
Tamed The Lycan King

“Laylin… Laylin… Laylin…” He smirked as his servant hastily helped him in washing himself. He had heard of the whispers when he was bathing.

News of Princess Laylin’s survival spread like wildfire in Arein, the capital of Rakhbar. It was quick in reaching Chamberlain Hazi in less than an hour of the Court Ladies' visit to the princess.

He was a low-born, the only reason he was instated here was his ability to shift and the help he had given to the King to usurp the throne.

He couldn’t help but scoff to himself, the Princess’s survival left a nasty taste in his mouth. He didn’t know, nor cared, why Ehan chose to send a Princess hostage instead of demanding a peace treaty. 

But this...

“What a miracle you have performed!” He couldn’t help but shake his head smiling to himself. His servants cautiously worked, used to his weirdness.

Bringing in the Ehanian Princess was no big deal. A no-name Princess living in the corner of this Grand Palace would have harmed no one, soon the world would have forgotten her but now things have changed.

People will go as far as to say that wench somehow tamed the Lycan King. Some might even say the King had chosen her to be his mate. It will all lead to political unrest.

"...Now this is troublesome."

His agenda was satisfying the nobility and the nobility wanted her gone. Now that she has survived, she will need to die because there's no way she can live quietly in the corner of a Palace now.

The night couldn’t have been anything romantic for her either. The Princess is probably scarred for life by the near-death experience, so he was confident in leaving Laylin behind, but the nobility wasn't.

“What a sad fate.” He whispered looking in the direction of the King’s palace.

He wasn’t particularly interested in the battle of wills between Princess Scarlet and Lady Magny but they couldn’t have a civil war or incite a rebellion when the powerhouses were dwindling after the ascention of the new King. He just had to hold Scarlet's people back until Magny's people dealt with the Ehanian Princess.

They will have to deal with Ehan but he was sure he could chalk it up to an accident.

Besides, the King may not be bewitched but he will surely be curious about the woman once he’s back to himself.So, it was better for everyone if the Princess died quietly.

Just as the last of his buttons clicked to place, Hazi’s mouth curled upwards in a subtle smirk. His company from last night assisted him in buttoning up his sleeves, pinning an elaborate cufflink, making him look all the more regal.

He took a moment to observe the beauty. Whoever brought her in was brutal. The woman awfully resembled his dead lover. It was probably why he had lost all his senses last night that he didn't even notice the foreign Princess's arrival.

With how much she resembled her, he had an urge to strangle her but he was busy right now.

As for Princess Scarlet, well, he admired her tireless efforts to ruin the thin thread of peace of the court in unprecedented ways, no matter how inconsequential they were in his opinion. Which was why he knew that leaving the annoying woman in the Black General’s hand was the wisest decision.

And so as he left his room, he reached a single conclusion. There was no further need for him to think about the Ehanian Princess.

He would later atone by doing charity work and building an orphanage in her name so she could have eternal peace. He will have to soon wipe her existence off his mind.

He closed his eyes for a second before sighing, “Forgive me, Princess, what is right, can’t always be fair.” He whispered to placate his conscience.


"Now what the fuck is this?" Half an hour later he couldn’t help but curse himself for not handling it on his own and with a lot less fanfare.

When he reached there, he was faced with armed Royal Knights that surrounded the premises. Ones that were used in wars and persecutions of nobles.

There was an onslaught of conversation amongst the servants in the King’s Palace as they gathered around the Veranda. Princess Scarlet had most likely vacated the palace. Despite the hectic tension they incurred from the shocking situation, the servants couldn’t help their whispers.

Hazi took a deep breath to control his anger “Gentleman. Since when do we permit armed visitations in the palace?” The officer parted his lips but was cut off.

“Since there is a royal that needs protection.” The voice came from behind him.

He turned to see the Princess, decorated in gems and silk, descend with her delicate demure. The woman wasn’t traditionally pretty. Her beauty was in her rebellious charm. Somehow, like an eel, she could always slip past any situation.

After all, she was the only Royal to survive the King's witch hunt. Her entourage of the nation’s most beautiful women trotted behind her. Each, as arrogant and unrestrained as she herself was.

He sneered, as he rubbed his face in frustration. “Are we really going this far? For a human princess from Ehan?”

The Princess eyed him with a tilt of her head like she was confused by his sudden rage, “Why, may I ask, should I not take every measure within my authority to guard the woman my King had finally laid his favor upon last night?”

For a second, he just reeled back from the sheer audacity of nonsense in her argument, “Favour?” He couldn’t believe the Princess was going this far, but for the sake of Ehan's ambassadors, they couldn't call yesterday night anything else either. “Do you really believe the King bestowed his favor upon the Princess last night?”

She eyed the uncomfortable men guarding the palace and slightly smirked. Of course not, but who would dare say the King was in a fit of madness and they sent a Princess of a Kingdom to die?

She raised her hands, waving around, “I wonder, why do you believe otherwise? A foreign Princess entered his chambers, she could very well be carrying the nation’s hope.”

It was the pretext they had used to send her to her death. They had formally recorded that Princess Laylin was visiting the King's Chamber but now this woman was using it against him.

Hazi pursed his lips, to restrain the bubbling anger in him. His eyes twitched but he retained his image, he couldn’t slip, not now. He was the King’s advisor, he couldn’t misstep.

“This is exactly why I need you to give way so we can tend to the Princess. After all, she could be carrying the ‘hope’ of our nation!”

She smiled with her practiced smile, “I’m thrilled to see you so concerned about the nation's morals. I am certain the issues you had were just confusion. Slumps can’t teach you etiquette, hmm?”

“I’m grateful to the Princess for being so understanding of this lowly subject.” Hazi gritted his teeth but kept his smile. The woman had no lows she wouldn’t stoop to. He hadn’t thought there could be a person who would dare mock him for his poor origin anymore but just look at her!

The Princess's eyes glimmered as he held back his rage. A jab more and he would burst in flames.

"So our dear Lowly Chamberlain, I’ll take the Princess with me, with the authority of the only Royal Resident of the Palace. You are welcome to come and greet her to sate your curiosity.”

He ran the scenario in his head and settled on a compromise. If the Foreign Princess could have been dealt with quietly, it wouldn’t raise the King’s ire. But now that it has come to this point, he will need to back down for a while. It’s not like he won’t get another chance.

“Ah, sure. It would be a pleasure.”

There were more hushed whispers and outrageous gasps as they all held their breaths about what would happen between the two powerhouses clashing heads. Most were gunning for the fact they’d be all buried in a bloodied unmarked grave as soon as one of them reached the end of their wits.

They’ve heard what cruelties both of them were capable of and seen how they had no issue revealing their hostilities, they could be dead or will be silenced. At this point, it wasn’t just a simple argument, but a backlash that could shake the inner palace.

The first woman the King had received was a human. She had also survived his lycan so the controversy was never-ending.

The Princess waved the Knights away to reveal the entrance. The servants held their breath. If yesterday's incident needed to be hidden, they could be silenced. The Chamberlain eyed the band of servants, but the Princess had other ideas and crossed the threshold.

“Hmm, perhaps it’s time I visit this place more often.” Princess Scarlet whispered to herself, but loud enough for Hazi to hear.

“Miserable bitch.” Hazi murmured softly as the Princess stirred his temper with her every action. Her ability to infuriate him was only rivaled by her ability to sniff and exploit an opportunity!

He could already see her formulating elaborate schemes.

The Princess of Ehan, who is stranded alone in a foreign land will need allies to stand her ground, and then when the Princess comes as her savior, she will have to place all her trust in her.

Yes, with the King absent, it was only expected Laylin would be a little prey, and how she’s faring on her own will determine her position in the court. Perhaps he should finish her off when she is under Princess Scarlet's custody.

Then it will be Scarlet's fault.

He grinned, the naive Princess was chewing more than she could swallow. It was unfortunate but Scarlet never learns.

“It’ll also give me peace of mind to see her with my own eyes.” The Princess further hummed to him, and began to hasten her pace.

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