
Chapter 7 - dinner time

Chapter 7 - Dinner time

Time was ticking away as Arwen went to get ready for dinner with the king, it was almost eight and the other women had been prepering themselves for some time for this evenings meal. She however spent her time exploring every nook and krany of the commuial space they had been given to spend their time. She had found nothing new however, she wasn't sure what she had expected to find, but to know there had been no way out if ever she wanted to explore a little more would have been nice.

Walking into the bathroom she opened up the closet and flicked through her clothes pulling out a blue blouse and smart slacks she placed them on the bed before going back into the bathroom and locking the door, turning the shower on she placed her hand under the hot stream checking the tempreture, she had always been more of a bath person but since a shower was her only option she undressed and climbed in quickly wasing her body with the sweet smelling soap that had been placed on a small soap dish built in to the showers tiled walls. Rinsing of the soap from her skin she began on her hair as a loud knock on the door rang out around the bathroom.

It was Alexandra her neighbour " Arwen its almost eight don't forget your veil"

Calling back over the noise from the shower "Thank's, i'm almost done"

Having no time to shampoo and dry her hair she got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around her hair and body before heading back to the clothes on her bed. Alexandra had closed the door behind her giving Arwen some privacy as she got dressed, toweling of quickly she reaches to her dresser taking out some simple black briefs and bra, putting them both on she followed up with her blouse and slacks, slipping on the same shoes she had worn when she arrived. Just one more thing and she was ready to go, she rubbed the towel on her head into her hair hoping to dry it as much as possible before running her brush down the long strands, cursing herself as it tugged she took a quick breath before starting again. "time to get a grip Clara's not here to help you any more, time to grow up". Grabbing a claw grip out of the box sitting on her bed side table she rolled her hair up on top of her head, holding it in place with the grip.

Hearing another knock at the door she had first entred her bedroom from she quickly placed the black veil over her face before blindly reaching for the door handle, this time when she tried it the door opened. Seeing the same shoes of Grayson from under the veil she said hello to the elderly man.

"Hello miss, if you could please allow me to lead you to the dining room. The others are waiting for your presents"

Letting the butler take her arm again she heard the door to her room close behind her as he leads her to a door opposite her bedroom. Immediately she could smell roast beef, her stomach growling as she realised how hungry she was. Today had been such a blur she had completely forgot to eat, it was so unlike her normally she could out eat her brothers, not that you could tell to look her.

Sitting at the dinning table Isabella had mixed fellings about her brothers fiancee's they all sat silently like china dolls their hands folded on their laps, it was frustrating she couldn't see what any of them looked like but she could guess giving their lineage it was very likely they where each as splendid as the next. She watched on as the last bride to be was brought in and sat down, between another fiancee and a seat waiting for her brother haythem. She wasn't dressed like the others while they all wore evening gowns she had on slacks and a blouse, guess she didn't get the memo. As a door behind her opened Isabella she and her sisters smiled as Pontus and his wife Almeda entered the room closely followed by haythem.

Taking their seats Haythem rolled his eyes at his sisters " guess you lovely ladies got roped into the dinner from hell to hey?"

Isabella, Demeter and Olivia giggled a little before Pontus put a stop to it "We have company, can you not act like a gentleman, at least once?" now turning his gaze on his their sisters "Please don't encourage him"

Unable to stop herself Isabella giggled again as she watched Haythem make a delibrate attempt to nicely unfold his napkin and place on his lap. "hows this?" he asked looking at pontus.

Shaking his head at haythem he doesnt bother to respond knowing it wouldn't get him any where when it can that male.

Her brothers did not look much alike but they where all as stubben as each other, some times it was easier to keep quiet than carry on the argument, because only the goddess knows neither one of them would want to lose.

As her sibblings chatted amung themselves Hearing a rumble from across the table Isabella got up from her seat picking up a bread roll she headed across the table and placed it in the hands of the female seated next to Haythem, before turning to head back to her seat, she was taken back as she heard the female speak.

"Thank you" taking one of the females hands in her's she gave it a small squeeze " your very welcome".

Releasing her hand she returned to her seat ignoring the looks from her sisters. She had known most of her life what it was to like to have other people make your choices for you but that didn't mean these poor females had to feel at odds in their new surrounding this was their home now and they should feel at ease even if that was just from something as simple as a small kindness.

Listening to the chattering of her family wishing these hidden females would join in, looking at the one who was now finishing her bread roll she checked her watch, Zayn was late and how annoying was that when he was the one who made them all attend this rIdiculous meal.

"Grayson, please begin to serve. There is only so long we can wait"

"Yes my Lady" Grayson bowed before he headed out of the room to an joining kitchen.

As Grayson left the room, the door leading into the hallway open reveiling her brother Zayn, as always Haythem was the first to speak up "Starting to think you had chickened out"

Zayn made his way around the table heading straight for Haythem, hitting him hard in the shoulder knocking him of his chair. Haythem hit the ground hard, the female next to him dropping what was left of her bread roll on to the table. Isabella couldn't help but laugh out load, if it had not been for all the masked females she would have thought this was yet another family meal. As Haythem picked himself up and rubbed his shoulder acting like a wounded animal Zayn took his seat at the head of the table before calling for Grayson.

"Grayson...Grayson. where the hell is he".

As the swing doors opened and Grayson apeared his hands full with a large silver tray, that beautiful smell of roast beef filled the room all the more as the elderly butler placed the tray on the centre of the table. He was closely followed by 3 maids each carrying a silver trays filled with vegtables, roast potatoes and so much more. Now Isabella's stomach rumbled to. Zayn contiuned to Grumble impatently at Grayson "Grayson where are our drinks?" Her brother had always been moody but tonight it was so apperent she suddenly become glad his soon to be brides where concelled from viewing the foul mood sweeping across her brothers face.

Grayson began to poured each person a drink Isabella couldnt help but notice her brother Zayn Scanning each of the twelth hidden females, nudging each of her sisters and directing her gaze to Zayn she takes a sip of her drink smirking as her sisters smile and wisper to each other. All three of them wondering what he was looking for. One of these females most definatly caught his attention during the meeting ceremony and watching their eldest brother try and figure out which one from the sea of masked faces was a special kind of funny. If he had turned up for his own meal on time, he would have seen them enter in the same order they first arrived, but no he was late and now it gave Isabella and her sisters a little entertainment while they where served their evening meal to watch him become more and more frustrated.

Zayn looked around the room Each female was covered in her black veil, althought he had not seen the female's face he wanted to see he had hoped even still veiled he would know her the moment he saw her and yet he was becoming more and more frustated, every female had worn their hair up for this evening and as for finding her by her scent that was just as frustating. The smell of roast beef and sweet wine filled the room, each females own scents and perfumes mingling into one making it impossible for him to tell any one of them from the other. Finishing his meal quickly to watched the females each, the hands delicate on the silverwear as the moved the food from the plate to their hidden mouths, each one of them as delecate as the next. Huffing he sat back in his seat crossing his arms over his chest his eyes still scanning the females, still nothing.

The meal soon came to an end as his mood became darker and darker, he had hoped this might be a way for him to get to know these females better, but if he was really willing to admit it to himself just one of the females. Once the plates where cleared Grayson aproched him, clearing his throat to get Zayns attention.

"Sire, should I take the ladie's back to their chambers?" Greyson ask while bowing his head.

Frustrated he had know choice but to give in to defeat with a wave of his hand he jestered for the butler to take the females back to their rooms. "Yes, thank you Grayson"

Watching as the females rise to their feet Grayson and the maids moved each of their chair so they did not trip before leading each of them out of the dinning room and back to their quarters. As each female left the chatter amung his sibling began to grow becoming loader and more rebusk but he could not track a single word.

"Zayn....Yo Zayn" feeling a swift kick under the table soon snapped his attention back to the chatter.

Rubbing his shin "What the F*ck Hay"

Haythem shrugged his shoulders and lent back in his chair, "Olivia asked you a question, but your stearing into space like a zombie".

Turning to face Olivia he was just about to apoloigize and ask her to repeat the question when he heared the remaining females gasp at the drop of the F bomb all but one, the Female closet to Haythem let out a small but notable giggle, she wasn't dressed like the rest, they all had on ball gowns much like the ones they had on when they first arrived but she was in trousers and a loose fitting blouse.

It all happen so fast He could bearly track his own movements, he was across the table standing so close to her that all he could smell was her beaufiful scent minged with clean fresh water and soap. He was completely on auto pilot his wolfs inner preditor taking over as he took in her scent, he wanted this female like no other he had ever known. The animal in him was just about to take over as he bared his fangs ready to strike and take what was his, to bite her virgin neck with his fangs, dragging them against her white flesh marking her as his, leaving a visable warning to all others that this female was his. He didnt get the chance...

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