
Naughty Zeke

Chapter 4

It was harder to sleep than I thought, Zeke wasn't even the problem.

I slept kinda early and he was probably somewhere playing snooker or whatever guys do at night.

But I kinda missed my old bed and the warmth it gave me.

I know it sounds dumb, even to me.

I lay in bed and stared at the ceiling, I sat up and pinched my self maybe I would stop daydreaming. But sadly, I wasn't.

"I feel like a mess, ain't I?" I asked nobody in particular.

"The nerd's a huge mess!" Zeke's voice yelled.

That's when I realized I wasn't alone in the room.

I'd gotten used to talking to myself and asking myself random and dumb questions.

I bolted upright and a huge mass of curly brown hair came tumbling around me and spilled around my face and shoulder, this is what I get for not combing my hair before getting into bed.

Zeke was shirtless and seated on the sofa.

"It's obvious you've been messing around with guys lately," he said with a dry laugh.

I quickly diverted my eyes away and got down from the bed.

"That's some ass you've got on you nerd," he said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Would you like it doggy style?" He asked with a wink.

Someone punch him in the face. With a chair.

"Is that how you look like every morning?" He asked.

Seriously!...the questions?!

"Not 'every' morning," I said sounding the every.

"You look-" he stopped mid-sentence, then looked at me and smiled.

"Like a witch, hahaha!" He laughed.

I sighed and stood in front of the mirror and after minutes of comb battling with my hair, I later succeeded in packing it in a messy bun.

"Woah, you should compete for America's strongest." Zeke laughed.

I glared at him for a while and then threw the comb at him. Hitting him only slightly above his shoulder.

"Oww baby that hurts," he said placing his hand on his chest.

The way he calls me a baby was so enticing and I hated myself for having butterflies in my stomach.

"Go take a shower nerd," he said.

I can't possibly live like this.

"Do you mind leaving?" I asked.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm going to shower."

"Can I join?" He asked.

I turned to face him wide-eyed.

"No," I said.

"But I'm horny," he whined.

"Go suck ya dick!" I half yelled.

Geez, can't believe I just said that.

He only laughed at it and I totally ignored him.

After some time he was engrossed in his phone and I took the opportunity to bathe.

I took a shower and then changed to a blue top and black crazy jeans in the toilet.

By the time I got out, Zeke was gone.

The door swung opened and a blonde girl stood with her arms folded.

She had a pink crop top on with a short skirt that hung above her knee.

"Oh, my sweetie!" She exclaimed in a high-pitched tone.

Well, I was taken back for a moment...

I was like... "Do I know you???" But I said that in my head so no one heard me.

"I know it's gonna be hard for you to take it but, hmm, Zeke used you...sweetie there's still so much out there, you don't have to worry about it, just let it out." She said in her high-pitched tone.

I stared at her more puzzled as she stared at me.

"Why aren't you letting it out?" She asked in what I assumed to be her normal voice.

"I didn't sleep with Zeke," I said and grimaced at the thought of it.

"I'm his roommate," I said.

"Ohh," she said.

"I'm his sister, Evie, nice meeting you." She said and walked up to the refrigerator.

She brought out a box of frizzle pops.

"You take that?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said, "Frizzle pops can make you shop, shop, shop, till you want more so get it now, it's frizzle pops!" She sang the advertisement they usually showed on TV about frizzle pops.

"Yay!, I also love frizzle pop!" I squealed.

"Any sensible person in American would love frizzle pop." She said.

I'm beginning to like this girl.

Just then my phone rang, mom appeared on the screen.

I cleared my throat then swiped to the accept button.

"Hi, mom," I said.

"Oh my angel, how are you doing?" She asked.

I thought she'd be mad I didn't call yesterday.

"I'm fine."

"How's Cole, and Ciara?"

"They're all fine."

"So how do you see your roommate?"





Pain in the ass


Hey, you gat any more names that'll suit that jerk?

How about asshole?

Great, he's an asshole!

Goodness Lord, you just said a whole load of swears.


"Are you still on the line, honey?" Mom asked.

I quickly cleared my throat again.

"Uhmm, yeah, he's nice."

"It's a boy?"


"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Oh, my princess!" Mom giggled.

What the frickity frack!

"Is he cute, like those in the magazines?" mom asked.


"Sorry just got carried away."

"So what's his name?"

"Zeke. Ezekiel Rodriguez."

"Aww, he already sounds cute."

Wait till you meet him.

"Invite him to have dinner with us on Easter," she said.

"But I don't even know him."

"Well do that now, I want to know the people, my princess associates with," she said.

"Ohh and don't forget to bring Cole along with you."

"Mom!" I pouted.

"You're trying to tell me you are gonna stay in a rented home and not stay with me," she sniffed over the phone.

I groaned, "Fine I'll be there."

"Bye," she said.

"Bye mom," I said and hung up.

Just great!

Mom is just unbelievable!

How on earth I'm I gonna tell that asshole, "Hey my mom said we should come for a family dinner on Easter, do well to invite your parents."

I sighed and slumped on the couch.

It's only been two days at college already and I feel screwed already.

I took a pack of chips, ripped it open, and began munching it.

"I can help you with that, besides I'd love to meet your mom," She said.

"Wait you're serious?" I asked sitting up.

"Yeah like what the heck are friends for?" She laughed.


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