
Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Myra stepped out of her sleek, black sedan, a reflection of her hard-earned success - a shiny Mercedes-Benz E-Class. She had worked tirelessly alongside Augustine for nearly four months, and her dedication had paid off. The hefty paycheck she received allowed her to indulge in luxuries she had once only dreamt of, including this impressive car.

As she entered the daycare, the sound of children's laughter filled her ears, bringing a smile to her face. Allistar, her adorable five-month-old daughter, was surely among them. Myra's heart fluttered with anticipation as she made her way towards the room where Allistar spent her day.

Opening the door, Myra was greeted by a chorus of joyful giggles. Her eyes quickly found her little bundle of joy, her daughter Allistar, sitting in a circle with the other children. Their eyes met, and Allistar's face lit up with delight. She stretched her tiny arms towards her mother, her laughter contagious.

"Hey, my sweet angel!" Myra cooed, swooping in to scoop Allistar up into her arms. Allistar's giggles continued to fill the air, a melody that warmed Myra's heart. She showered her daughter with kisses, feeling a blissful contentment envelope her.

With Allistar cradled in her arms, Myra exited the daycare, prepared to head home and spend the evening reveling in the joy of motherhood. But as she made her way towards her car, she noticed a weary father nearby, struggling to soothe his fussy child. An empathetic instinct stirred within Myra, compelling her to offer assistance.

Myra carefully placed Allistar in her car seat, ensuring her safety. Before approaching the man.

"Excuse me," she called out gently, catching the man's attention. "Do you need any help? I have experience calming little ones."

Relief washed over the man's face as he shifted his attention from his crying child to Myra. "Oh, goodness, yes! Please, any help would be much appreciated." He sighed, visibly relieved. "I don't know what's wrong with her. She just won't stop crying."

Myra gently took the baby into her arms, swaying and soothing her with expert care. The crying began to subside, replaced by soft coos and burbles. The child grew calm, her big, watery eyes fixed on Myra's face, as if captivated by her presence.

"Thank you so much," he began, a smile gracing his features. "You seem to have a natural way with children."

"My pleasure," Myra responded, a warm smile on her face. "Children have a way of connecting with me, and it brings me immense joy to help out."

They continued chatting, exchanging stories and small talk. The father seemed eager to engage in conversation, making a few lighthearted jokes in an attempt to impress Myra. She found herself genuinely enjoying their conversation, feeling at ease in his presence.

Just as the conversation was flowing smoothly, Myra caught a sudden whiff of a familiar scent. Her senses heightened, and her heart skipped a beat. It couldn't be true, could it? A familiar, intoxicating aroma filled her nostrils. It was the scent of Alpha Aeron, her fated mate - a connection she thought she would never experience again.

Her eyes widened, her heart pounding in her chest. "Alpha Aeron?" she whispered, her voice barely audible.

The man looked at her with confusion. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

Myra blinked, momentarily lost in memories. "Nothing, it's just... I have to go."

* * * * *

Myra paced anxiously in her tastefully decorated living room, the grandeur of her house failing to ease her nerves. The room boasted elegant furniture and large windows that bathed the space in natural light, but Myra's worried steps filled the air with tension.

The sound of the front door opening and closing snapped her out of her anxious thoughts. Augustine, her closest friend, rushed in, concern etched on his face. "Myra! What's wrong? You sounded urgent. Tell me, what's going on?"

She motioned for Augustine to sit, her voice trembling. "Augustine, please, sit down. I have something important to tell you."

As he settled onto the couch, his gaze fixed on her, he furrowed his brow. "Alright, I'm listening. What's the matter?"

Taking a deep breath, Myra steadied herself. "Augustine, this is going to sound unbelievable, but I need you to trust me. I am a wolf."

Augustine's initial reaction was unexpected—he burst into laughter, the sound filling the room. "Oh, Myra! You had me worried for a moment there. Here I thought something terrible had happened. You always come up with these elaborate setups. You really should have told me you wanted to hang out and laugh. I'm up for that anytime."

Myra's eyes bore into Augustine's, her face deadly serious. "This is not a joke, Augustine. I'm being completely honest. I am a wolf."

Augustine's laughter subsided as he studied her earnest expression. The mirth drained from his face, replaced by a hint of confusion. "You can't possibly expect me to believe that. Werewolves and shape-shifting? Come on, Myra. I know you too well."

Suddenly, determination flickered in Myra's eyes. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, channeling the energy within her. Before Augustine's astonished gaze, her body underwent a breathtaking transformation. Her form morphed, exchanging human features for that of a majestic wolf. She stood proudly, her silver-gray fur glistening under the dim lighting.

Augustine sat frozen, his eyes widening in disbelief. He watched in awe as his friend transformed before his very eyes, her wolf form standing majestically in the center of the room.

Augustine's mouth fell open, his disbelief shattered before his eyes. He stammered, unable to find the words to express his astonishment. "Myra... I... How...?"

Returning to her human form, Myra met Augustine's gaze, her vulnerability evident. "It's all true, Augustine. I have been hiding this from you for so long."

Silence hung in the air, filled with a mix of wonder, shock, and realization. "Myra, I never expected this in a million years. It's a lot to digest."

"Yes, I know. I'll give a proper apology later but this is not the real issue."

"This is....You're a wolf and it isn't the real issue? OH MY GOD!"

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goodnovel comment avatar
Commy vic
That’s certainly a lot to take in ...

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