
The Prince, The Mate.

Chapter three

Diana's pov

Rows of exorbitant Cars rolled into the palace, cars that I wouldn't even dream of ever riding. When the first car reached the fountain roundabout and then came to a stop, the butlers came to the doors and drew them open and a stunning lady in a wonderful sparkling dress stepped out cautiously, she glanced around while the cameras began to flash.

They all pulled up the same way and had their pictures taken before they walked into the venue.

None would be considered underdressed, perfect robes on the males and glittering dresses on the females that accentuated their curves.

The younger ladies were more dolled up than others and everyone knew why—to catch the prince's attention. They looked like they were wearing a second skin, a lady looked like she was about to faint even.

We proceeded into the building when the last car had finally pulled up and began to serve.

Apparently, for a few years since he had turned eighteen, he hadn't found his mate yet and so there have been rumors that the king would want him to pick a mate instead, something about them needing an heir as soon as possible.

The ladies knew this and so, their fathers condoned their current antics because if there was a way for their daughters to be mates with the prince, they would have a higher chance of being royalties themselves.

You could see the desperation in most of their eyes while others tried to hide theirs well, particularly Emily, the daughter of the right prime minister.

She looked exquisite in a long black dress that hugged her not too tightly like the rest of them, a light touch of makeup on her round face, her blonde hair meticulously interwoven to the top of her head like a crown and fell all the way down her back.

She carried herself with so much prestige, one would think she was already royalty, light smiles here and there as she received compliments from both parties as well as envy from the ladies who despised her.

I was happy the moon goddess made me in such a way that I wouldn't be bothered about the way I look every single second, putting on fake smiles just to get what you want, but I was slightly jealous of that dress.

The ballroom was now packed, the servants already in action, serving treats as well as glasses of champagne, the cameras placed in strategic positions always ready to capture any particular moment.

While I moved around with my tray, the trumpets began to blow, the chatters in the ballroom died down, everyone turned to the direction of the spiral stairs that bifurcate at the top towards the side.

“Presenting the royal family, His majesty, third to his name, King William Lloyd Winston. Her majesty the queen, Margaret Winston, and her highness the princess, Miss Dorothy Lane Winston,” the herald announced.

While everyone was at attention, the royal family descended down the right path of the stairs, donning their royal colors, gold and blue. The shutters of cameras rose again, at some point I thought I would go blind with the flashes.

Everyone bowed in a low position before the king released us. “Rise," and began his speech.

“Today we are gathered here to celebrate another year for the prince, my son, and we thank you all for joining us. Drink and merry, not only his birth, but for his return and accomplishments, we would welcome him this evening while we drink till our heart's content."

At the end of the king's speech, there was a round of applause while the royal family descended the stairs and proceeded to greet the guests.

One of the nobles walked past me in a rush and made me spill the last glass of drink on my tray over my dress, “Watch where you are going you lowlife,” she hissed and spat with disgust before rushing away not minding that it was totally her fault for spilling a drink all over me, but there was nothing I could do.

I walked over to the head mistress who was by the pillars to take an excuse to clean myself up. I knew she would let me go because she didn't want the guest to be even more irritated about my presence as a servant than they already were.

“Clean up fast and be back here, we need all the hands we can get.”

Quickly, I stepped out through the back door. I wanted to go all the way to my room in the servants' quarters to have a change of clothes when the same feeling from earlier resurfaced, I checked my phone for the time, it was still early into the night

The feeling this time is even more intense. I was excited but in a way I was also fearful.

After having a change of clothes, I made my way to the back door that led to the ballroom where I grabbed another tray filled with champagne glasses and entered.

Just at that moment, the trumpets blew again, everyone turned towards the entrance, silence fell over the chattering room, and the large double doors were pulled open.

The herald’s voice sounded again as he introduced the newcomer, the feeling in my stomach began to intensify, “Introducing, his royal highness, son of King Williams and queen Margaret, Prince Alaric O'Neil Winston!"

The most handsome looking man I've ever seen walked into the ballroom, all the nobles and guests bowed at his entrance while he waved his hand in greetings. He suggested they all stand before his parents where he bowed low in respect.

“Welcome home,” the king said while the queen had a soft smile etched on her face, the pride in her eyes were evident.

The prince thanked his father before he turned around. I didn't know what had happened or how I even got to the center of the ballroom.

His light blue eyes locked on mine as they stared deeply into my soul. I dropped the tray in my hand which clattered to the floor, making loud crashing sounds.

“Mate,” he growled.

It felt like everything happened in slow motion, I didn't have control of anything, all I could think about was how this could be happening.

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