
7. Their eyes to say something.


Let's cooperate with each other❤️

Happy Reading 🤗


Beyza took me to Hippodrome Square. The racetrack where billionaires gather.  Looks like my adaptation is really necessary for a high class life like this.  At least, until Ozgur gets tired of me. The two of us became the center of attention as we strolled into the lobby where the audience made bets.

Beyza uses a long, yellow dress, which is sexy. Her hair in one ponytail made a chick impression, while I looked feminine in the lilac backless dress and the v line.

"The new Madame in the town. Voila, you brought her too, Beyza." A man comes closer.

The man has a French accent and brunette hair. A black armani wrapped around his body and he reached out to me, Christian Dior's watch attached to his right hand. "Hello, I am Abellard. Ozgur's friend."

"Hi, I am Kim Ara. You can call me, Ara."

"Nice to meet you, Ara." said him, while kissing the back of my hand.

"Me too."

"You're more than beautiful up close."

"Is that your seduction?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Abellard, you came from France just to seduce my wife?" Ozgur's voice mediated our conversation, he leaned back in the executive room next to the lobby, he watched us.

Ozgur doesn't lie about his business. My smile appeared when I saw him walking closer, but my smile was immediately disguised by the fact, that maybe he only thought of me as one of his toys.

"Ozgur, there's no need to be angry. I'm just teasing her. I'm sorry I didn't come to your wedding yesterday. I'm still on the plane." said Abellard.

"It's okay." And the two of them are now hugging. Ozgur and Abellard look so close. "You said you would come before Saturday, why are you late?"

"This is what I want to talk to you about, I need advice. My Mercenaries that I just picked up. They can't even master the language in which they will be assigned, how they can become reliable mercenaries."

"Do he has a mercenary group or something?" I asked Beyza who was next to me, she was playing with her cellphone.

"That guy, Abellard. He has the largest mercenary organization in the European region. Basically, he's the King of mercenary. Ozgur started to expand to Europe in collaboration with him," Beyza said, explaining. The dark world of politics, do I have to learn about it now?

"What do you think, Ara?" Ozgur asked me suddenly. "You can also advise Abellard why his new recruits can't even master the language of their destination." Ozgur emphasized the words of the new recruits. And just now, Ozgur asked me my opinion, he turned out to be more modern than the Mafia Boss I know.  Ozgur allowed me to give my opinion?

"Just say what you have to say, I know you have an opinion." Great. Ozgur must have studied psychology. He read my mind.

"Abellard, can you tell me, are your mercenaries from England? So their L1 is English, right. What is their Target language?"

"Sorry, come again?" Abellard doesn't understand. Am I using language that's too scientific?

"L1 is first language, the mother tongue. Your bodyguard is from English, meaning L1 is English. Meanwhile, Target language is the language you want them to learn." Ozgur said, explaining. I look at him and smile, Ozgur is really attending my seminar.

"Ozgur becomes linguist, this is the result of the stalking all this time." Beyza interrupts Ozgur's words and claps her hands, she looks delighted.

Abellard nodded his head. "Hmm... The target language is Mandarin. I will send them to Hong Kong."

"If I guessed, you must have immediately ordered them to learn Mandarin and directly communicate with the mercenaries from Hong Kong. What you did was wrong. You can't just force the target language to be mastered in a short time. Krashen on his input hypothesis said that the  learner can only learn language by being exposed to the input containing knowledge a little beyond their competence. I + 1. I is the current level of the mercenary language, which is zero bacic. Then, 1 is for the item that they have to acquire."

Abellard gaped at my explanation. I saw his face, does Abellard understand?

"Repeat, please."

Hearing Abellard's words, Beyza laughed and drew closer to Abellard. "Ozgur will explain what his clever wife means. Now, accompany me to make a bet." Beyza took Abellard's hand, they went to place her bet.

"Am I overreacting?" I asked Ozgur who had approached me.

"It's perfect. Your brain is so sexy." Ozgur smiled and brought my hand to rest on his arm. He whispered into my ear. "And it makes me turn on."

"Pervert," I say, rolling my eyes.

"You can be my business advisor, honey."

"Jeez, I don't want to get into your illegal business."

"Why not? Now it's yours too, honey."

"That's your Empire."

"Our Empire," corrected Ozgur, while stroking my hand which was still on his side. Ozgur led me to the betting table. "Tell me which horse you want to bet on?" asked him.

"I've never bet on horse racing." I said honestly.

"Looks like you need to explain which horse is your mainstay, Ozgur. Your wife will make a favorable hypothesis," said Abellard who was still next to us.

"C'mon guys, don't rely to me." I'm complaining, my hypothesis isn't for this kind of thing.

"Okay, listen to me, honey." Ozgur showed me a folder, on which was the horse's number and photo, age and name of the jockey. "I glanced at horses number 4 and 30. Help me bet. Horse number 4 is a horse that has high competition experience with jockeys I don't really know. Whereas horse number 30 is a young horse but is trained with winning jockeys."

"How about horse jockey number four, his ability?" I asked.

"The jockey who rides the horse is a reliable jockey but not as reliable as the jockey on horse number 30," Ozgur said, explaining.

I nodded my head. "If it were me, I would vote for horse number 30."

Hearing my words, Ozgur smiled. "Why? It's a new horse."

"But isn't jockey No. 30 very experienced. Have you heard of this, my husband? Bet on humans not horses."

Ozgur nodded his head, and he closed the book. He looked at the woman who recorded the bet. "Number 30. 2 million pounds."

"What!" My eyes widened when Ozgur gave his bet. "Two million?!"

"Relax, honey. I count on you." Ozgur grabbed my waist and kissed me on the cheek. I'm still dumbfounded. How could Ozgur believe my hypothesis so much. He's still smiling when I look at him.

"I also want to make a bet." Someone's voice interrupted and he walked towards us. "Good Morning, Mr. Doğan." A man looks our way. A tall, burly man with long blonde hair and golden yellow eyes. He doesn't look Turkish.

"Morning, Mr. Brown." Ozgur replied.

The man with a slit in his chin smiled, he turned to the woman who took the bet. "2 million pounds for..." his words stopped and he saw me. "Horse number 30," said him before approaching me.

"It must be, the one and only Mrs. Doğan. I am Zake Brown." He stretched out his hand to me.

I accepted his hand and we shook hands.  "I am Kim Ara--" My words stopped, I thought a little, because I felt Ozgur's possessive embrace. "Ara Doğan, not Kim Ara." said Ozgur.

"Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Brown."

"Just call me Zake." In the next second, Zake Brown kissed my hand and I felt Ozgur's grip on my waist tighten even more. I just smiled, I understand this awkward situation. At the moment, all Zake does is the same introductory greeting as Abellard did earlier. But the atmosphere around Ozgur and I changed since Zake's arrival.

I saw Ozgur as he took Zake's hand away from me. Ozgur and Zake looked at each other. Ozgur's green eyes and Zake's amber eyes, their eyes seemed to say something. An aura of hostility that was so thick. Hostility enveloped by a smile on the surface of the lips. The hostility that will pull me into their midst.


NOTE : The Acquisition - Learning hypothesis

Krashen distinguishes language acquisition from language learning.  According to him, language acquisition is a person's unconscious process in acquiring a second language.  Acquisition of language occurs like a child acquiring the first language, he unconsciously knows the rules and features of language because he is only aware that he is using language to communicate. According to Krashen in acquiring this language, we are not always aware of the rules of language that we get but we have a "taste" to do justification (Krashen, 1982). Language acquisition occurs because of natural interaction by using a second language to communicate.

See you 👋


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