
chapter 3

"Rosa? Rosie wake up." I shrug away the hand on my shoulder moaning.

"Your alarm has been going off for the last fifteen minutes, you're going to be late." My eyes snap open at the announcement.

I snap upright and jump out of bed then glance at the clock, "Julia it's four o'clock," I groan.

"Exactly, come on. What happened to wanting to stay fit?" She asks.

I get back into bed and pull the sheets up to cover my face, "that was before I got a job that keeps me on my feet all day."

"Really?" She asks, I pull the blanket off and look at her sad face. Every second that I look at her I can see the sadness growing.

I get out of bed once more and glare at her, "get your guilt tripping butt out of here I'll meet you downstairs in five."

The sadness is immediately replaced by happiness, "did I tell you how much I love you?"

I hit her with my pillow, "out!" She laughs walking out of my room. I fall back on the bed sighing, here comes the interrogation.


"So..." Julia starts halfway back home, I roll my eyes, she's been giving me side glances the whole way to the beach and back.

"He has a daughter," I start off, a girlish squeal comes from her, which is a first.

"You've met Noelle?! There's only like five pictures of her on the internet, Grey likes to keep her life private. Understandable though. He's never even ever mentioned the mother." She rambles.

"Yeah and that's practically all that I've learnt about my boss yesterday," she gives me a look that asks it all.

We stop by the door to catch our breaths for a second, "firstly yes, he is hotter than the magazines give off. Second, yes he's as cruel as the magazines make him out to be and thirdly, Julia Olivia Bristow! This is my boss we are talking about, there is no need for me to look at his package. Especially since I never really got the chance to look," I whisper the last part mostly to myself.

She grins a sly grin, "Come on Rosie don't tell you don't wanna tap that a**, I know I would." She jokes as we get in.

I laugh along with her, that is a huge compliment from Julia. There is nothing she hates more than real life d**k, I swear this girl knew she was lesbian since we met and that would be when we were like seven.

"Too bad for me, he's my boss and he is a mean jerk," I fake pout following her in, she laughs loudly slipping into my room. I follow behind her, when I'm in I see her holding at least three of my romance books.

"Rosie," she tsks lifting one book. "In this book Jaxon is a motherf**king d**khead who cares about nobody but himself he is cruel as f**k but Ellie still fell for him...happily ever after."

"Language," I warn but let her continue.

"Ace and Sophia, sad ending but what he was cruel at first then he literally killed for her. They loved one another."

"Now this isn't as cruel and mean but it's sad and angering and depressing but Juliet and Jimmy. She hated Jimmy and most might call it Stockholm syndrome but what they had was true compared to every other relationship this family had.

Jimmy and Juliet had a real one, and it was sad. But despite all his flaws, she loved him like he did her, until jail of course. Although it changed Jimmy, their love for one another never faltered."

I jump on the bed next to her, "since when do you read my sappy love story books?"

She blushes slightly, "you can't leave a good love story, point is in all of those books over there," she points to my book shelves. "Every guy was a jerk and the girls still found a way to love them, you are definitely hopeless romantic Rosie." She points out.

I take my books from her and place them in their respectable places, "you forget that this is reality, search it up and I don't like my boss in any way, speaking of my boss I've got to get ready before I get fired on my second day." I joke grabbing my towel.

"You still have two hours left," I give her a look, she raises her hands up in defeat. "Okay jeez, you care a little bit too much about your looks." She points out walking out of my room.

"Says the person who was born with fair skin!" I yell after her.


"Early once more," the elevator doors open once more at the hand of Mr Rimini.

"Good morning sir," I smile as he gets in, the doors fully close this time leading us both to my work floor.

"I never got the chance to ask but how was your first day yesterday?" He asks, I smile a nervous smile.

"Started off disastrous but it was good, thanks for asking." He glances at the two zip bags hanging off one of my arms.

"I see you came extra prepared today," he jokes, we both share a laugh as I nod my head.

"I wouldn't like a repeat of yesterday," I answer, today I made sure to pack at least two extra outfits to leave in the office in case of any other mistake.

We fall into a comfortable silence just as the doors open, we both walk out. "I'll see you in the conference meeting, Ms Clarkson." He bids me a goodbye walking in his own direction.

I walk to my office and place my clothes in the wardrobe in the corner of the room, so far the only thing that shows that this is my office is literally nothing.

I don't want to get too comfortable 'cause nobody ever really lasts here and I don't want to seem a little too forward making this my place.

I answer half of the million emails that pop up in my inbox until there's at least ten minutes till seven, which is when I head down to the kitchen and get two cups of black coffee and decaf coffee for my boss and I.

I knock twice on the door and wait until the gruff and angry, "come in!" From my Mr Grey.

I enter the dark room, a bright smile on my face. "Good morning sir," as expected silence.

My smile doesn't falter, "get those faxed before the conference meeting," I nod my head grabbing the large pile of papers before pausing.

"Uh-" I hesitate.

"Back left corner," he answers my unasked question, I nod my head same time the lights go on making my task easier.

Two and a half hours after faxing back and forth, my smartwatch starts ringing telling me that there are fifteen minutes left till the meeting.

I sigh and walk over to Mr Grey's desk, "get file 5638D and file 7367K, the copies should be with Mr Rimini. His office is on the sixtieth floor, where we had your interview. Prepare everything in conference room 6B, then Tatiana will handle the rest." He instructs.

"Why Tatiana?" I stupidly ask, his eyes snap to mine making me regret asking.

"I don't like people who question my judgement." He warns.

"I can handle the job sir," I point out.

"Ms Clarkson this is a multi billion dollar company, most clients or investors are snobby rich perverted men who care only about women and money. Any harassment complaint wouldn't budge their pockets nor would the law go against and not only that but I would have to fire you."

I gulp deeply, my second day here and I don't want to get fired but it's already my second day here and I don't want to seem like I can't handle any task.

"Like I said, I can handle the job and myself." I state walking out of the room to do my job.


I go over the files one last time same time three of the investors walk in followed by Mr Rimini.

I close the file and stand up to greet them, "Ms Clarkson this is Joseph Mayer, Kian Hawthorne and Ni-Chen Talaki," he introduces.

I reach over and shake each of their hands, Mr Mayer looks like a sixty something year old man with platinum blonde hair and piercing green eyes.

Mr Hawthorne looks actually very young, no older than twenty five, black hair with grey eyes and Mr Talaki an old probably Chinese man, peppered hair and electric blue eyes.

Mr Talaki's hand lingers for a second too long before I pull back and secretly wipe my hand on my skirt avoiding his gaze. Gaining some courage I put up a brave smile;

"Would any of you-" the door behind me opens once more and Mr Grey walks in with four people by his tail.

They all take their seats, then Mr Grey introduces them to me. "Signora Clarkson, I'd like you to meet Mr Jung-Min, Ms Price and finally Mr and Mrs-"

"Jennings," I finish for him. He glares at me for a second before taking a seat.

"Would any of you like anything to drink?" I ask before the meeting starts.

I get two whiskeys on the rocks, and one cup of coffee, then the rest are alright with the water.

I nod smiling and head to the next room to get what they asked for, I come back into the room and place the coffee next to Ms Price.

As I place the whiskey next to Mayer I think I feel his fingers trail down the side of my thigh, I stand up straight and move to Mr Talaki who just gives me a strange look.

I walk back to my seat which thankfully is between Mr Grey and Mr Rimini, "can we start?" Grey asks, everyone nods.

"If you open up the files, you will see the latest record of the amount of profit you made from the period of December first, 2020 and May twentieth, 2021.

As discussed before; we generally increased hotel prices seeing as people were willing to travel during the period as a result of decrease in covid cases.

Which increased the half annum profit percentage by forty five percent, on page seven..." I drown out the rest of which they are discussing, and just take down random notes of what I think is important for the next hour.

"What do you think Ms Clarkson?" I snap my head up at the owner of the voice.

"Pardon?" I ask Mr Hawthorne, he has this look in his eyes like he's amused at my confusion.

"Using the same campaign we used from December to today. It did make quite a profit." He clarifies.

"Signora Clar-" Mr Grey starts about to make an excuse as to why I can't answer.

"If you ask me, I think not. I looked over some of the other files from previous years. For example, 2017. You increased the profit of the annum by seventy five percent all by just reducing prices when summer came by.

And this year I can say we sort of have an advantage because of covid, like you've decided for the last six months you've increased prices because people feel more comfortable in travelling now that covid has decreased over here.

Now instead of increasing the prices once more, we could take the chance and decrease those prices by two percent. Making it at least affordable for everyone, summer is almost near and people like to travel during the period.

The more people visit and stay at Grey Hotels, which is kind of hard not to considering that my boss has taken over the land with his hotels, restaurants and clubs. Then we could make up for the two percent decrease.

And your hotels always have either the best view to the beaches or wonderful green gardens perfect for weddings, seventy percent of the population prefer to have weddings during summer either at a beach or a garden wedding.

So you could advertise those gardens, for special events, charging them a reasonable amount. Provided you provide the catering, venue and decorating.

I don't know but I feel like that could give you almost the same amount of profit you made back 2017, than this year." I hesitate.

A part of me knows that that was messed up, probably didn't make any sense and wouldn't mean anything to them.

When the silence gets too much for me, I grab the now warm water and gulp down half of it to keep my nerves in place.

Okay maybe I shouldn't have said anything.

"So basically decrease prices, and accept more events?" Mrs Jennings asks.

"I mean, events are very expensive compared to paying for a two night stay. Especially if the customers would be paying for the event and staying at the hotel too." I reply.

"That doesn't sound too bad Grey, now that covid has reduced more people will travel and people would want to host their long awaited events." My heart slowly starts to calm down at Me Rimini's comment.

Mr Grey takes out his phone, typing on it leaving us in an awkward silence. After two minutes of silence, I abruptly get up.

"If...if you would excuse me," I mumble about to leave then my boss's voice makes me halt my movements.

"Not too bad of an idea Signora Clarkson, all in favor?" He asks, but sound more like everyone is supposed to agree.

I look back at everyone with a worried heart, Hawthorne is the first to raise his hand, followed by Rimini then the rest.

I let out a sigh of relief, "Good, I expect everything to be in order so we can start as soon as today. Have a good day," Mr Grey confirms leaving the room first.

"Great practical first day," Mr Rimini whispers in my ear before leaving the room, I smile at Mr Talaki as he shakes my hand, lingering a second too long again.

Mr Jung-Min bids me a goodbye followed by Ms Price. Leaving Hawthorne who's on a phone call, Mr Mayer going through his file and Mr and Mrs Jennings who walk towards me.

Jenna engulfs me into a hug, "oh my darling Leigh, I haven't seen you in so long." She coos pulling back.

JJ smiles at me proudly, "so this is where you disappeared to? Can't say that I blame you, working for the man."

I chuckle shyly, "Actually not exactly but I'm still sorry, but you understa-"

"We understand, the twins were going to highschool and expenses grew. You did what you had to do for you family."

"But sweetheart, you could've just asked for a raise. You know we were more than willing to help,"

I sigh fiddling, "I know but y'all had already done so much for my family since mom...and dad, I didn't want to burden you any further," I smile.

"It was no problem, you can always call us when you need anything at all 'kay darling?" Jenna smiles at me, JJ glances at his watch.

"It was great seeing you again Rosie, but we have a plane to catch" Jenna hugs me one last time before they bid me a goodbye and leave me with.

I walk up to the large table and look at the two gentlemen left, "May I help you with anything?" I ask.

"Yeah, walk with me." Mayer commands, I look him up then down but nonetheless follow him.

He stops just around the corner that leads to the reception desk, "Listen knowing clearly well you won't last a week here, now I'm going to give you my card and when you feel like it why don't you bring your sexy a** over?"

He snaps out a business card and holds it my way, "excuse me?" I ask slightly shocked.

"You're a smart talented woman, I would like to have you as my personal assistant." He clarifies leaning closer to me, I feel his hand tickle my hip and before he could go any further I grab his wrist and force his hand into an awkward angle.

"And I would like for you to get your perverted butt out of here and to your wife before I call security." I threaten pushing his hand away before walking away from him, an angry scowl on my face.

Most men really have no shame, whether I'm young enough to be their daughter or they have someone waiting for them when they get home, then you get those who treat women like objects or are seen with different women at every other event.

Kind of like the man whose office I'm

about to talk into, "Where have you been?" He asks almost immediately.

I try to mask the anger on my face, "Bathroom break sir," I lie.

"Get those ordered, I need you to fetch my suit from the dry cleaners on fourth avenue and set up a meeting with Jason Holland for somewhere this week."

I take the stack from his table muttering a 'yes sir'. Another hour and a half later I find myself yet again in Mr Grey's office.

"Where shall I put the suit?" I ask, he nods his head at a door in the corner of the room.

I head over and open the door, my mouth drops. I swear this could be a whole frickin' hotel room, which is understandable considering his occupation.

A king sized bed with many black and grey pillows and two closed doors, I walk to the double doors assuming it's the closet but it reveals a bathroom just as big as my bedroom alone.

I mean this practically explains why the hallway is so long with no doors, I head to the other door and place his suit along with his other million suits then go back to the office.

I glance at my watch which reads twelve o'clock, "Mr Grey, I'm going to go on my lunch break now, would you like anything while im out?" I ask.

"Be back in fifteen minutes," I nod my head and walk out.

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