all that I see and all that I can breathe in.

His scent is everywhere in the air and it's even better than anything I've ever inhaled. Judging by the calmness of my wolf and the deep purr she's giving off in my head, it's not too hard to guess what it means.

The knowing look crosses his handsome face and it makes my heart jump. He knows.

"Crystal, you made it!" Ruby beams from behind him and steps forward, blocking him from my line of vision. She's spreading her arms wide in her blue and white jock jacket that's covering her white singlet. Her slick black ponytail is resting over her shoulders and her glam makeup makes her look a little older than her baby face.

"Where do you think you're going?" she says and pulls me into a hug. Once again, the stranger comes into view.


No, that's not what he is and I know it.

My heart is hammering in my chest as my sister hugs me. I wonder if she can tell. My eyes can't leave him and he too has trouble looking away from me.

I want to run away from here before I forget how to breathe and actually pass out.

This feeling… I've never felt more alive in years.

Is this what they call it? The famous-- don't say it, Crystal.

Saying it only makes it more real but what could be realer than this?

"You're not leaving, are you? You only just got here. You’re excited to see me too, right? Your heart is beating so fast-"

I pull away from her fast, gulping loud as fear grips me. My palm is suddenly sweaty and guilt claws at my chest the same way my throat suddenly tightens.

Ruby seems to notice that something is amiss because she squints her eyes and observes me for a while. I don’t dare break her gaze even when I can feel him looking at me.


It's making my wolf anxious. She's acting like a spoiled little girl as she wants his attention. She wants to look at him too and feel his wolf as well as the mate bond.

Suddenly, a series of hot and sweaty images flash through my head and my breath hitches. What a barbaric and shameful act! Is this because I've been forced to be celibate in marriage for a while? Why the heck would I want a stranger's hand on me?

But my wolf is having none of that. She's clawing at the back of my head, wanting to rip me apart and tear his clothes in the process-

I wince at the sharp pain.

"I know," Ruby says and puts her hand on my shoulder, her eyes has gone soft with care. "She's going haywire isn’t she?" she says, referring to my wolf.

She can't possibly-- what is she talking about-

"That's how it feels too when I step out of the Pack," she sighs. "It's like I belong here. I cannot begin to imagine how hard it is for you."

R-Right. "Yes… yes, that's…" my eyes wandered to him and this time, there's a more intense look on his face now.

It's like he's scowling but… with a mask on.

"Oh!" Ruby steps aside immediately and grabs my hand. "Crystal, I'd like for you to meet-"

Oh no. This cannot be happening.

He's stepping closer too for the introduction and I must say, how does a man look so fine and straight? He's as hard as a brick wall and his face is rigid but soft at the same time like he's trying so hard to figure me out.

Just stop looking at me with those eyes.

Those eyes that feel like I'm being adorned from a mile away. Eyes that hold so much promise than words can describe.

Am I reading too much into this? Maybe I've been starved more than I think. It is absurd that I feel this way for a stranger.

Mates or not, I know I don't want this… at least, not in this way. Please. Am I being punished? Is this the moon goddesses way of punishing me for being so darn stubborn and choosing love over my Pack?

Why punish me like this? Of all the ways-- hell, I'd take death! Anything… anything but this.

"This is who saved Mother when she passed out," Ruby smiles sweetly in his direction and once his eyes leave mine to respond to her tenderness, I feel it.

The harsh tightening in my chest like thunder struck twice that area. The bitterness that wells up in my wolf like never before.

Listening to my husband's mistress giggle over the phone is nothing compared to this. I feel as though someone drove a dagger right into my soul and split it in too.

This barbaric act of mine clothed me with shame and disgust that I lowered my head and squeezed my fist for endurance.

"It's nothing," that gentleness in his voice is like sweet nectar. I can almost feel his calming aura. "I would do anything to save my future bride's mother."

Ha… there it is again. Another blow to my guts.


I'm lifting my head once my name leaves his lips. With wide eyes I stare at him as he takes a step closer. I see him lift his hand and offer it to me and I take a step back.

Just what the hell does he think he's doing? It's bad enough to see your mate and smell them but touching them is on a whole other level. It only intensifies the bond and makes both our wolves crazy for each other.

For someone whose rut keeps going out of control, I cannot touch that hand!

"Crystal," Ruby smiles and lifts my hand. "Say hi." she's placing my hand in his before I even know it.

He grips my hand suddenly, causing me to jerk and suck in a harsh breath. His hand is cold and big and for a moment, I think I'm going to get swallowed up.

This shiver that goes through me is no joke, confirming what I already know. His lips curl in more or a smirk than a smile and my heart once again races.

“It's an honour to meet you in person, Crystal,” he lifts my hand to his mouth as he keeps his dark and intense gaze on me. “You have no idea how much I've waited for this moment.”

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