
The Clawless Luna 4

Vione ignored several pairs of sympathetic eyes that stared at her. It was not the first time; she had received such looks many times before. Being small, it was only natural for people to pity her.

But this was different. It seemed that in the history of the Frostholm Pack, no Luna had ever suffered such a tragic fate. Usually they lived happily, cherished, and loved by everyone, not only by the pack but also by the Alpha.

Unfortunately, that was not the case for Vione. The hopes and dreams that had filled her days after Ayla's prophecy were gone. Without the love and affection of the Alpha, she truly became a pitiful Luna.

After arriving in her room, Vione let out all her sadness. She let out all the screams and tears she had been holding back. Her chest hurt and she thought she could not take it anymore.

Maybe this was the end. Maybe it was time to give up.

Vione could not take it anymore. She knew her limits and she had crossed them.

It was not just the pitying looks people gave her. No, Vione had been trained to steel her heart against all forms of pity. She was immune to it and no longer cared. But this was about Usher.

Why have you done this to me, Usher?

In Vione's memory, Usher was the most perfect man in the world. Not only was he capable and responsible, but he was also very caring and loving.

Usher would not hesitate to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. He never discriminated between people and appreciated everyone without limitations.

However, there was no doubt about Usher's firmness. The weight of responsibility on his shoulders made him wise and professional, not only in the affairs of the pack, but also in his work.

So, it was not surprising that many women fell in love with Usher, including Vione. Especially since they had known each other since they were young, and Vione had fallen deeply in love.

But Vione did not dare to be greedy. She kept her love hidden for years, content to see Usher from afar. That was enough; she found reasons to help her parents work at The Palace as long as she could see Usher. At least her longing could be satisfied.

That's how Vione lived day after day until Ayla announced her prophecy. Everyone was shocked, but no one dared to contradict her. So, she and Usher became a couple approved by the Moon Goddess and the entire realm.

At that time, Vione thought her life was about to change. She believed she would finally find true happiness, but it did not happen. Usher and Mireya's affair, happening right in front of her eyes, shattered all those beautiful dreams.

Vione closed her eyes, trying to banish all those painful shadows, but it was difficult. Everything seemed to be spinning in her head, and her tears flowed even more intensely.

Pain. Bitterness. Everything accompanied Vione in her loneliness. With no one at her side, she was surrounded by silence.

Vione fell asleep, exhausted, and sad. Her tears dried up and she lost track of how long she had been unconscious. One thing she was aware of was the gentle touch on her cheek that woke her.

Her eyelids moved slightly, and her curly hair swayed gently. Vione awoke, and for a moment she tried to focus her gaze. Confusion struck Vione immediately. Her forehead wrinkled and she sat up quickly.


Vione's head felt heavy, probably from crying too much.

"Vione, are you okay?"

Vione held her head and shook it. "No. I just feel dizzy."

"Wait. I'll get you some water."

A moment later, a glass of warm water was in Vione's hand. She sipped at it slowly, and an instant relief washed over her.

"How do you feel now?"

Vione sighed. "Better."

"Thank God."

The empty glass changed hands. Vione stood still, with growing confusion.


Usher turned after placing the empty glass on the bedside table. "Yes?"

"What are you doing here?" Vione asked without beating around the bush. "This is my room, not yours."

Another bitter truth, they had separate rooms. They had spent the night together only once, on their wedding night. After that, Usher had ordered Vione to sleep in her own room.

"Oh, that." Usher took a deep breath. He shuffled closer and approached Vione, who was sitting against the headboard. "I know this is your room, Vione."

"In that case, what are you doing here?"

"Do I need a reason to be here?"

Vione fell silent. What Usher had said was true. He did not need a reason for anything he did.

"No, you don’t."

But Vione had not expected Usher to come to her after the events of the day. They had argued with Mireya and Usher. They had fought.

So, it was reasonable for Vione to have wild suspicions. She was sure that Usher would not come unless it had something to do with what had happened earlier.

"You don't need a reason, but I know you'd never set foot in my room without a reason. So, Usher? Just say it. Don't beat around the bush."

"If you want a reason, fine. I'll tell you."

Vione held his breath. Dark thoughts intensified. Could this be related to their argument earlier? When she had mentioned love and prophecies and relationships?

Was Usher going to...

"I want to check on you, Vione."

All the bad thoughts and questions instantly vanished from Vione's mind. She stared at Usher without blinking.

"I apologize for everything that happened today," Usher continued, cupping one of Vione's cheeks. His thumb moved, gently caressing, full of emotion. "I know I hurt you, but I beg you. Forgive me. Please."

Vione blinked. She must be dreaming. "Usher."

"Forgive me, Vione. You know you're not the only one who loves me. I..." Usher's thumb stopped. He met Vione's gaze and continued. " you too."

Vione's body was like dry leaves caught in a gust of wind. It fell and scattered aimlessly. She was disoriented and lost.

"W-what, Usher? What did you just say?"

"I love you, Vione. It's not because of a prophecy or anything like that. It's because of both of us. I love you. Please, for the first time I beg you. Whatever happens, never doubt my feelings. I love you.”

Vione could not say anything. Usher's words were beyond her imagination. It seemed impossible and unlikely.

"I don't care where you come from. I don't care if you don't have claws. For me, you are the only one."

Vione took a breath, but instead she could not breathe. "Usher."

"I love you, Vione."

For the umpteenth time, Usher expressed his feelings, and Vione found her heart beating with a rhythm she had never felt before.

"I love you too, Usher. I love you so much."

The declarations of love were returned. Vione did not need anything more. Everything was enough, but Usher surprised her again.

"I want to give you something. I want you to accept it and wear it forever."

"What is it?"

Usher did not answer with words, but reached into his pocket and pulled something out. He showed Vione a necklace with a half moon on it.

Vione remained silent in unimaginable happiness. Whatever she had prayed for, that night brought an unexpected surprise. Not only did she receive an unbelievably sweet declaration of love, but Usher also gave her a necklace.

"I want you to always wear this," Usher said, right next to Vione's ear as she put on the necklace. "Never take it off, no matter what."

Vione nodded and lowered her face. She looked at the necklace, now hanging beautifully around her neck, and then she realized something. She saw that Usher wore a similar necklace.

"You're right. I'm wearing it too."

Vione's curiosity was answered even before she asked. She smiled as she continued to hold the moon pendant.

"It's a very beautiful necklace, Usher. Thank you."

Usher said nothing. He remained silent, but his eyes reflected the most beautiful smile Vione had ever seen.

Vione was amazed. She realized that for the umpteenth time she had fallen for Usher's charm.


Something suddenly occurred to Vione. She stared at Usher intently, trying to remember. She wasn't sure, but Usher's mature face and the half moon necklace seemed familiar.

"What is it? Is there something?"

Vione blinked, then shook her head. "No. I suddenly remembered our childhood. Do you remember? I almost drowned in the lake once."

"I still remember. And then?"

"You were so panicked then. You wanted to save me, but you couldn't swim either. So, we almost drowned together."

Usher nodded with a broad smile. "That was then. Now I can swim."

"I know, but I don't plan on almost drowning again."

But that was not what Vione meant. So, she took a deep breath before continuing.

"Now that I think about it, your eyes resemble the man's."

Usher's wide smile froze. "Wh-what?"

"Your eyes," Vione repeated, cupping Usher's face with both hands. As if to confirm, she stared into Usher's eyes for a moment without blinking. "Your eyes are like the eyes of the man who saved us. Besides..."

Vione's gaze shifted. This time she looked at the chain around Usher's neck. The uncertainty was strong, but for some reason Vione felt she was not wrong.

"Wasn't he wearing that necklace too?"

Usher sighed. He lifted Vione's chin to make her look at him again. "What are you saying, Vione? How can you bring up another man when we're together?"

"O-oh." Vione blinked, embarrassed, then shook his head. "No. I didn't mean that."

"In my eyes, you did. Um. Can't you just think about me?"

"I do, Usher. I think about you all the time. Not a day goes by that I don't think about you."

Finally, Vione was able to express everything. Not only about love, but also about how she got through those days. Usher has always been an inseparable part of her life and death.


Vione radiated sincerity with her look and smile. Her expression was so serene that Usher momentarily forgot to breathe.

His lungs tightened, but Usher ignored them. It was as if he did not care about himself when he realized there was something more important than breathing.

So, Usher reached for Vione's neck. With a quick glance he saw Vione close her eyes and their lips met.

They opened and embraced. Usher noticed that his lungs calmed down again, thanks to the oxygen he was breathing in. It was wonderful to breathe oxygen in the most beautiful way.


Vione's soft voice was like a heavenly melody. His tones were melodious and radiated an addictive charm that never bored Usher. So, he continued with a demanding desire.

Vione was startled. Her eyes opened, although she could not focus on anything. For a moment she saw the tattoo of the Alpha that adorned Usher's sturdy neck, its occasional golden glimmer mesmerizing her. After that, she did not know where her gaze went. She fumbled, feeling uneasy as she realized Usher's kiss had moved.

Wet. Warm. Usher's lips traced the nape of Vione's neck, making the owner feel a warmth throughout her body.

"Do I need a reason to spend the night here?"

Usher's whisper shattered Vione. Her heart beat faster and she could not utter a word in response, only nodding once.

But that was enough. Usher did not need a clearer answer to unbutton Vione's shirt, undoing each button in a whisper.

"Promise me, Vione."

Vione's eyes rolled. Then she closed them. Everything disappeared from her mind when Usher touched her.

Without barriers. Without distance. Usher and Vione merged harmoniously.

"Whatever happens, Vione. Promise me."

Vione pressed the sheets together. A sigh echoed in her chest and she bit her lower lip as hard as she could before nodding.

"I promise, Usher."


Comments (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
Kayla Lamreau
are we getting time travel? Maybe the person who saved them was from the future?
goodnovel comment avatar
Suzanne Stone
this makes no sense after the office incident.

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