

-----~[JENNA'S POV]~-----

I walk slowly and distractedly up to the front porch of my humble little home totally spent and exhausted due to hours of trekking through the express. I just wasted my bus fare all for nothing. Only to just get into a CEOs office, almost raped. 

The thought of that makes me so infuriated I want to smash something in pieces. I sigh deeply and walk in through the front door shutting it close distractedly as usual.

 I didn't notice the peering gazes in the sitting room as my head is bowed to the floor lost in my weariness while I turn towards the kitchen to get a soothing liquid to quench my thirst. 

"You are welcome, young lady, thanks for asking." Someone says and i snap my head up to behold Chloe and Lily both staring at me with hardened gazes as they sit on the sofa. 

My face lits up. "Hello guys...." I look back at the door with confusion and turn back to them. "You didn't tell me you were coming."

" Oh yes we didn't." Chloe says angrily and I furrow my eyebrows with wonder. I then remember their promise to come over to make me up for my date. 

Holy shit. I am screwed. 

I chuckle nervously and scratch my head. "Okay I can explain."

" Yeah go ahead. We have been expecting billions and tons of excuses." Lily says.

 I chuckle and walk slowly over to them taking away my backpack from my back. I drop it on the sofa and sit down with them, then I bite my lip nervously thinking of how to explain my experience to them. Or maybe I shouldn't. I should just tell them the same excuse I gave to Alex. I really can't possibly tell them that I went to search for a job in a billionaire organisation and almost got raped by the CEO.

 I sigh. "Okay guys, I'm really sorry okay. I am absolutely and deeply sorry and I wish Alex will listen to me right now but it's not my fault. I went in search for a job opportunity, he knows about it, I just got a little carried away that's all. I mean I wasn't the only applicant waiting for a job so I had to wait..... for my turn . It's not like I could just jump over and take over the first position." 

Chloe frowns. "Then you should have ditched the fucking job search. for heaven's sake you already have a job at the coffee shop what other jobs do you need?" She says and I bite my lip.

" But it's not enough. it's absolutely not enough okay look, you should just forget it, you can't understand." 

"Oh yeah we definitely understand." Lily says and I look up at her. " We definitely understand that you are working your little young life up and missing out on the good things of being a teenager. For heaven's sake you are still too young for this Jenna. Yeah it's not bad to work but at least let it be limited. Are you really planning on working yourself to death?" I sigh deeply.

 I wasn't expecting them to understand me anyway and I am really so exhausted to argue about this right now. I raise my hands in surrender. " Fine I'm sorry I messed up, okay and I really wish I could make it up to him but right now it seems like he doesn't want to speak to me." I say and Chloe pouts.

 she stands up from her seat and comes closer to me sitting down beside me wrapping her arm around my shoulder. "It's going to be okay Jenna. Don't worry, we are going to sort this out tomorrow. Okay." She says and I nod like a baby. I turn to see lily glaring at me and I chuckle. 

"Hey, easy sister, I said I'm sorry. Why are you acting like you are the one who got ditched?" I say and her eyes go wide.

" Oh you better take that back." She says and I laugh as she stands, leaping against me. We all laugh together and my two friends wrap me up in a very warm hug both squishing me. 

"Uuurgh. I can't breathe." I say softly and they both laugh.

" We are so having a girl's night over today." Lily says and I roll my eyes.

Yeah. I am finally trapped with them for the day. I really wanted a very quiet lonely night to relax my still throbbing nerves. I still can't quite put my finger around how that stupid pervert of a CEO managed to make me feel this strange ever since he touched me. 

Jeez. The feeling of his large warm strong palms against my breasts. The feeling of a soft smooth lips on my neck. How he seductively and sexually he massaged my ass. 


Why the hell do I feel like I'm being choked up of all the air in the room? I can barely breathe right now and I am hyperventilating.

 Chloe and Lily seems to notice this as they stare at me with wonder. 

"Is everything all right Jenna?" Lily asks and I smile at them both still breathing hard. I chuckle nervously. 

"I am fine. Absolutely great." I say and immediately stand up picking up my backpack. "Well since you girls are here for the night ..... I guess I could use this soothing company of yours. Hope you brought your clothes?" I ask and they both beam. 

"Always ready." Chloe says and I chuckle. I walk up to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. Then I walk back to them and drain almost the entire bottle. I wipe my face and sigh. 

"Did guys meet my mum here before she left for work?" I ask and they both frown.

" Uh... Nope." Chloe says immediately and my eyes go wide. 

"You mean you didn't see her or meet her at home?" I ask and they both shake their heads. Really? I walk up to my phone and pick it up. I dial mom's number and she picks it up immediately.

" Hello Mum."

" Hey hello sweetie. "

"What the hell is going on? Didn't you return home from work today?" I ask and she sighs deeply. 

"I am so sorry honey, things have been really hectic at the pharmacy these days. Trust me I really wish I could be with you right now but it's not that easy." I clench my fist. 

"Seriously ? For heaven's sake Mum you've been at the pharmacy since yesterday evening. Aren't you going to get even if it is just a moment, 60 seconds of rest?' She chuckles at the other end.

" I am fine Jenna. Cool your chills. You worry a lot. Don't worry okay, I am not promising but I will definitely make it home by the morning. okay." I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. 

This is not fair, not one bit. 

She shouldn't be suffering this for me. She shouldn't be going through all this stress for me. I should be the one working this out for her. Her place is supposed to be right in this house relaxing her ass off. 


"I'll be fine sweetie okay. Be chill and take care of yourself. Will you do that for me?" She asks and I shut my eyes taking in a deep breath. I nod my head. 

"Yeah I think I can do that."

' Hardly.' My mind tells me and I sigh frustrated.

" Don't worry I will see you tomorrow okay. I'm kind of busy right now. Have a good night, sweet dreams. She says and I smile. 

"You too Mum." She ends the call and my hand drops to my side. Lily immediately walks up towards me wrapping her arms around me. Chloe follows suit.

" It's going to be alright okay. Don't put your mind too much around it, she's going to be fine." Chloe says and I sigh. 

I nod slowly. " I know. I am just worried that she is working herself a little bit too much for her age." I say and they both smile. 

"It's going to be fine. In the meantime, why don't we go over to your room and find something inte

resting to do." Chloe says and I smile. 

I shrug. "Sure . Let's do this." 

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