
Chapter 44 – Sleep after sex is sweeter than normal sleep

“Yes, Cooper, I feel like a woman, thanks to you,” Rosie fell asleep soon after. All her dreams about Cooper were fulfilled except one.

Cooper was concerned about her health. Though he wanted this too, he was willing to wait until she recovered, but since it happened, he had to take responsibility for his actions. Instantly, he called one of the doctors.

“Can you come and check on Rosie?”

The doctor was confused since it was not yet time for Rosie’s routine checks. “Is there a problem, Mr. Parker-Berret?” The doctor asked politely from the other side of the line.

Cooper was a little nervous as he saw the blood stains on the bed. The first defense was because it was Rosie’s first time, but he couldn’t help asking himself the what if.

“Well, we had sex and I would like you to check on her,” Cooper said honestly. Rosie was his fiancé so there was nothing wrong with that. It was just that she was sick.

The doctor chuckled at the end of the line. “Mr. Parker-Berret, if she was up to it the
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