
Chapter Three

Henry's POV.

I stepped out of my car with my head banging and the harsh sun shining on my face was doing me no favors. Last night was a blast, and I’m not sure if I have had that much happiness since I got married five years ago.

My lover, just as my wife calls her, was truly my first love. She was Gwen’s best friend back in high school, and immediately I saw her, I knew she was the one meant for me. Emily would always be the one for me, and no matter how much Gwen tries to make our marriage work, there’s nothing that’s going to work. Everything was just a scam right from the onset.

I walked into the house with a happy grin on my face, reminiscing last night. The lovely dinner Emily and the wee hours of this morning.

I walked to the living room and noticed that the usual amazing smell of Gwen’s cooking was missing, the TV was on, and my little daughter was sitting idly on the couch watching cartoons.

Jasmine was the only reason I decided to marry Gwen. She got the baby for me and my father forced me to take responsibility, while knowing I was in love with her best friend.

I got married to her just like she wanted, we had an extravagant wedding in one of the best halls in the country and went on our honeymoon for a month. I made a promise to myself that I wasn’t going to give her the happiness that she wanted since she was so desperate for my money and got me drunk so she could have her way with me, then I was going to show her hel.

I pushed that thought aside and made my way to my little angel, but even as I stood in front of her, she didn’t bother raising her head to look at me.

“Hey, my little angel,” I called with a bright smile on my face but was met with silence instead.

My frown deepened, what was wrong with her? Didn’t she see me, or has Gwen said something to her?

“Jasmine,” I called again, this time knee-ling before her. 

“You don’t want to see Daddy?” I teased as she quickly covered her face with her two little hands.

I sighed, I wasn’t going to get any reaction from her if I didn’t ask what I had done wrong. I know my child very well. She is a little adult.

“Tell me, what has Daddy done?” I asked, trying to hold her hand, but she pulled from my grip and moved to the other couch.

“Jasmine,” I called in shock. What have I done to amount to such silent treatment? I mean, I got her an expensive present for her birthday yesterday, so why…… shiit!

I sighed then crawled to the other couch, “Daddy is sorry baby. Daddy got so busy yesterday that he couldn’t make it.” As if she was waiting for me to apologize, Jasmine raised her head and I was thrown off guard when I saw the little tears dropping from her eyes.

“Daddy…. Do you hate me, Daddy?” She asked with her eyes down. Her little hands continuously cleaned her wet cheeks.

My heart broke when I heard that question, my daughter thinks I hate her. I shook my head in denial, “No baby, Daddy loves you so much. I don’t hate you.” I whispered, helping her to wipe the tears off.

“Then…hiccup… why didn’t you come home yesterday?” She asked.

“That’s why Daddy is apologizing baby, daughter got busy at work and I couldn’t make it.” I even felt worse lying to her. This was my daughter for danm sake and I was hurting her. Even though she wasn’t born as a product of love, she was still my daughter nevertheless.

She had stopped crying by now, and I was grateful for that, I smiled and took her little hands in mine. “You know what, how about we have a family picnic time today?” I suggested.

Jasmine’s eyes lit up, and her head bobbed up and down. “Really!” She asked, and a bright smile graced my face.

“Yes baby, Daddy is ready to take you out.” Even though I was having a head-splitting headache, I was ready to take her out and tolerate Gwen’s presence for the day.

“Thank you, daddy.” She squealed and engulfed me in an embrace.

“Why haven’t you taken your bath yet?” I asked with a frown. 

“Mummy is not yet awake.” After saying that, she run back into her room.

Gwen wasn’t awake yet, I looked at the time and saw it was almost ten. I frowned. No wonder the house wasn’t filled with the scent of her delicious food.

I quickly took the stairs and made my way to her bedroom, I wouldn’t call it our bedroom because it wasn’t ours. We both hardly sleep in the same room, so why call it ours when it wasn’t ours? As I reached the room, I sighed at the sight I saw in front of her room.

Of course, my darling sister will always be dramatic; causing drama here and there. With a heavy sigh, I made my way towards them and acted like I didn’t see her. Sheila saw me before Gwen; she muttered something to Gwen before wailing out like an injured tigress.

“Big brother.” She rushed to my side and hugged my side. 

“Hey, Sheila. What’s going on?” I asked, not bothering to look at Gwen.

“She said that she wasn’t going to cook for me, that I should go eat outside,” Sheila explained and my fists clenched. Why didn’t she adhere to her sister-in-law's request, isn’t that why she was here? To listen to us.

“Why didn’t you prepare breakfast for my sister when she asked you, Gwen?” Finally, I looked at her. I always stilled my heart when I looked at her, Gwen always had love and happiness in her eyes, something I do wanted to diminish; I was glad when I saw how soulless her eyes were.

She held her head like she was in pain, she forced her head up and then said. “I’m not feeling strong enough to prepare breakfast for her. ”

I looked at her with mixed emotions, truly I could see how badly she was looking this morning, but I wasn’t going to show her just how pitiful she looked, instead, I burst into a loud laugh.

“You are so funny, Gwen.” I said, after laughing to my heart's content, “Can you please tell me your position in this house again?” I asked with a frown.

“I’m your wife, Henry.” She answered.

“You are my wife correct, but what you failed to mention is that you are our maid too.”

Sheila burst into laughter by my side. My eyes went back to my so-called ‘wife’ she was staring at me and all I could see in her eyes was pain and hurt. Yes, that was precisely what I wanted to see. See her in pain every time for taking my happiness from me.

“You got married to me because of my wealth, right, how about you put yourself to good use and take care of the house as a good maid and wife that you are,” I added, pouring more insults on her.

Gwen didn’t say anything after that, she glanced at me before going into her room and closing the door behind her.

“She didn’t just walk out on you, did she?” Sheila gasped dramatically by my side, and I held myself not to roll my eyes.

“Don’t worry, I will take care of that,” I assured.

“Better, please tell her to come prepare breakfast as soon as she’s done doing whatever thing she’s doing.” She instructed, and my brows furrowed.

“Sheila,” I called as she made to leave. “I don’t think Gwen will be able to prepare breakfast today, why don’t you do as she said and go eat outside,” I said, and her face fell.

“Don’t tell me you’re taking sides with that….”

I cut in, “I’m not taking her side, I’m only suggesting for your own benefit. You need to eat before noon, and I know you must be hungry.” She nodded her head.

I dipped my hand in my pocket and brought out my wallet, “here.” I handed my card to her and her eyes shone in happiness.

“Thank you, brother.” She was out of sight before I could say anything else, I sighed and looked at the door; time to face my ‘wife.’

Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
je amd his sister are assholes. she better leave him
goodnovel comment avatar
Editha Austria
she did the right thing
goodnovel comment avatar
he's a scumbag he hurt his kid knowing what he was doing I don't like him at all

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