
Chapter 5

After that lunch with Zandrey, we went our separate ways. He still has his classes, while I have to go home.  

It was still weird for me to be friends with him. I’m not really a friendly person, especially when it comes to boys. I’m still wondering how everything happened so quickly. Earlier, I was determined to avoid him and now we have this weird connection. 

Or maybe he was just that good at making friends. 

I still have plenty of free time so I went home to sleep for a while. But I set an alarm for two hours. Even if I wanted to, I can’t just keep on sleeping. I can’t procrastinate because that will make me crazy. I'm not much of a multi-tasker. 

When I woke up from my nap, I proceeded to do my plates until I felt hungry. Timingly, Daisy was done with her classes and texted me she's on the way. I just asked her to bring some takeouts so we can eat it together. 

"So you're telling me that he suggested to be your pretend boyfriend so Charles will stop harassing you?" 

I told her about everything that Zandrey and I talked about earlier. When I began telling her about it, she had a lot of side comments that I had to ask her to shut up so I could end my story.

I was done eating by the time I finished telling her everything. While she still has half of her food. 

I nodded my head in response to her question.

"So... you’re that close now?" 

"I think so?" I replied. I then took a sip of my coffee. This is sort of my dessert for tonight. I still have a lot of things to do and I really need caffeine.

"Wow. That was quick," she commented with a grin. I already know what she’s thinking so I have to dismiss that. 

"Well, he's nice," I mumbled. "He's not as smug as most guys are. I don't hate his guts that much," I added. "He's a nice friend." 

"Friend huh," she grumbled teasingly. I rolled my eyes at her. Just because he's a guy and we're kind of close doesn't mean we're going to be more than friends. A guy and a girl can still be friends and now have any romantic stuff going on. People nowadays really think whatever they want to think.

"So... should I accept his help?" I asked. I really needed her perspective on this. Because if it’s just me, I don’t want it. But I also want Charles to stop so I’m kind of desperate now. I already have a lot to think about now.

“You know, you won’t lose anything if you try,”  Daisy answered. "I agree with what Zandrey said that maybe, he will respect the fact that you already have a boyfriend. Well, even if it’s really not a fact.” Daisy stated. “He wouldn’t keep on trying to get you when you’re already in a relationship, would he? Because if he does, that’s just purely pathetic," she added. 

“It just frustrates the hell out of me because if that’s the case, it means he doesn't respect my words and me as a woman. Does it really have to reach this point?" 

“Maybe he just thinks you’re trying to be the ‘hard to get’ girl. You know, he probably thinks he could get anyone just because he’s good-looking and rich. Guys like that likes the challenge.”

"It just makes me think they take it as a game. They want a challenge so they keep on playing even if the game’s already over. Can't they understand when there's really no chance at all?" 

"I don't know about them," she murmured. "You know what, just accept Zandrey's offer. I can see that he really wants to help you. He seems nice, don't you think?" 

I frowned at her and chose not to answer. 

“You’re the one who’s good with red flags, girl," she mumbled. "I’m a little naive and stupid when it comes to things like that so yeah.” 

It made me think again. 

I couldn't see anything wrong about Zandrey's intentions. He's well-mannered and a gentleman. Maybe it will not be so bad if I agree. 

"Maybe I'll give it a shot," I answered. Daisy grinned at me and even gave me a thumbs up. 

I guess I can say I'm really desperate here. 


It's lunch time. I already had a sandwich while my previous class was ongoing earlier so I didn’t go out to eat. I just stayed in the classroom where we just had our class to scan my notes. Our Prof said he will give a quiz later. Good thing I paid attention to his class last time so I’m just scanning my notes this time. 

There was no one else here in the classroom so I texted Zandrey to just meet me here. I asked him early this morning what's his schedule and timingly he has a class near our building so it wouldn’t be much of a hassle for him. He readily agreed and said he'll be here after his class. 

I was highlighting some important parts on my note when a hand holding a cup of coffee appeared in front of me. I quickly looked up and saw Zandrey smiling at me. 

"Thought you might need some caffeine," he murmured. He asked earlier if we could just have lunch but I told him I can't because I already ate a sandwich. I didn’t ask him for anything but here he is. 

I accepted the coffee. I guess one of the benefits of being friends with him is free food and coffee. Not that I can afford it. It just felt... nice. 

I took a sip from the coffee as I felt him sitting on the seat beside mine. 

"You know my usual?" I asked. I looked at him and raised a brow. The coffee's exactly the usual coffee I always order from the coffee shop nearby. He can’t just guess this, right?

"Saw Daisy at the coffee shop and asked her," he answered. Nice. For sure Daisy will tease the hell out of me later. 

"Thanks," I said as I looked away. 

"Wow. That's a very detailed notes,"I heard him say. He looked at the notes I was holding. I suddenly felt a little embarassed so I hurriedly closed my notebook. 

I cleared my throat and stared at the white board in front of us. "I thought about it..." 


"And I thought maybe I'll give it a shot," I answered. "You see, I really want him to stop annoying me. Actually, I'm desperate. I guess you already got that." 


"So?" I asked, still staring at the front. 


"So? What's gonna happen?" I queried. I never did something like this before so I don't have any clue. 

"First, you have to look at me while talking," he replied and the next thing I knew, my chair’s already facing his direction. My eyes grew wide upon realizing he successfully tilted my chair. And he did it with me sitting on the chair! 

The last time I checked, I was not that light! 

I cleared my throat again and tried to calm my insides. 

Freaking heart. 

"Are you uncomfortable?" He asked. 

"I'm okay." 


"I’m alright. I'm just... I’m just not used to this, okay?" 

"Yeah, I figured. You really don't have many guy friends, no?" 

My brows furrowed. “How did you know?”


Now, I’m wondering what else Daisy tells him.

"Anyway, for this to be effective, we have to look like a real couple." 

"I know," I said. 

Thinking about doing what people in a relationship do makes me cringe. But I need this to work out. I need this thing with Charles to be over. 

"Are you really okay with this?" He asked. 

I like that he's really concern about what I feel. That's so nice of him. If ever this plan succeeds, I owe him a lot.

"We only have to do this here at school, right?" I asked. 


"You already know I've never had a boyfriend before, right?" 


"So you know... I don't... I mean, I don't know how to be a girlfriend... or how to act like one." 

"I figured," he said. I saw him suppressing a grin or a smile whatever, so I slapped his arm a little. "Why?” He asked, laughing.

"Don’t laugh at me!" 

"I’m not laughing." 

"You are!" 

"I'm not!" 

"You're suppressing it!"  

This time, he really laughed. I suddenly don’t want to push through with this plan because of embarrassment. But I just glared at him instead. 

"Are you done?" I asked a moment later when his laughter slowly died down. 

"I'm sorry," he mumbled. 

When he finally looked serious, that's when I resumed talking. 

"I know there are things that a couple should do... in public... to you know, really look like a couple..." 

"Yeah. But we can opt not to do those things if you're not comfortable. There are couples who are not into PDAs." 

"Right," I said, agreeing to what he said. "Have you had any girlfriends before?" 

"I did." 

"Here in College?" 


"Were you... Were you showy? PDA?" I asked shyly. I was really dreading asking him this question. He might think I’m interested or what. But this is necessary. So I had to ask. 

"I'm a clingy boyfriend, Aira. So... I was." 

That made me think for a while. Because if he was really clingy, he should be clingy too when it comes to me so people won’t suspect. 

Am I risking too much if I go for this? 

"Why? Do you want me to be clingy with you?" He asked. There's the suppressing grin again! 

"I don't want that... at least not for me. Okay, for me! For this deception to appear real. So people will really think we’re a couple. So Charles will finally stop," I rambled on. I realized how defensive I sounded but I can’t take back what I said. The only thing I can do now is be embarrassed with myself.. 

I really am so desperate for this to work. 

"Okay. So let me just ask for this to be clear," he mumbled. "You're okay with PDA?" 

"As long as you ask for permission." 



We stayed in the classroom to discuss more things about what's to be done or not. We agreed to holding hands, occasional arms around my shoulders, and... kiss if really necessary. But the kiss doesn't have to be on the lips. My God, no! I already told him cheeks and forehead are okay, but the lips are off limits. 

Of course I still want my first real kiss to be with my real boyfriend. 

We both have classes after lunch so we went out of that classroom together. It’s still a little early so he said he would walk me to my classroom because that’s what he used to do to her previous girlfriends.

And the start of our charade is here. 

Hopefully in a week, everything will work out. 

"Should we have dinner later? Daisy invited us, by the way," he asked. We were already nearing my classroom and as we passed by the hallway, almost everyone looked our way... to our hands. It gave chills to my spine, but I have to endure. 

"Okay," I replied. 

Just a few meters from us, I saw Charles. He was with his friends and they were laughing. But one of his friends saw us and pointed at us. That made Charles look our way. 

"Wow. Never thought to use the necessary thing this soon," I heard Zandrey murmured. 

"What?" I asked. I was looking at Charles' direction and I could feel my hands starting to sweat but Zandrey squeezed it. 

"Permission to kiss you?" Zandrey whispered. 


My mind's suddenly having a hard time processing what he just said. 

I felt him squeeze my hand again so I squeezed it too. 

I decided to look his way to assure him it's okay. 

But the moment I did, I felt a soft thing touch my lips. 

I know for a fact that it was just for a few seconds but I felt like it happened for an hour or more. The drumming inside my chest was proof it really happened. 

I was too stunned to move or speak. 

"Shit," I heard Zandrey whisper. 

I couldn't look at him. He was too tall for me. I can only look at  his throat. 

And I saw how his Adam’s apple moved up and down.

"I'm sorry, but you should get inside," he whispered. I felt him squeeze my hand before he let go. 

He took a few steps back. I just regained my composure and looked at him.

"I'm going," he mouthed before he turned his back and walked away. 

I was sure as hell everyone in the hallway saw what happened, but I couldn't will myself to go inside. 

All I could do was listen to the stupid beat of my heart. 

And remember how soft his lips are.

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