

Kira's pov.

I had never felt so scared in my life. I was locked in a room with an Alpha who could possibly do the worst to me. My heart wouldn't even stop raging.

"Did you really think you could escape?" He questioned with a malicious smirk. "You're all mine."

His words came out breathy, and he walked towards me, grabbing my hair as hard as he could. My face turned red, and I felt my hair being pulled out of my skull.

My eyes instantly turned green when I couldn't bear the pain, my claws also shut out, but he caught my hand midair.

We both stared into each other's eyes, and I saw how he shook his head.

"You never learn. You're weak! You aren't supposed to fight back because you'll get hurt!" He yelled, throwing me towards the hard wall.

I bumped my head, making everything become so dizzy as I collapsed on the ground.

He rushed towards me, but despite the fact that I was dizzy, I got up from the ground, and held on to my feet.

"You won't have me like you did with my sister!" I shouted back in a weak tone.

"Says an omega who's already getting weak. You don't even have a full connection with your wolf. You're a weakling!"

He charged towards me again, but this time, I ran away from him.

There was this burn in my chest. I couldn't quite figure out what was wrong with me. I used to fight with the bartenders, why was this different?

"Chase?" He scoffed. "I like to chase, but I won't chase. You will come to me, Kira. You will."

My body suddenly stiffened, and I slowly began to cover the distance between us.

My throat danced around as I swallowed, trying to fight the force that took over me. He had used the Alpha tone on me.

"Yes, yes!" He laughed out loudly while my eyes darted around the room, and that was when I saw it.

On the side, there was a ceramic plate that was on the counter. It contained some apple, and a knife.

I widened my eyes, feeling releaved. However, I needed to stop my legs from going towards him.

I grabbed the huge pillers of wooden bed frame, yelling as i tried to break out of his words.

"Ahhh!" My face was squeezed, and my hands were slipping due to how sweaty it was.

"No!" My eyes flashed white, and then turned a brighter green.

I noticed how his face turned pale, and how he tried to make the shock on his face disappear.

No one had ever broken out of an alpha's command, not that I knew of.

I turned towards the knife, and rushed to get it, but even he was tense. Yet, he covered it up.

Lucky for me, I grabbed the knife, and held tight to the handle prepared for his next move.

He took in a deep breath, and then stared at me with another smirk.

"Come here Kira," he stretched out his hands, but nothing worked. I was still standing where I was, and no force compelled me.

His eyes widened, and he swallowed. "Come here now!" He fisted his arms, and screamed again, making me go to him.

Each step I took, I planned my next move.

"Come with the knife, maybe that is what I'll use to teach you a lesson when I'm done with you," he gave another command that made me smile inwardly.

That was exactly what I was waiting for.

"Stop where you are," He commanded again, which made me halt in my tracks.

He moved closer to me, and his nose was so close to mine, but I had to be patient. Any wrong move could land me dead in a second. He was an alpha, and was faster than I was.

"Touch me, and smile while you're doing it."

I stopped in my tracks. I had never touched a man, and even last night, Alec made a move just to help me.

Tears formed in my eyes because I felt like a whore. Sure, I danced at the club, but none of the men were allowed to touch me.

A tear slipped out of my eye. It was like my whole world came crumbling in a minute. I was still so innocent.

"Touch me bitch!" He slapped me so hard I felt my eyes black out for a moment before little stars danced around later.

I swallowed, allowing my hands to roam his chest while he groaned in pleasure.

"Yes, yes..." He closed his eyes, and bit his lower lips.

"Use your perfect little hands to hold my balls, massage them gently," he commanded again, but I just didn't do it.

He flashed open his eyes, dreadfully staring at me, then he made the most stupid mistake by pulling me by my arm, making me so close that our breaths fanned each other's face.

Pleasure made him forget I had a knife.

"You will obey me, do you understand?" He asked with crazy eyes.

"No. Rather, you will rot in hell you bastard!" I spoke through gritted teeths, and the next time he tried to pull me closer, I stabbed him in his stomach.

"Ahhhh!" He stepped back a couple of metres, clenching to his stomach which had a knife in it.

I didn't stop there, I rushed towards him making sure to sink the knife in.

"You little..."

He couldn't complete his statement because I interrupted him with a punch, before I placed my foot in the way so he tripped.

He laid with his face up, and his back facing the ground. He growled in so much pain, while I towered over him.

"You deserve to die Adam, I know my sister wasn't the only one you did shit with," I said with a strong expression before going down on my knees.

"Rot in hell!" I yelled, pulling out the knife, and stabbing him over again.

My eyes held a dark expression as his blood splashed all over my face.

I was panting hard, satisfaction filled my soul when I saw him lying there lifeless.

"Finally!" I gasped, pulling the knife out again when the door suddenly burst open.


My eyes widened, when I heard that tone, and perceived the smell.

My mate, he had returned.

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