
Chapter 4 Noah

Noah's POV

I felt myself slowly waking up, but yet I wasn't. I know this is a dream. I was waking up inside a dream. A dream I'm sure I've had before.

Waking up.... Not hanging from chains or being tied to the bench. Waking up not cramped inside of my little cabinet....

But instead, waking up in an actual bed.

I'm 11 years old.... My father handed me over to the alpha when I was five.

I barely remember what a real bed feels like. Even my father took away my bed shortly before my 5th birthday.

But yet sometimes, I still dream of a bed.

I dream of waking up in a nice, soft, warm, comfortable and cozy bed.

I know that sounds like a silly dream... But it's always been my dream.

That and someone who won't hurt me. Someone who would actually care about me.

But I don't dream of that very often, and I know none of this will actually happen.

I hope I don't wake up. So I take advantage of this dream, of this moment and nuzzle my face into the soft fluffiness of this pillow, practically rolling around and enjoying the comfort of this amazing bed while I can.

This must be a cloud! I've never laid on anything like this in my entire life!

And I'm warm, I'm not cold! For the first time in my entire life. It feels like I'm actually warm!

My goddess yes, this is most definitely a dream!

I think as a nuzzle into something so soft, so fluffy. I think this is what they call a pillow. I remember that word, although it sounds so distant, it's been so long.

But I don't care, I'm going to take in every ounce of this dream. I'm going to cherish it forever I thought as a nuzzled my face deeper into the pillow.

I feel myself beginning to move around, almost rolling as I squirm around and push myself into the fluffiness. Grabbing the fluffy blanket around me, pulling it against my face and rubbing against it.

I feel myself smiling, my Goddess, this is pure heaven! I never want to wake up from this dream! I thought to myself while I bury my face into everything that I can possibly burying myself into!

But I suddenly freeze, I hear someone laughing, it's a soft light laughter, I suppose more like a chuckle.

But they're not supposed to be in my wonderful dream of this fluffiness and warmth. No one's normally in these type of dreams.

So I feel myself freeze, not moving... Holding my breath!

I feel someone touched the back of my head and I yell. My body tenses up and I begin to tremble. Their hand retracts.

"I'm so sorry little one, I didn't mean to frighten you. You just looks so adorable rolling around in the bed."

I slowly open my eyes, feeling my face still pressed into the fluffy pillow.

I slowly turned my head, very, very slowly. Turning my head toward the voice.... Hoping that when I turn my head, there was actually no one there. Because after all, this is my dream... No one's supposed to be here!

Unfortunately, as soon as I turn my head far enough I see him. The man sitting on the bed next to me. His body full of tattoos!

His hair is long, past his shoulder. And all that facial hair, he looks so scary!

I feel myself tremble as soon as I look at him. Quickly, I'm realizing this is not dreaming.

Where am I?... Why am I laying in a bed?

Is this his thing too?... Oh goddess, He's going to use his command on me....

He has me in his bed, he's going to use his Alpha command on me so I can't move. Then he's going to rape me just like my Alpha did.

I whimper, the tears run down my face knowing what's coming. This was a sick joke! He was teasing me. Showing me what everyone else has. Showing me what I don't have, but they do.

Something warm and soft to sleep on.

I close my eyes, squeezing them closed so tight. Hoping that maybe this time if my eyes are close tight enough, I won't feel it.

I feel his hand on my shoulder and I scream. I practically fly out of the bed as I jump almost clear across the bed. I grabbed onto the sheets as I try not to fall out of the bed.

Knowing that if I actually fell I would be hurt bad.

I know that sounds silly, but I'm 11 years old and I'm sure I weigh as much as a 4-year-old werewolf.

They hardly feed me, so many of my bones have been broken over and over again. I'm constantly beaten, whipped, tortured, and raped.

A simple little fall off the bed can do so much harm and so much damage to my frail little body. So I hold on for dear life. But I don't have the strength, I feel my butt hanging off the bed but I don't have the strength to even hold on. I cry out as I lose my grip and fall.

Knowing excruciating pain is going to come when I hit. Knowing I'm going to feel bones break when I hit the floor. Because that's what always happens. Little falls like this always breaks my bones... So I brace for it, ready to cry out.

But instead of the hard ground, I feel arms around me, scooping me up before I hit the ground.

My eyes shoot open as I look around trying to figure out what happened. And then I see him looking at me.

I begin to cry, I tried to squirm out of his arms. I normally wouldn't do this, but he hasn't known me. So I'm hoping that if I squirm out of his arms, he might leave me alone. Maybe he won't hurt me. Maybe he won't rape me.

"Hey little guy, calm down! I'm not going to hurt you!"

I hear him say, but I don't believe him. I can see him and I can smell him... He's an Alpha! And all Alpha's lie.

Alphas are mean, they lie and they hurt you. Then after they've hurt you, they hurt you more. They rape, beat and torture you until there's nothing left. And even then, once there's nothing left of you. They somehow managed to take more. They somehow managed to hurt you even more.

I can't breathe as I struggle against him. I know it's coming.

I feel myself panicking, my hart feels like it's pounding out of my chest. My lungs burn as I struggle to breathe. But every breath seems so empty, I'm just not getting any air.

He called these my stupid little panic attacks. He normally hurts me even more during them.

He takes full advantage of my panic attacks and hurts me as bad as he can until I pass out. I usually hear him laughing during them. He finds them funny, but I always feel like I'm dying during them.

That alone makes me panic even more.

But I suddenly feel a strange sensation.... It's rough... It's some sort of vibration. I can even hear it!

Yes, it's definitely a vibration. I feel myself focusing on it. Trying to figure out exactly what it is I'm hearing.

And as I'm doing so, I feel my lungs finally filling with air. I take a deep breath in, it's so loud as I fill my lungs.

I exhale before taking another large breath in. I feel the air, I'm able to breathe!

"That's it little one, breathe little brother!"

I heard him say. But I knew I imagine that. He's not my brother!... He's an Alpha!

Just when I was finally able to breathe, I felt myself panicking again.

Alpha!.... I begin thrashing around, desperately trying to get away from him. Trying to get away from the Alpha that's holding me. I know he's going to hurt me, I can't breathe, I can't bre.....

Abigail Phillips


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Comments (5)
goodnovel comment avatar
Gail Kay Holland-Horace
I feel so bad for Noah. It’s so heartbreaking.
goodnovel comment avatar
Janice Choate
The human side of Noah is suffering from PTSD. Because of the years of horrible abuse. Emotional, Physical and worse of all Sexual Abuse by a pedophile Alpha Werewolf.
goodnovel comment avatar
Angela Mathis
I'm loving this book but my heart is wrenching!

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