


I wiped my eyes haphazardly with the back of my hand as I ran away from Asher, rushing into the darkness to hide the guilt gnawing at my chest. I was so angry that it hurt but I wasn’t angry at him for not letting me on patrol duty. I was angry at myself for being so weak and helpless at the clutches of a man I knew absolutely nothing about except for his name was: Alpha Killian Price.

A few moments ago:

“Ki…Killian,” I stuttered, my voice sounding like I was being choked. What was he doing here? How did he even get here? I didn’t even hear him coming.

“Did you miss me, my little Alpha?” he whispered in my ear, his voice raspy and his breath tinged with the scent of alcohol.

The usual repulsion spread through my chest again and I moved back, trying to steady myself. I quickly glanced behind me, hoping to the moon goddess that Asher won’t return just yet. I had no idea how I would explain myself if he found me with Killian. And also, a part of me didn’t want him anywhere near this man. Killian was dangerous; I didn’t need evidence to prove that. His presence was enough, not to forget the chills that crept through my bones whenever I was in his vicinity. There was something very wrong about him. The thought of Asher facing him—it wasn’t appealing at all.

“Wh…what are you doing here?” I demanded. “Asher…”

“Don’t worry, your mate will be preoccupied for a while ,” he answered flatly. I blinked at him. How does he know Asher was my mate?

“Ho…how do you know?” Killian gave me a look that makes me feel like an idiot while lighting up his cigarette.

“I know, sweetheart,” he answered. “I know everything…”

“What do you want? Why are you suddenly here after three months of disappearing? Are you stalking me?” I was breathless as I spat it all out. Killian narrowed his eyes at me and I clenched my jaw as he leaned closer, blowing out a puff of smoke at my face.

“I ain’t that free to go around stalking people, baby,” he answered, an edge in his voice. “I have much better things to do than that,”

“Then how do you know? And how did you find me here?” I hissed.

“I have my people…I know everything, Ivyanka. You can’t hide from me. Eve.”

“Where is my…father?” I croaked. “I want to see him.”

“He is where he was the last time you saw him and as promised,safe,” he answered. “And he will continue to as long as you keep your promise and do as I say,”

“What do you want me to do?” I snapped, feeling pissed. “It’s been three months! I have settled into the pack as you asked, gained their trust, now what? What do you want me to do?”

“Marry Asher Gray,” Killian said flatly. I stared blankly at him, not sure if I heard him right.

“What?” I mumbled.

“Accept his proposal. Marry him, Ivyanka and be his Luna,”

“Are you kidding me?” I exclaimed.

“Do I look like I am kidding you?” his voice was hard and so were his eyes.

“I cannot marry him, Killian. It would make everything harder for me, don’t you understand?”

“No, sweetheart,” he said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I wanted to punch him for touching me but my instincts told me that would be a very bad idea. “Everything will be easier. As the luna of the pack, you will have access to information you don’t have access to now. Every little bit of information about GrayCrest from the number of men in the army…”

“I know how many men are there in the army,”

Actual army…” he hissed. “Do you think this handful of warriors and hunters is all that one of the strongest packs in the country has? There are more, scattered as spies and messengers across different packs who keep them updated about the rival packs from time to time. Once you become Luna and Asher’s wife, you will have access to all the insider information about the army because Asher is in-charge of it. You will have access to the Council which means you will have access to the most private information that you as a warrior would never have..."


"You probably don’t know who their allied packs are, which are its tertiary packs and exactly how big GrayCrest is, do you?” I pursed my lips because he was right, I didn’t know.

“You have no idea where you are, Ivyanka,” Killian murmured. “And for what I want, you need to know where you are…you need to know GrayCrest like you know yourself. So, when your mate comes back, tell him that you agree with his proposal,”

“If I marry him, it would increase my chances of getting caught!” I wailed.


“He…he will mark me and that will activate the mindlink. If I can’t build up a wall…he will have access to all my thoughts and memories. Killian, Asher isn’t an idiot…”

“Then don’t let him mark you,” he said simply, crushing the cigarette butt with his foot. “Do what you need to do Ivyanka to give me what I want;this is in both our interests. ”

“This is wrong,” I whispered, tears springing to my eyes. “Betraying my pack as its luna is a terrible sin…please, Killian…”

“If that’s how you feel then I guess you have to make a choice, Ivyanka…your morals or…your father?”

“Why are you doing this to me!” I wailed. “Why me? Whatever you want…this has got nothing to do with me! Just let me and my father go, please…I beg you,”

“You think there is a way out of this, little alpha?” he smirked, a cold, deadly gesture that made my stomach recoil. “You and your father will be free once I destroy GrayCrest for good, turn them into dust. Until then, you are at my mercy unless you want to be a rebel…but you know the cost of that don’t you?”

“I am going to kill you.” I sneered, my body shaking with rage. Killian’s lips parted in a cold smile and I froze as he leaned closer and brushed his lips across mine.

“I like feisty women, maybe once it's all done, you can be my luna, little alpha. Together, we will rule the damn world…”

“Dream on,” I hissed, spitting on the ground. “I’d rather die than be with a monster like you…”

“We will see, for now, do as you are ordered and steady up. Your mate is returning, I am sure you wouldn’t want to look like this…” Giving me a look, he turned on his heels and started to walk away but then halted and turned around. The look he gave me made me sick to the stomach.

“Don’t try to be smart, Ivyanka,” Killian whispered. “ One wrong move will cost you your father. It’s all hanging by a really thin thread and if the thread snaps, you will lose the last of your family for good.”

I grit my teeth and before I could even blink, he had disappeared. Like mixed into the thin air. Where did he go?

My body shook with anger and tears threatened as helplessness took over me. I wanted to scream and cry and kill someone but boxing all of those emotions inside, I straightened myself for Asher and hoped to the moon goddess that he doesn't catch Killian’s scent. Asher cannot see through the wall that I have put up. Even a little crack could cost me my father’s life.

Or his.

Red Johnson

Hello lovelies! I hope you are enjoying the story so far. If you do, please help me out by dropping a review and dropping a gem if you feel like it.

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goodnovel comment avatar
Ally Cat
I’m so excited for where this is going. Keep up the fantastic work.

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