
Ch 4: The white room 2

Elisabeth’s POV

“Luke, please let me go, I promise I will never as much as look back into the pack again " I looked at one of the omega who was dragging me, I have helped him plenty of times before, to solve personal and family problems and I wish he would just stop hurting me with his hands as he carried me and look at me or maybe listen to my appeal, but he was headstrong, almost as if he had been given the instruction not to say a word to me or they would get in trouble. Right now I didn't care for any of their so-called uprightness, I was once a friend, if only they would ignore me for a full minute

and let me run out of that place and never return.

“Just say I was the one who ran away while you were not looking and put all the blame on me, I don't mind at all. You of all people should know that I am not fit to go to the Lycan King, it is not fit for someone like me, do you want me to be killed off as a slave? " I tried to talk to him and let him see the dangers of it, they have all been hearing the rumors, there is practically no one in the pack who has not heard of the craziness of the Lycan King.

But he was not moving, the other omega even shoved me harder. Luke was not even trying to meet my eyes, maybe because he was ashamed to be duty-bound and doing this to me, I was not sure. But the moment I assured him, he seemed to be responsive. " I won't blame you, I promise. I know you are only doing this because you have no choice of the duties you are given to, trust me I understand you perfectly well " with those words out of my mouth he seemed to look at me, but didn't immediately reply, he just looked, with some sympathy in his eyes. Even though I had not completely meant it when I got him to look at me by saying to him that I trust him, I meant it now. He did not ask for this, no one asked for this, and I did not ask to be cheated on and humiliated.

“Please don't talk to me, " He said, betraying all the hope I had, just when I finally thought I was getting to him, we neared the white room, the white room was actually white, and it is located at the far end of the pack. As we got to the room I was meant to be placed in, I saw some girls that have already been put there waiting for the time when they would be taken away, and captured by their fates.

Luke opened the door and shoved me inside, I almost lost my balance but I was not ready to see the ones that I have ruled over to make a mockery of me, so I made my steady standing. “ I will come back “ I could hear Luke say from outside the bars holding the entrance, he had stayed back to give me another hint of hope, I just wanted to believe that he had said I should leave him alone because of the omega with him, and the others that trailed behind.

“Thank you “ I mouthed, I was not sure what that meant but I was going to hold on to it. Maybe this will be my shot at escaping this Godforsaken place. To be honest, I don’t want to be stuck in a place where I have been demoted, rejected, humiliated, and enslaved. If I could have it I would be long gone.

I scanned through the room to see the girls that have been placed with me, or should I say the girls I have been placed with, it did not matter it was foolish of me to think of my vocabulary just momentarily. Some of the girls seemed to be afraid of me, some looked at me with pity, while some just look at me with scorn in their eyes. I don’t blame them one moment, after they get used to me for the next day, or even in a few hours they will get used to my presence. I walked to a corner in the room, trying to be away from the girls as possible, they greeted me as I walked in between them.

“She is not a Luna anymore, she is been banished, " one omega said out of spite as I made my way to sit down. I know those words would definitely be coming from someone who has their own heavy issues and I will just not let anyone put me in a more foul mood than I already am, I would just break, I was already getting to my breaking point already. I know I worked three times more than anyone to be where I was before I got kicked out, I was prepared for everything, like I have been told to, I ate less, I slept less, I studied more than all of them combined, I have had my share of saving the pack, I deserved my title more than anything, and just like that, I lost everything to an enemy, who I thought was my friend, I don't want to lie to myself, I was pained, I still am, but only if I put my whole attention to it, and hearing what this frustrated omega has to say will not be helping me one bit.

But someone replied to me " How dare you!! She is still Luna of the pack until said otherwise " I did not bother to look but it was definitely another woman who replied the frustrated one, I am grateful that I still have at least one supporter.

They must have heard the news, or has the rumor even spread before now, am I the only one who had been foolish the whole time? I am the only one who had been greatly deceived, the realization weighed heavy in my heart, I just wanted to enter into the ground and disappear, I felt the hope that I had had earlier melting away from me, I just closed my eyes to hide the tears building up inside my eyes, it was getting harder and harder, there is nothing else I want to do than to find my way out of the place, in fact, I don't wish to spend the night in the white room at all, If Luke does not come back quick, I will find a way to get out of this place, no matter how hard, I have to, my whole life depends on it.

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