


At age 10

After getting ready and dealing my daddy's slow driving,we finally reach the park. As soon as we pull up, I smell something delicious like peppermint and cinnamon. The smell is just so comforting I want to cuddle in it all day.

As soon as the car stops, I open my car door and

head for the playground. I can hear my parents shouting for me to slow down but I ignore them. I have to find the amazing smell.

I continue sniffing the air and looking around but I don't see any food around just other kids,all wolves like me. But then the smell hits me, I almost fall back. It's so strong I close my eyes and embrace it.

"Mia you're here". Ethan runs up to me and I recognize he is the yummy smell. His mum must have been baking again. She loves to cook and both Ethan and I love and eat her yummy food all the time.

We run towards each other and stop just a foot apart. My arm starts to tingle and my forehead gets sweaty. " Hey I feel weird." I whine rubbing the sweat of my forehead.

"Something is going on. I feel weird also but it's a good weird." He grins. We step close together and Ethan grabs my hand interlocking our fingers. He presses his forehead to mine and I notice all my anxiety leaving me.

We end up playing for hours while our parents watch from a bench they are sitting on. While Ethan plays soccer with some other wolves,I start building sandcastles when a boy with red curly hair comes over and kicks over my sandcastle while laughing.

"Hey that was not nice!" I stand up and brush the sand off my clothes. The mean redhead boy just glares at me.

"Shut up you little baby! You're ugly and I don't know why the future Alpha likes you. " He yells.

I feel my eyes start to water and the redhead boy steps closer to me. I put my hands up to stop him from coming any closer.

"Ethan is my best friend and you are so rude that is why he is my friend and not yours so back off. " I wave my pointer finger at him.

Apparently the boy doesn't like what I said because he pushes me hard. I fell on my butt hard and I look up to see him hovering over me with his fists balled up.

"I'm going to show you how we treat mouthy girls like you in our family." He growls and I see his fist come flying towards me.

I close my eyes waiting for the impact but it never comes.

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