

Amara what a pretty name I thought to myself. I know to be just a touch bit more cautious because of high school but this, Gabriella is not high school. This Gabriella is college and there is no need to think everyone is the same. What good would that do? To let the last bit of judginess out of me, I have to point out how strangely and also creepily similar she looks to Luciano. Ugh Gabriella don't hate. She's very pretty, with her curly brown hair that bounces when she moves, as well as her dazzling emerald eyes, Luciano was most definitely benefited in the looks department so really it was a compliment though I'd never say that to him because he'd get far too comfortable with himself. I however did not want to be reminded of me and Luciano's earlier and awkward interaction.

"Hi I'm Gabriella, I love your name by the way." I replied with a smile.

"Thank you so much you are very sweet Gabriella! You've got a really pretty name. " I looked down to see her five suitcases, yes five suitcases, damn she brought all of that for just a few years? I rarely like collecting stuff, well apart from art. I want to start buying more pieces for me but I know that's gonna cost money I most definitely do not have. Yet that is. "I absolutely hate to do this to you but could you pretty please with a massive cherry on top help me to unpack? You can clearly see that this can not be unpacked as quickly as I'd like."

"Sure, that is a lot of stuff though." I let out a little laugh and stood up from my bed taking in a breath, we began to get to work and help her bring the rest of her things inside and then we started to unpack everything. Finally after what felt like forever was over. We fell back flat on the bed feeling exhausted. We'd talked a bit and I'd gotten to know some stuff about her. She's a very nice and giving person from what I can tell.

"I can't believe I'm admitting to this but I actually for once think my brother was right. I should have not brought five suitcases." Welp it'd most definitely saved us all of this trouble don't you think?

"It would've saved you and me the trouble." She let out a little laugh but then a notification popped up on her phone. When she was done reading it her smile dropped and she rolled her eyes, throwing her phone onto the bed, maybe an ex?

"What is it?" I asked.

"My brother. Ugh. He's texting me asking if I'm here. I don't know why he even cares, he doesn't care, my brother had a whole argument with me about going here acting like I had even had an actual choice in the original place." She let out a sigh and then turned to look at me, “The only reason I'm only here is because my dad made me, he said that he doesn't want me to 'feel alone'. My brother moved here, I was perfectly ok back in my home country with my other brother but noooo, come over here to be with the family. I mean duh I tried telling him that I didn't want to leave but he's very stubborn with his mind." She stood to go pick her phone back up when she heard a notification, "Gotta go deal with him." I nodded at her as she picked up her phone and began typing something. "Done." She said smiling.

"So what's the evil brother's name?" As I stared at her, she began to look uncomfortable. Wrong move??

"His name is...his name is um Vincent." I don't know why but that name seems fake? Why would she have to lie about a name though? Don't judge Gabriella. Sometimes I just need to not care. It's the hardest thing to do but I always feel like I care too much then I don't really get to enjoy the moment. Kinda like earlier, though I absolutely hate to admit it, it's true. Guys rarely actually hit on me so when it happens I get kinda defensive like oh is this a joke or something? Instead of letting myself be complimented I start to get too much in my head, it's bad.

"Vincent's a cute name, last name?" I asked diverting away from my mind.

"Does that really matter? I hate my last name." Avoiding the question? Gabriella. Don't care come on. Maybe their last name is just ugly?

"Oh no yeah I get it, so tell me more about yourse-" Before I could finish my sentence I was rudely interrupted by Luciano. I looked towards our door and saw him standing there. Weird how I was just thinking about him and then he showed up...

"Oh mia cara sorella! Mi sei mancata, il tuo ultimo messaggio però è stato abbastanza scortese!” He started speaking Italian and my knowledge of the language was just down to 'ciao'.

["Oh my dear sister! I missed you, but your last message was quite rude."]

["Luciano, stai zitto e vai a casa. Non me ne frega un cazzo"]

["Luciano, shut up and go home. I really do not give a shit ."]

I didn't understand them but she knows Luciano too? From her tone Luciano did something dumb. Oh my goodness did he date her?

"Come on...don't be like that sister, I've been waiting so long for you to arrive. Can your favorite brother get a hug?" Sister? Ok good to know they didn't date.

"Stupido ragazzo."

["Stupid boy."] She whispered to herself still in italian and slapped her forehead in annoyance. "Let me think about! Go away and just leave me alone. I've said it to you in our own language and now you make me say it in english too. Do not try to ruin this for me ok?"

"Don't be rude in front of the lovely Gabriella. Gabriella this is my sister Amara Martini." So was Vincent just another brother that she liked better or what?


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