
Finally We Meet Again

After our long talk, everyone decided to go get ready for the evening. Mrs. Sheng had sent me with Kota to choose some new clothes and necessities. Kota seemed to be in a good mood and hummed to the song that was playing over the radio while I stared out the window watching the scenery fly by.

(I wonder why I can't remember some things, I never felt like I was missing any piece of my memories till today.)

I kept thinking about the situation and all of the possibilities over and over in my head till the car came to a stop. Kita opens the door for me and I step out to see a big main brand store in front of me. I couldn't help but feel anxious knowing that whatever is in that store would be expensive.

Kota seemed to see my off expression and pats my back.

"Mrs. Sheng sent me with her card and said to practically force you to buy whatever you want in this store so when if you just look at something ill but it."

Shocked by the response I gulped and scratched the back of my head nervously.

"Is that so...I see thanks..."

I follow Kota into the big store and he takes me to the measurement station where a young lady happily does my measurements and hands me the paper.

Kota snatches the paper from my hands and sticks it in his pocket.

"I'll hold onto that in case you start to get cold feet!"

I blushed immediately and covered my face which made Kota laugh.

"Don't be shy, if it'll make you feel more comfortable ill stand over here and do my own thing while you look around ok?"

(I think that indeed would make me feel a bit better about it all. Geez this feels so uncomfortable.)

He walks off and I start my search after grabbing a cart. I remembered my sizes on the paper and chose some outfits I thought were nice remembering what Mrs. Sheng had said before I left.


"Kairi, Kota will be taking you to a store to get some clothes, Choose whatever you want but be sure to get one specific thing for tonight so you can make a good impression on Kadachi! Choose something of Chinese tradition. Flowy and in whatever color you think suits you best."

(Back to reality)

Remembering what she had said I walk over to the traditional kimonos. There were so many of them but one stood out to me. It was a loose fit, long and flowy, It was soft pink and white with a pink cherry blossom pattern scattered all over it. It was beautiful, to say the least. I pick it up and check the size.

(The size is a perfect fit! But why does the tag say limited edition?)

I shrug and set it in my cart and after about an hour of shopping, I accumulated a lot of clothes, accessories, and necessities.

Kota swipes the card and we head back to the car with bags in hands, Kota chuckles after putting everything into the car and turns towards me.

"Now that that's over with let's get you home and ready for dinner tonight."

I nod and get into the car.

Once we've returned home Mrs. Sheng helps us carry the stuff up to her room and she looks through everything with a super excited expression.

"Wow, Kairi you have an amazing taste!! And the kimono you got is a one of a kind! I'm so happy you scored this while you had the chance!"

She helps me get dressed and does my hair and light makeup, we hear a knock on the door and Kota peeks in.

"Mrs. Sheng, Kadachi is here waiting at the table with Mr. Sheng. Also, dinner is ready."

She nods happily and after putting one more pin in she turns me around to look into the mirror.

To say the least, I was stunned for a moment, everything looked perfect and I was amazed by how good I actually looked.

(I feel so confident in this style, so much so that im not as nervous as before.)

"So how do you like it?"

I give her a warm smile before replying.

"I love it, thank you Mrs. Sh- I mean...Mom..."

Her smile grew very big at the mention of mom and she gives me a warm hug before leading me down the narrow stairs.

We get to the kitchen door before I hesitate to go any further.

(I can't get cold feet now...This... this is the best chance I have to a happy life...Right?)

I grab ahold of the doorknob and quietly open the door.

The constant feeling of anxiety made it seem like time was in slow motion as I walk in with Mrs. Sheng by my side. The moment I walk in I see a few new faces that I couldn't recognize except for Kota and Mr. Sheng.

Mrs. Sheng leads me to a seat which was next to her and we sit down. I breathe in shakily but keep a firm smile on.

Mrs. Sheng is the first to speak.

"Kairi, Let me introduce you to everyone!"

She starts at the end of the table and points to a girl who seemed quiet and shy, she has mid-length soft black hair, dark green eyes, and light-colored skin. Her figure was quite nice and reminded me of a model I once saw in a magazine.

"This is our daughter Izumi Sheng."

Izumi lightly smiles and bows her head.

"It's nice to meet you Kairi."

I smile warmly at her.

"You as well Ms. Izumi."

Next, she points to a young man who had an energetic look to him he had what looked to be dyed blond hair and tanned skin with dark green eyes as well, he also looked like some male model and was very handsome.

"This is our second son Seto, and a little warning, he's a bit energetic at times so don't mind him haha..."

Seto seemed to have been offended by the introduction but still held out his hand to me which I took.

"It's nice to finally meet my new sister-in-law! If you ever need anything that my dear brother here can't help you obtain feel free to ask me."

He winks at me and I wearily smile back at him when he finally lets go of my hand.

"I...Thank you, Seto..."

Mrs. Sheng swats Seto's hand with a spoon.

"Don't frighten her away she just got here Seto calm down!"

Seto whines but decides to stay quiet obeying his mother.

Next, she points to the last person here, I was hesitant to look at him for some reason but still did. He was quite handsome, he didn't remind me of a model but instead, he reminded me of a prominent, icy cold serious, yet unique, calm and...Lonely young man. His lime green eyes seem to pierce right through me as He softly and warmly smiles at me. My heart was already beating out of rhythm but looking at his smile just now made it double and skip some extra beats.

(This man...Is like every good girls bad boy they dream about...The hot and icy bad boy...I feel as if I may be in to deep right about now...Im so not in this guys league.)

Mrs. Sheng smiles at us for a moment and props her chin onto her hand.

"And this my dear Kairi is your fiance Kadachi, Say hello to Kairi, Kadachi."

Kadachi respectively holds out his hand, I gulp and reluctantly place my hand in his, He brings my hand towards his lips and lightly kisses the top of my hand, it was as if electricity went through my entire body as he does so, my face went completely red which seemed to make everyone laugh a little including him. I narrow my eyes in embarrassment.

"It's nice to meet you Kairi, I hope that we can live long lives together."

Mrs. Sheng seemed to have secondary emotions that were similar to mine and also blushed.

"Wow, I didn't know my dear son was so charming! Awe honey we made such wonderful and beautiful children!!"

Mr. Sheng chuckles but nods as well.

"Now that the introductions are all done let's all eat dinner."

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