
Chapter 5: Invitation


The rest of my day was completely uneventful and went by quickly, thankfully.

By the time Nyx and I woke for breakfast the next day, everything from the day before felt like a distant memory, something we could laugh about now that we had survived it.

 “Did you see how her eyes bulged,” Nyx acts out Evie’s face from the morning before and I try not to laugh too loudly as we make our way to the counter holding all of the dishes and cutlery. “I honestly thought she was going to kill you.”

“You’d think that the school would have kicked her out by now,” Nyx carefully looks both ways before she mumbles almost incomprehensibly beneath her breath. “Everyone knows she is a danger to herself and others. How she has managed to stay out of prison is a miracle.”

“Miracle,” I snort, rolling my eyes. “More likely it was a deal with a lesser-known demon.”

Nyx laughs loud enough to make some poor freshman drop his glass of milk.

“Sorry,” Nyx winces, feeling bad. Nyx is my best friend, and I love her like a sister, but sometimes she can be a bit “extra.” Thankfully, that includes her heart, which is extra big and always willing to be helpful.  

As she rushes over to help the poor student clean the mess, I signal that I will hold her space in line. By the time she rejoins me in line, I have almost reached the breakfast bar. Nyx gives me a small bow in gratitude as she retakes her place in line. 

Behind me somebody coughs, I’m assuming, because he doesn’t want my friend to cut the line. I choose to ignore him. There is no way I am going to let my bestie go to the back of the line after she went out of her way to help that poor girl get cleaned up. If the guy behind me wants to be upset, he can be upset.

As the line continues to shuffle closer to the food, I hear another cough of protest behind me followed by a gruff voice murmuring, "Excuse me." This mystery person then reaches forward and taps my shoulder, insistent that he receives my full attention. 

The nerve of some people! I am fed up with everyone trying to push me around. Feeling brave, and a bit upset at this insistent and frustrating individual, I turn on my heel, my finger extended as I shout, "Geeze, buddy, give it a rest! It's just one more person and..."

I let my finger fall as the person's face slowly comes into focus and my brain realizes what I have done. Standing behind me is not a random stranger, it is a very particular person, one I've been trying to get out of my mind since yesterday.

Atticus Preston, the most handsome, conniving, self-centered jerk on campus is staring down at me, his large hazel eyes full of amusement. "I'm sorry, were you trying to say something," he teases, pressing on his ear, “I couldn't understand you over all that screaming."

“I ah…so…I…” I sputter, not quite able to catch my breath or find my words, lost in the golden glow of his eyes. “Atticus, I’m…”

“Speechless, perfect,” his smile increases as he leans in close to whisper in my ear. “I feel that way when I see you sometimes too.” 

My heart rate increases and my breath quickens. Is he flirting with me? Again? Atticus “Ace” Preston flirting with me, in front of everyone?

I think he might be trying to get me killed. 

“Are you following me?” I hiss, searching the room for Evie’s signature scowl. “This is the second time in 24 hours that you just happen to be where I don’t want to find you.”

“Ouch,” he places a hand over his heart, “Do you really think that poorly of me? It’s a shame because I think you and I could be good friends,” he places a hand on my shoulder. “Very, very good friends.”

“Yes,” I do not hesitate to confirm as I shrug his hand off of my shoulder. “Why would I think anything different? You have done nothing to make me feel welcome, ever. If anything, I’m pretty sure that you and your friends are out to get me. I’d be a fool not to take it personally.”

He brushes his fingers through his hair as he bites his lip. With one arm above his head and the other on his hip, his face turned towards the light which brightens his high cheekbones,  he looks like he’s posing for the centerfold of a teen magazine. Is he doing this on purpose, I wonder, or is he just this gorgeous naturally? Shaking my head I try to clear the image from my mind. It doesn’t matter how pretty he is, this boy is pure sin.

Nyx, oblivious to what is happening behind her, continues to move forward in line, grabbing food from the breakfast bar. I look back at Atticus, who grins as he notices my shift in attention back to him, right before he shrugs and says something I’d never expect from him. “You’re right.”

“I’m sorry?” I feel confused like the world has just turned upside down. “Did you just agree with me?”

He shakes his head sadly as if my comments have hurt him. Not likely since I know his heart is as warm as a lump of coal. “I can admit when I’m wrong,” he assures me, “And I was wrong. You have every reason not to trust me. We’ve been absolutely beastly to you over the years. But that’s why I wanted you to come to breakfast this morning,” he looks down shyly, “So that I can apologize.” 

Atticus acting shy. They must be ice skating in hell because it has definitely frozen over. This boy has two modes: Arrogant and Asshole. 

“Apologize,” I scoff. “I don’t believe you nor do I trust you.”

“I know,” he moves a stray strand of hair from my eyes in a simple gesture that feels oddly intimate. “But I still wanted to try. Can you let me try?”

I stand there biting my lip. He seems so sincere. Should I give him a chance?

“Please,” he holds out his hand. “It was a long summer. I’ve had time to reflect on my actions and I want to leave school knowing I’ve done at least one good thing.” His big hazel eyes look almost innocent as he adds. “Give me,” he points back at his table and a couple of the Legacies wave and smile in a friendly manner, “Give us a chance to prove that we have changed,” he begs. “Come have breakfast with us.”

I look over at Nyx. She is taking a seat in our usual spot. As our gazes meet, her eyebrow raises in question. I point to Atticus and then shrug in the universal way that means “I don’t know,” followed by me signing that I am going to eat…with him.

She huffs, rolls her eyes, and then mouths,” Whatever,” followed by pretending to be hanging by a noose, our code for “it’s your funeral.”

When I turn to give my reply to Atticus, he has moved ahead of me and is standing with two breakfasts worth of food on a tray.

Smiling brightly, he nods his head towards the group of Legacies, indicating that I follow him.

And I do something I never thought I’d do.

Crossing myself, I say a silent prayer and let this handsome devil guide me into the very center of hell. 

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