
4. I am Glad

***Five years later***

~Ashton's POV~

The dusk was falling rapidly making the birds fly back to their origin. People were heading back to their homes to their loved ones after a stressful work day but here I am...

I don't know how long I have to wait. It's never been this late before.

She has gone out multiple times alone but today the feeling in my heart was different. The feeling of happiness, excitement and a bit of anxiousness is residing in my heart.

I know why I am excited and happy but anxious...

I don't know why am I feeling this way...

For the past 3 hours, I have been constantly trying to reach out to the one who stole my heart when I was just a kid but here my missy is not even bothering to call me back.

I leaned back on the chair with my head resting on the chair and checked my phone for the hundredth time to see if there was any text or not but to my dismay, there was nothing.

A soft knock came on the door and by the scent, I knew it was my secretary. She walked inside the office after the permit with a pile of files in her hand which made me shake my head, I don't think my day can be over ever.

"Sir, these are the files which you need to sign for the upcoming project. Mr Aiden has signed them only your signatures are needed," She said while putting those files on my desk.

"Don't tell me I have to sign them right now," I said while giving those files a piercing glare.

It will take me almost an hour to do that and right now I just want to hold my mate who I don't even know reached New York yet or not.

"No sir... I need them before tomorrow's meeting with Jones," she hesitantly said.

I nodded my head in relief and she started to walk out of my office. I asked her if she did what I asked her to do or not and she turned around with a sigh leaving her mouth, "I contacted the airport, sir. They said the flight was delayed by two hours. It landed just about half an hour ago. I think Ms. Evelyn went home."


She never does this.

She always keeps me updated about her location. Is she in trouble?

"Blaze... Can you locate her through the bond?" I asked my wolf.

"No... Our bond only helps us to locate each other when we are mated and marked and you... You only mated with her not marked her!" he growled.


I dismissed my secretary for the day and dialled Bambi's number but suddenly an emergency pop-up appeared on my screen and then I received a text message with the location.

It's Bambi...

I ran out of my office and without caring about anyone noticing anything, I used my wolf's speed to reach the parking and went straight to the location stated in the text.

How the fuck she reached an abandoned place?

That's the fucking reason why I was anxious!

I reached the place and I could her racing heartbeats even from a great distance.

A loud growl made its way out of my mouth and I sprinted into the warehouse from where I could hear my mate's scream and sound dropping of things.

"Fucking vampires!" Blaze loudly growled in my head.

I quickly reached the spot from where my mate's scent was strongest and growled at the top of my lungs seeing two vampires leaning over her.


"Ash!" Bambi yelled.

Giving no time to them, I quickly shifted into Blaze and lunged over the first one. I snapped his neck without thinking twice and ran after the other one who was trying to run away.

I caught him by his leg before he could escape from the dark forest.

Snapping his right leg off his body, I shifted back into my human form and grabbed him by his neck, "Why the fuck you attacked her? For sure it's not for blood... It's the freaking second time you blood-sucking leeches tried to attack my mate!"

"Because-because our master has a thing for her... He-he he wants her to be his pet..."

A pet?

How dare he think of this!!!

"I am a fucking human! Not a freaking animal!" Bambi shouted.

"Plus... She-she... She smells amazing."

He smirked but before he could laugh at my face, Blaze snapped his neck and arm and threw them in the opposite direction.

I fucking need to get my hands on this master. I could not let this happen again.

I felt tingles and sparks on my back and closed my eyes while feeling the warmth of my mate's touch.

She wrapped something around my torso and kissed my back, "I only like seeing you naked behind the walls. Not in the open."

"I am sorry..." I whispered.

If I had been a normal human just like her and my family, she would never have come across this dangerous world. It's all my fault that she has to go through a situation like this twice.

"Hey, it's not your fault. In fact, you should be happy that Blaze and you are here to save and protect me. Imagine what would have happened to me if you were not in my life or if you were just a human. Nothing babe... I would have died long ago. That fucking moron still would have tried to get his hands on and no one... I mean not even a single person would have been able to save me from that moron vampire."

She cupped my cheeks and kissed my head, "I love you my baddie yet good wolf. Just think how many people would be disappearing daily because of these morons. I'm glad Blaze and you are always with me."


So many people would be disappearing because of these vampires. I need to inform the werewolf cops about this.

I kissed her head back and wrapped my arms around her. Her scent started to calm my racing thoughts and heartbeats and I released a sigh of relief. I am glad I could reach her on time.

I took that extra pair of jeans and T-shirt which I always keep in my car and got into them.

Quickly informing some of my friends who are werewolf cops about today's incident, I leaned over the door of my car holding my mate close to my heart.

My hand moved from her back to her waist and then from her waist to her hip while she wrapped her arms around my neck, "If Blaze hadn't told me what I would be seeing in future after being mated to a werewolf, I would have been kissing the ground while seeing you splitting them in two."

"It's not normal for me either... I can control myself in front of humans or any other situation but when something concerns you, I just can't control myself."

"I am not resistable... Maybe that's the reason why that vampire moron is after me," She laughed.

"It's not funny, Bambi." I sternly said.

I spanked her butt which made her gasp and seeing the opportunity in front of my eyes, I entered my tongue inside her sweet mouth and kissed her deeply.

Her soft moan reached my ears which made my junior throb in my pants. I squeezed her butt which made her giggle and parting our tongues and lips, she whispered, "I want you alpha..."

Fuck babe...

"Mate with her now! Mark her!" Blaze excitedly said.

I will mate with her but not here...

"Get in the car now," I said.

She started to laugh which made me squint my eyes at her, "It's not funny babe! See what you have done to me."

I pointed at my lower which made her lick her lips.

That's it. She made my soldier fucking hard as iron!

I bit her lower lip while making her sit in the car and went to the driver's seat to drive to our safe and secret place.

"I am glad you gave a strong build to our treehouse. It can take wild bangs otherwise it would have been shattered into pieces a long ago," Bambi laughed.

I smirked, "I am glad too, babe."

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