
Chapter 3

Henry was trying to free himself, but It wasn't easy for him, so Sharon was trying her best to forced herself to the palace yard, she couldn't go home, she was beside the window of the room Henry was kept trying her magic to set Henry free,

But the palace was guarded with strong magic, and she knows the rules and regulations that binded the land,

The following day, Ethan came to the palace , and after exchanging pleasantries with queen mother, he asked, “my queen, Is It possible to see the majestic now,?“ he asked,

“Yeah, but you have to wait because he's still In his chamber,” the queen retorted,

“Alright, I will wait,” Ethan said, and he made himself comfortable.with others that accompany him to the palace,

Long while later, the prince came to the palace hall In his majestic way, and every one In the palace hall greeted him with royal respect, and he made himself comfortable In his calving royal chair,

He started attending the cases, and when Ethan met with him, he asked, “Ethan, what brings you here,?“

“My prince, I wanted to make a request,” Ethan said,

“Go ahead, I'm listening,” the prince said,

“I want to be the that will roast all the meat at your wedding, and I will need the head,” Ethan said,

“Why, what for,” the prince asked,

“I want to decorate my house with his skull,” Ethan said,

“Don't even go there, what will be the evidence that I kill human for my wedding reception, and how do I proof to be the superior amongst all the princes that human creature Is among my wedding reception delicacies, Ethan, you can't have the human creature's skull, but I can offer you some other part of his body, but definitely not the head,” the prince explained,

“But, my…my….my prince, I made It possible for you to have him, and If I may say, the human creature that we are talking about Is my captive, and If I can not have his head, I need him back,” Ethan said,

“You must be joking, you can't have him back, mention your price, I will pay you the double of any price you might mentioned,” the prince explained,

“this Is not the price matter, I need the human creature, And can sell him to someone else,” Ethan said,

“Okay, can you tell me briefly how you get him,?“ the price asked,

“My future wife brought him,” Ethan retorted,

“Who's your future wife In this community,” the prince asked,

“Sharon, she's my everything,” Ethan said,

“Ethan, you must be a fool, a woman brought a human creature to our community, not even you, and you are here dragging the head, the most Important part of the body with me,” the prince explained, “anything, you can't have him back, and I will advise you leave this palace before I erupt on you,” the prince said,

With annoyance, the prince sits up, and he walked Into his chamber with saying ba word to anyy,

Meanwhile, Ethan's face had changed, and his eyeballs had turned to blinking green, and he was trying to scan and searching every nooks and corners of the palace with his magical powers, and he sighted Henry where he was tied,

Ethan returned to his house with annoyance, and he was short of ideas, a while later, he went to Sharon's house, but unfortunately, Sharon was not at home, “ohh, where's Sharon, where could she be,?“ Ethan asked himself,

Ethan returned home with annoyance, prepared himself, and he headed to the palace, and he went directly to the back of the room that Henry was tied and kept,

Ethan was surprised to see Sharon behind the house, and he asked, “Sharon my love” he said, “what are you doing here,?“ he asked,

“Ethan, what did you do, how could you offered h to the prince,?“ Sharon asked while he was crying,

“Don't worry, about that for now, the human creature you are talking about, Is one of our greatest enemies, you don't know how dangerous they were,” Ethan explained,

“I don't believe you, they are not dangerous because he had been with me for two days before you people came,” Sharon said, I know you have the power to free him, please, free him and I will let him go,” she said,

“That can't happen, just allow me to go In there and do what I'm here for,” Ethan said,

“Promise me that you will bring him alife,” Sharon said while tears dripping down from her eyes, “Ethan, I know you, and I know what you are capable of, please, don't do anything nasty,” Sharon said,

“Sharon, listen to me, I know one thing, If I didn't get rid of this thing that Is becoming obstacles to my relationship, I won't havey way with you, and you won't concentrate on our relationship,” Ethan explained,

Sharon couldn't bear It anymore, Sharon used his magical power to made Ethan stumbled thrice, and she warned him, “stay away from Henry, he Is not dangerous as you do, just spear him,” Sharon said,

“If I spear him, you know, the prince will never do, so let me spoli the prince plans of being the most superior amongst all the princes,” Ethan said, and he control his magical powers to hold Sharon for a while, but Sharon's magical powers had been boosted when she met Henry,

But It didn't last long before Sharon regained her powers, and she hangs Ethan In the air, but a while later Ethan stumbled Inside the palace, but to his surprise, Henry had losen all the ropes that was used to tie him, and he was finding a way to escaped,

Henry was not In the room he was kept, and Ethan started searching for Henry untill he found himself In the troubles because he entered Into the treasure room,

The palace guard that sighted Ethan raised alarm that there's a thief In the treasure room,

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