

I felt like glass as I stood to the side and watched from behind my dark shades as Dad’s coffin was lowered to the ground. I was still finding it difficult to come to terms with it even though reality slapped me hard in the face with the scene in front of me. Dad was gone and he wasn’t coming back.

I tipped my head back to stop the tears that were about to fall but my efforts were futile as a stray tear dropped down my cheek, betraying me. It had been three long and painful weeks since Nova found me and delivered the worst news to me. Everything had been a blur up till now.

My grip on Nova’s hand tightened painfully but she didn’t say a word of protest. Instead, she rubbed circles at the back of my hand with her fingers. She hadn’t left my side since then and I was grateful for it. If she had not been present, I would have probably lost my mind.

Sniffing brought my attention to the side where Silas, Blair and Sabrina stood with fake tears streaming down both women’s faces. I could see the curious stares the guest threw between me and Blair and I could read the question in their eyes as they wondered why my supposed husband was by my sister’s side, consoling her and whispering words of comfort in her ears.

“That should be my place” I couldn’t help but think. I sent him the signed divorce papers two weeks ago. I was too tired to fight for a man who didn’t want anything to do with me anymore. I would be enough for my baby.

As soon as the ceremony was over, I began to drag Nova back to the car so we could leave. I couldn’t stay any longer and pretended I cared about the people who only had empty words of condolences to tell me. We were almost at the car when a voice stopped me.

“Maliah” Blair’s voice screeched from behind me and I stiffened. I wasn’t ready to face her again but I didn’t have a choice, not with the multiple eyes on us.

I turned to her and felt my air sucked out of me when I saw Silas beside her. Shame clouded me because he was treating her the same way or even better than he treated me. He had not left her side since he walked out on me. Was that how much he loved her?

Silas must have seen the questions in my eyes because a sliver of guilt passed his eyes before they disappeared but it didn’t matter. We were nothing to each other now.

“I don’t want to deal with you today,” I told her and turned to leave. Nova had already walked to her parents and husband.

“Will you wait?” She hissed, her hands darting out to grip me and forcefully making me turn to look at her again.

“Why? I don’t think we have anything else to talk about” I told her, ripping my hands from her hold. “We have settled whatever we had between us” I gritted out, my eyes darting towards Silas.

“We are going back to the house now. You have to come along.”

My brows rose in surprise “Why?”

“The lawyer is going to read the will at the house. Aren’t you interested in how Dad’s going to distribute his wealth?” I didn’t miss the glint in her eyes like she had something malicious planned, or she knew a secret that could blow things up.

“So soon? Isn’t he supposed to wait a few days before reading the will? Dad was just buried” I exclaimed, confused with the urgency behind reading the will. I was Dad’s biological and only daughter and even I wasn’t that desperate to get the will read.

“My mom wants it done immediately. Isn’t it better to get it over with so we all go our separate ways?”

“Tell your mother not to act so desperate for once. It’ll be obvious she is only after his property” I snarled, and Blair lifted her hands to slap me, but Silas caught it and tugged her back.

“Don’t make a scene here. People are watching” and to me, he said “Don’t piss your sister off. Just follow us to the house. You don’t have to make a deal out of everything.”

“You don’t think that this is a big deal? How is reading the will when he has just buried not something to be worried about?” I cried out.

“Just be there” Silas hissed before pulling Blair after him.

I stood there, dumbstruck at what just happened as I watched them get into their car and drive off.

“What did she say?” Nova asked, coming to stand beside me again.

“They want to read the will. Today” I said to her and watched as surprise filled her features then anger.

“You are joking” She spat, and I shook my head with a painful chuckle.

“I wish I was. Sabrina is his wife and she requested it. The lawyer has no choice but to do so.”

“Is that even possible? Isn’t there supposed to be a time frame for that?”

“I thought so too. You should go back home with your parents. I’ll follow them to the house” I told Nova with a tired smile. I didn’t want to involve her anymore in my family’s mess.

“Are you crazy? I’m not letting you go there alone” She snapped at me with wide eyes.

“I don’t want you there and I doubt they will let you in. Please, just go home. I promise to let you know whatever happens” I promised her.

“I don’t feel good about this, Mali” She whined, and I agreed. Everything felt off.

I finally left Nova with her family and went to the house. When I arrived, Blair, Silas and Sabrina were already seated in the living room, waiting for me with the lawyer.

“Why is he here? He isn’t part of the family” I asked no one in particular, pointing at Silas. I knew they were aware of our divorce since I sent him the signed divorce papers two weeks ago.

“He is here as my fiancée,” Blair smirked, flashing the large ring I had failed to notice earlier. I was shocked with how quickly he moved on from me. I looked at Silas, but he didn’t meet my eyes and instead looked straight as if I wasn’t there.

“Sit down, Maliah. Don’t waste anymore of our time.” Sabrina said coldly. God, how much I hated her. She came into my home and ruined everything.

I took a seat far from them. I was sure my face looked ashen because I felt like puking.

The lawyer cleared his throat to get our attention before pulling out the will from his bag. He did all the formal stuff before reading the will and it was short. Shorter than I would have liked, and it wasn’t what I expected.

“Everything I own is name should be passed to my wife, Sabrina Thompson” I did a double take at the Lawyer to be sure he wasn’t blabbering nonsense.

“Mr Kingston, what did you just say? Are you joking?” I hissed. I sat up so fast, my chair toppled over.

“Maliah, dear. I believe you heard the lawyer. My husband transferred all his assets to me, his wife” Sabrina said smugly.

“That’s impossible. Dad wouldn’t do this. He wouldn’t leave me with nothing” I shook my head furiously; this was a joke.

“Are you saying this prestigious lawyer is lying, dear?” Sabrina mocked.

“I can assure you this is the original copy of the will handed to me by your father, Mrs Hill. You can confirm his signature and stamp if you want” The lawyer spoke quickly.

“Miss Thompson, Kingston. They are no longer married, and Silas is engaged to me now” Blair quickly corrected.

“My apologies, ladies” The lawyer apologised but that was the last thing on my mind.

“I don’t believe a word you said. There has to be a mistake somewhere. I know my father will never leave me with nothing” I argued, my eyes tearing up again.

“Please someone get her out of my property,” Sabrina yelled and some guards appeared by my side, ready to escort me out.

“You can’t chase me out. This is my house as well. The will is wrong.” I cried but the guards were already grabbing me by my arms. The same guards who protected me while I lived here.

“That’s where you are wrong. I can and I’m going to.” Sabrina said. She stood up and walked up to me while I was still struggling against the grip of the guards.

“This place belongs to me now, including the company. I don’t want to see you near any of MY properties. Your father is no longer here, so you have no relatives left in this house. You can keep your house since it’s yours. Your dad bought that in your name but everything else is mine and I don’t want you close to me. You’ve always wanted to get rid of me. Take it as me doing you a favour” She sneered with disgust and hate in her eyes.

“You can’t do this.” I couldn’t help but cry out. I felt helpless, angry and useless.

“Throw her out like the garbage she is” I heard Blair hissed from behind her mother. I looked past Sabrina to Blair.

She had a victorious grin on her face as she leaned against Silas who had an arm wrapped around her waist.

“Silas, please” I didn’t even know what I expected when I begged him. He told me he didn’t love me again and he meant it. He looked away as the guards dragged me like a criminal across the house and threw me outside the house.

It was raining when I landed on the floor and the door was shut against me. I picked myself up and ran towards the door and started banging on it.

“Open the door,” I screamed as I banged on the door repeatedly with all my strength.

“You can’t throw me out of my house. You are the strangers. You are the fucking thieves, you dirty beggars” I shouted, ignoring the oncoming ache in my wrist as I continued to bang against the door.

I don’t know how long I stayed there, hitting the door but no one came. No one opened the door. I was getting tired and my body was already feeling the effects of standing in the rain for too long. Even if I wanted to keep screaming, I had to think of my baby first so I decided to go home first and come back tomorrow.

I walked towards my car but found it parked with Noah standing by the side with an umbrella.

“I’m sorry Ma. I’ve been ordered to return the car keys” Noah sighed regretfully from behind me. “I’ve also been fired.” He handed me an umbrella which I took gratefully. 

“It’s fine. I understand and I am sorry I couldn’t help you keep your job.” Of course, they would take my car too. It was bought in the company’s name as well.

I walked out of the compound without looking back. Dad’s mansion was very secluded from the others in the area and was also far from the road. Since it was such a hidden and exclusive area, I knew the probability of getting a cab while I waited outside the gates was almost non-existent.

My knees were close to giving up, but I wouldn’t cry any longer. I had cried long enough, and I needed to think of my baby now. I at least owed it to them to survive this ruthless storm that had hit us. I needed to make sure my baby survived even amid this much sorrow.

I placed my palm on my abdomen and whispered. “I’m going to stay strong for you. I won’t cry anymore because I don’t want it to stress you. I won’t live for myself anymore but for you. I’m not alone because I have you. Even if it seems like all hope is lost, I will fight and survive for you. I promise on my life that I won’t let you suffer, baby.”

I had to get through this for my baby no matter what. Silas, Blair and Sabrina may not have any hope for this baby, but Dad’s hope was the last thing he gave me before he died. He was certain my baby would stay this time and I was going to hold on to that hope like a lifeline and a second chance.

I would fight. I had to be strong if I wanted my baby to stay. “I’ll fight for you. I’ll survive for you.”

The day had gotten relatively dark so fast, so I had to depend on the streetlights. Lately, the day passed in a blur; one minute it was morning and the next, it was midnight.

I heard a car horn from behind me and turned to signal it down, hoping it was either a cab or a person who would be kind enough to give me a lift.

I stretched my hand out and began to wave since the car was still at a good distance. I continued waving till it got close enough to see me, but it was then I noticed something was wrong.

The car was heading directly towards me at a high speed. My eyes widened in fear, and I turned and tried to run or leave the way, but my legs were weak, and the car changed its direction, so it was following me.

The car slammed into me painfully and I felt myself leave the ground at the impact and my mouth opened in a silent scream.

It happened so fast yet so slow. I saw myself up in the air, eyes locking in a split moment with the driver before I felt myself falling at a fast speed.

Instinctively, I wrapped my hands around my stomach as my body hit the floor with a loud thud and a sickening crack when my head connected with the pavement.

The world went quiet. The only sound I could hear was the buzz in my ears which were muffled. It felt like I was underwater but submerged in a liquid that set my body on fire.

I couldn't move and the pain was overwhelming. The rain fell against my face, and I couldn’t do anything but feel it and listen to the sound of my choked breathing.

In between the haze of pain, I saw the car door open, and the driver approach me. I almost got a little hope, thinking he would help me, so I tried to open my mouth and whispered a painful “Help me.”

The man leaned down to look at me and I saw his scarred mouth turn up in a smirk before he walked back to the car and drove away, diminishing any hope I had fostered.

Right there, I swore to be the unluckiest person in the world as I lay there with my life slowly draining away.

As my body became cold and my eyes started to close from the blinding pain, I saw a pair of shoes rushing towards me.

The person knelt beside me and picked me up. I could barely make out the panicked questions they asked but I heard the final words.

“… Okay?”

“My baby” was all I managed to whisper just as darkness dragged me into the pits of hell.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Author, this is just cruel ...

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