
Chapter 4: Where am I?

The waiting to be addressed proved to be a long wait. My body couldn't handle the strain anymore and so I succumbed to the call of darkness that I have been avoiding since we started on the trek. The last thing I heard before I went under was the mysterious Beta asking the boys what was wrong. Whatever answer they gave him was up for grasp, as I got lost in lala land. 

The next time I rejoined the living was to a strange woman face leaning over me, with a stethoscope to my chest and the other end fixed to her ears. Her dark curly long hair falling over her face. 

I blinked several times to adjust to the brightness of the room. I had no idea where I was, and that set off my heart rate informing the woman, who is obviously a doctor judging by the way she was dressed that I was awake. 

"You are awake," she stated the obvious with a warm smile on her face. She was pretty, and her grey eyes kind. She didn't pose any threat which made me relax a little. "Where am I?" I tried to sit up, which proved to be a pain in the ass as my side hurt like a mother fucker. 

"What the fuck!" I groaned wondering if I have been stabbed with a knife laced with chili pepper. It hurst fucking bad. 

"Hey! take it easy. You don't want to undo my good work," the doctor gently pushed my back to the bed and then raised the gown I had on to check her good work. I noticed it was the gashed Frost had on her side. I wondered why it wasn't healing. But first knowing where we are was paramount. 

"You haven't answered my question," I reminded the doctor. She looked up at me as she spoke with a slightly humorous expression on her face. And here I thought being alive was the most important thing. I didn't smile at her attempt at humor. Being in a strange place was dangerous to me and my wolf, and I needed if I had anything to worry about. 

When her humor sailed over my head the doctor decided to answer honestly. "You are at the pack hospital. You were brought in three days ago..."

"Three days!" I gasped cutting her off. It was mind boggling to think that I have been out for that long. "What happened?" I looked at her desperately. If I was out that long it must have been something  serious.

"Silver happened. The wound at your side. Whatever made that wound was tainted with silver." I nodded remembering one of the rogues the ones in human form cutting my side with a dagger. We hadn't expected some of them to be in human form, and bearing guns. Like I said my father was a man of peace who believed that the whole world was an idealist like him. His philosophy is that if you don't go looking for trouble, trouble won't find you. Guess he has been proven wrong. 

I didn't know whether to be mad at him for not being better prepared or mourn his loss. I guess whichever emotion I decide on will have to wait until I get out of the new mess I am in. 

"So what is the verdict? Get me well and then shoot me?" My tone was flat and emotionless even though inside I was frightened. I don't know what I would do if this pack denies me refuge. I am so tired of being on the run, and seriously doubt how long I will be able to survive out there on my own. 

The doctor looked at me confused. "What are you talking about dear?" I wasn't getting any animosity from the doctor, you know like most people would be if they are dealing with a stranger. My good friends at the forest had made it sound like the pack was hostile to strangers but that is not the vibe I was getting from the doctor. Maybe it is because of her profession. It doesn't matter that she is a werewolf, the hippocratic oat applies to them as well. 

"I am asking if I am going to be killed when your alpha gets here?" I asked bluntly. "Whatever gave you that morbid idea, dear?" A little furrow appeared between her brow. 

"The guys that picked me up."

"Oh, you mean the policy of no trespassers?" 

I nodded. 

"Well, it is true that our pack doesn't like trespassers, no landowner does, but Alpha Emerson is a reasonable Alpha and I am sure he will hear you out before deciding whether to kill you or banish you. Actually, he is on his way here," she said causally. 

"What!" I gasped and tried to sit up again. "Please will you relax. You are such a stubborn patient," she rolled her eyes on me. "I don't know how you expect me to relax when you just said your alpha is on his way here."

"Tearing up your stitches isn't going to help your case." 

"It might delay him killing me, or make him sympathetic to my course," I shrugged my shoulders. 

"You have a point, but let's not do that. Really don't want to do the stitches again. I mean that would be the eleventh time." 

I frowned at her words. "Are you really that terrible at sowing clothes?" 

"No, and what does that have to do with anything?" She frowned back at me. 

"You just said it took you ten times to get my stitches right," I arched a brow at her. 

"That is because you kept tearing them open when you were unconscious. I believe you were having nightmares." 

"Oh," I looked down. It wasn't surprising to hear that I was having nightmares, not after what I witnessed. 

"Anyway one doesn't need to be a good seamstress to be good with sutures." 

"But a good seamstress could be good at suturing," I teased. 

"No smart ass they are totally two different thing." I was about to retort something smart back when I felt the change in the air. Someone was coming. Someone with a lot of power. Frost felt the shift too as she straightened up from her relaxed posture in my mind and grew alert. 

It was no brainer who was coming. 

"You need to calm your wolf," the doctor whispered as whoever that caused the shift in the air drew closer. "What?" I scowled at the doctor. I was calm. 

"Your wolf is broadcasting," she muttered with a sense of urgency in her voice. I have no idea what the hell she is talking about. "Um... what do you mean?" 

She rolled her eyes, muttering something about ignorant wolf before speaking out loud. "Your wolf is resisting to submit to our alpha and is broadcasting her power against his." That shocked me. "Frost?" I checked in with my wolf. 

"He is not my alpha, why do I need to submit to him." She has that tone in her voice which means she is going to be obstinate about this. 

"You need to submit because we want asylum in his pack," I growled through a tight lips. My wolf was stubborn and proud and the only person she has ever considered above her was my father, but he is not here and if she doesn't want us having to fight the alpha of this pack in our weakened state, whom I am sure we can't defeat even in our strongest, we are going to be facing another death. 

"You can't know if we can defeat if we don't face him in battle." Fair point, but certainly not what we need right now. "Frost!" I snapped just as a tall and huge figure walked into the room.

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