
Chapter 3

Ruby's POV

It's been months since I lost everything. My wolf never came back, I was still met with hollow silence each time I tried to reach out for her.

It's been a long while and nothing has changed, everyone still looked at me as the cursed werewolf with a cursed family and history but I had learnt to ignore those stares. I had accepted my fate.

The wounds healed up slowly all thanks to Drako who applied the ointment on them daily but they left scars behind. Scars that would constantly remind me of everything that happened that day. I was scarred for life.

" You should come with me." Drako nudged me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I shook my head, staying disinterested.

" Why?" He asked as he put the last button in its corresponding hole and I rolled my eyes.

" You know the reason." I said slowly, looking away.

" You could stay with me the entire time."

" And ruin your already ruined reputation? No, thanks."

" You should let them know that you don't care about what anyone says. Besides, you need sun."

" I don't need to. I don't want to see him. I'm afraid I will break if I do."

" I will keep you safe even if he tries anything absurd." He said and I laughed at him. He looked into the mirror with curious eyes probably wondering if he had grown two heads.

" You can't fight against the hold he has on you. He is your Alpha."

" But I can try." I turned my head sharply to him, almost colliding with his nose in the process.

" No, I won't let you get hurt because of me."

The colour of eyes dimmed for a bit but within a second, they changed back.

After much persuasion from his side, I decided to give in because he refused to go unless I followed him and I knew the consequences of him disobeying the Alpha and I couldn't risk him being hurt, not when he had gone out of his way to help me. I owed him a lot.

It was a meeting our pack had with the new Alpha of a just formed pack. I don't understand why he had requested to see all the pack members and why the Alpha had agreed. Was there some sort of alliance between them?

I had tried asking Drako but his silence each time I asked him told me that he was asked to keep his mouth shut. I wonder what is really going on. Rumours were flying around but I knew better than to believe them.

I could hear the murmurings as I stepped in with Drako. His hands tightened around mine reassuring me that he was here for me and I was grateful for that.

I could see Teresa boring holes into my skin with her long and hard stares. Her father was against her and with me, something she would never forgive me for. To her, I had stolen her father from her.

The meeting started and Drako had to go to the Alpha's side where he belonged. Once again, I was alone.

The room suddenly went quiet as the door swung open and a wave of anticipation hung in the air, a tall and impeccably dressed man made his entrance. Every step he took exuded confidence, his presence commanding attention in the room. His chiselled jawline and piercing gaze hinted at a magnetic charm that had me staring at them.

Dressed in a perfectly tailored suit that accentuated his strong physique, he moved with grace and purpose. His broad shoulders and sculpted physique immediately drew the eyes of everyone, especially the females who were making weird sounds.

With each stride, an aura of allure seemed to envelop him, creating an irresistible air of mystery. His charisma radiated effortlessly, drawing gazes from all corners of the room. Gentle whispers floated through the air, as everyone in the room exchanged glances, undoubtedly captivated by his enthralling presence.

" Is this him? The new Alpha?"

It wasn't just his striking physical features that held their attention; it was something more. There was an undeniable sense of confidence that exuded from him, an unspoken assurance that he was a man who knew how to navigate any situation with ease.

As he made his way through the room, his charisma amplified, leaving a lingering impression on those fortunate enough to catch his eye. They were left with a fluttering of anticipation, their hearts racing as they yearned to be noticed by this enigmatic figure.

In that moment, he became the centre of attention, effortlessly captivating the females and some makes I caught staring at him in the room with a magnetic charm that was impossible to resist.

His eyes met with mine and he stopped abruptly making the man walking behind him almost bump into him. I could feel goosebumps on my skin, the hairs on the back of my neck standing as I held his gaze. I couldn't look away even if I wanted to. I was held by his aura. When he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes not leaving mine for a second, I forgot how to breathe.

" I want her." He pointed in my direction. I suddenly regained my composure and when all eyes were turned to my direction, I also turned back hoping he wasn't referring to me ignoring the nagging feeling I had.

" I want her." He repeated again making his voice louder this time.

" You can have anyone in this room except her." I heard someone growl and I looked up to see Gonzalo challenging him with his gaze. The room went silent as we watched the two Alphas fight with words.

" I have decided that, I want her to be my chosen mate and you can't do anything about it." I felt blood rush to my nose but I held myself from losing it.

" She is mine, no one would take her away from me." Gonzalo roared with anger evident in his eyes.

" If you want her then fight for her, I dare you to challenge me, Gonzalo."

" Can we go to the main focus of the day and keep this for later?" Gonzalo's father bellowed. Gonzalo and the new Alpha held each other's gaze for five minutes or more before letting go.

I forgot how to breathe as I was basically the main focus of the day. I desperately wanted the ground to open and swallow me. I forced my eyes to the ground and never brought it up till the end of the meeting. I could still feel their eyes boring holes into my skin. 

I didn't know what was discussed in the meeting because I was busy trying hard to breathe and I couldn’t even think of anything.

I didn't know that the meeting was over until I felt someone touch me, jerking me from my thoughts and bringing me to the presence. The hairs on my body stood as he touched me and my heart skipped a beat. I raised my head to stare directly into the warm cream coloured eyes of the new Alpha. His eyes were warm and for some reason unknown to me, I could not take my eyes away from his. His lips were moving but I was too lost in his eyes to listen. It was when I was pulled roughly away from him that I looked around to see that the hall was empty.

" I said you should keep your hands off her!" Gonzalo yelled in indignation.

" You don't tell me what to do and who exactly is she to you?" The new Alpha said, irritation dripping off every word and for the first time since the incident, I looked at him. 

" She is my mate okay, now fucking back off!" He screamed pulling his hair in frustration and I forgot how to breathe. 

" I am not your mate." I said in a low but determined voice. How dare he claim me after everything he did to me? Hurt flashed in his eyes.

" See, she doesn't want you." The new Alpha said with a sly grin dancing across his lips folding his hands across his chest. My eyes, following his every movement.

" She doesn't know what she is talking about."

" You are not my mate! You rejected me, remember? Every pain you made me pass through that night wasn't what a mate would allow his mate to pass through." I cut in.

" I was drunk." I watched his eyes soften as he approached me and I involuntarily held my breath. The memories of that night flashed through my mind. I tried to move but for some reason, I was stuck in the same spot.

" Stay the fuck away from her, bastard!" The Alpha growled as he punched Gonzalo who returned the favour. I watched them roll over each other feeding themselves blows while I had a mini breakdown.

They were pulled away from each other and I saw Teresa and Gonzalo's mother stare at me with a look that I was too familiar with but too hurt to reason.

It wasn't until Drako held me that I realised that I was shaking like a leaf drenched in my tears.

" It's going to be okay." He whispered to me and I nodded even when I knew that nothing concerning me would be okay.

" I will not have you disrespect my pack in my presence, Alpha Ralph." Gonzalo's father bellowed in his Alpha's voice.

" Tell me you don't know what your crazy son did?" He cocked his head towards me and eight pairs of eyes fell on me. I pressed into Drako feeling the urgent need to disappear into his skin and his grip on me tightened.

" Ruby is my mate. We just had a little misunderstanding which I plan on fixing very soon. Get lost Alpha Ralph, because my MATE will not choose you over me." I risked a glance at Teresa and I grimaced when I met her eyes. She was blaming me for everything and promising to deal with me. I held Drako tighter, my fingers digging deep into his skin. Her eyes did not miss that little movement of mine and if I thought she couldn't get any more angrier than she had been, then, I was being delusional.

" You are so sure about that but you rejected her and chose a mate for yourself." I was beginning to feel sick with the way they were dragging me like a commodity as though I am not present or my opinion does not matter.

" That's none of your business."

" I will not have you disrespect my pack any further Alpha Ralph, leave now!!" Gonzalo and his father thundered.

" I am not leaving without my mate."

" She is not your mate!" Gonzalo's irritated voice filled my ears.

" You won't leave this pack with her, I will kill you if you try. Remember, you are in my pack so I have the upper hand here." 

"I would like to see you try your best, Alpha Jason," he said, a smirk forming on his face and chills shot down my spine. For a moment, I had thought that I was the only one that felt it, but as I glanced at Drako and the others, it became clear that I was not alone. The weight of his threat hung heavily in the air.

What had I done in a previous life to incur the wrath of the moon goddess? Why was she hell bent on turning my current existence into a cruel joke?

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goodnovel comment avatar
Deborah Benjamin
It takes time to heal. I find this chapter relatable. Not me though - someone close to me...
goodnovel comment avatar
Alex Nna
excited already about the next chapter
goodnovel comment avatar
Sophia Delano
the storyline is interesting and fire

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