
Chapter - 6

Author's Pov.:-

It's been a week since A4M was absent. After the last incident, no new incident happened in Naitee, Payal and Adi's life. For which they are grateful. However, Shakshi never missed a chance to bully Naitee. These trios are now reached school by bus. Moreover, their parents are still mad at them. Nevertheless, none of these trios discloses the truth to them.

Currently, trio friends are sitting in the library as today they were given the assignment to do by their history teacher. Naitee and Adi are partners while Payal is doing her assignment alone because no one was ready to be her partner in her class and it's not like needs one when she has two amazing people in her life to help her out with her assignment.

" Hey, listen. I don't think I can come to your home today. If possible you guys can come " Naitee let out touching her bows together.

" Yeah, sure. We will be there but I don't we can study today because we have to shop pages, colours and other stuff for our assignment. So, we will go market together from your home. What's say? " Payal explained and eventually they agreed with her.

" I have found the topic for my assignment. I will collect reports on ' Starvation after independence and efforts to end it '. " Adi let out showing the heading in the book which he found a good topic to make an assignment.

" That's cool," Naitee said looking at Payal who is still searching for a nice topic. Later on, Naitee and Adi helped her with the topic search and found a nice topic for her too.

Time skip and it was evening. As promised Adi and Payal arrived at Naitee's house and found her mother at the door. It's the third time they are at Naitee's house so, now the siblings are quite easy-going with Naitee's mother. They sometimes joke with her too.

" Hello, Aunty. How are you? " Adi greets Mrs Chandra.

" Hello, kids. I am doing good Adi and I hope you siblings are not troubling your parents. Come inside, Naitee is getting ready " Mrs Chandra moved aside letting the siblings walk inside the house.

" Hi " trio friends greet each other and Payal looked at Naitee and her outfit.

" No surprise. You trios are matching " Mrs Chandra let out looking at the grey colour similar tracksuits.

" It's because we are best friends," Adi let out beaming like a fangirl.

" Come early and be careful " Mrs Chandra waned the kids before bidding them goodbye.

The trios walked to the market and brought all the necessary stuff. From the cyber cafe, they get pictures for their assignment. The only thing is left to do is do their assignment work. For their good, they have one week time to submit the assignment. Besides, the assignment should be less than forty pages so they can complete it in two or three days.

" Hey, let's eat something" Adi suggested when he saw a fast-food stole across the road. Eventually, both the girl agreed craving to eat noodles. They safely crossed the road and put their order on.

" It's yummy " Naitee licked the sauce from her side lips completely agreeing with Payal.

They were lost in eating and having their chat that they didn't notice five cars parked beside them and five guys climbed down from their respective cars. Their cold aura ultimately passes the cold chill to their surroundings. The people ogled the Greek God specimens. However, none of the Greek God's specimens gave any head to them as their eyes were set to the very lost three people who were eating as there is no tomorrow. Some people are looking at these richly rich boys in wonder because this may be the first time when such luxurious cars are parked beside the road of this market. Usually, rich people don't prefer to go through this route because this market has no expensive stuff which can match rich people status.

" I can't believe it. How come you ate it? " Naitee questioned in wonder when Adi ate two green chillies with no ounce of burn over his tongue.

" You know it's my talent" Adi replied cooly.

" Talent? Huh! Lier. Don't believe him Naitu. He is fond of spicy stuff. So, he has a high tolerance for spices unlike us " Payal explained while Naitee tried to have a small bite of green chill but before that Payal slapped it away from her hand looking at her mad.

" Long time no see " it was Adinew who said when the trios didn't acknowledge A4M presence. In a swift motion, the trios friends looked behind them and found their worst nightmares. However, something clicked in their head which caused them to turn back to their plate and finish their food.

We can call it a nice move of ignorance. They haven't forgotten yet what they have done to their bikes and their life. Therefore, along with each other, they made a promise that they will ignore A4M for better school life.

Since A4M members are used to getting attention from people, therefore, such open ignorance kicks hard in their ego. They are attractive then why do Naitee and Payal never give them those fangirls looks which others do. Other than irritation, anger and annoyance they never gave them any good vibe looks.

To get Naitee's attention Maverick walks to her making her shudder in an unknown fear. Her eyes remained lower even when he sat beside her after pulling Adi away from his seat. Before Adi could do or yell Avian was quick to respond and shut him while saying " Come on boy. Don't create a scene here. You are the local people of this place. What if you yell and gathered an unwanted crowd and I believe it won't be long enough for your families to know about it. Do you want your parents to know how weak they are to look after their children properly? No right then shut your mouth and let my friend have his talk with his girl "

" Adi, child. Is everything alright? " a man who was the neighbour to Adi questioned when Avian hold back Adi from going to Naitee and Payal.

" Everything is fine Uncle. Don't worry " Adi forced his tongue to lie. Regardless the man didn't look assured with his words. His suspicious gaze ran from Avian to other A4M members and a big frown cast over his expressions.

" We are their friend's Uncle. Tell him Adi " Anurag cover up the situation putting his hand lazily on Adi's shoulder who sweat like big as the Uncle was boring his suspicious gaze at him.

" Yes, Uncle they are my classmates and friends " Adi let out clenching his fist when Avian squeezed his shoulder with a big smirk plaster over his lips.

" If you say so, I believe you. However, it doesn't seem to me " the man let out nodding his in the process while looking at the luxurious cars and then back to the guys who are from head to toe screaming expensive brands. It's hard for the man to believe that these guys who are looking flitty rich are friends to his colony children who are middle class but before these guys are poor equal to beggars.

Nevertheless, the man leaves the stop passing a last glance at the kids. On the other hand, Naitee and Payal are both girls having a hard time sitting calmly as their hearts are doing a wild dance inside their chest. Both the girls are sandwiched between Maverick and Adinew. Maverick is sitting beside Naitee while Adinew is beside Payal. It's the first time, when they are sitting together and this close. It's obvious for the girls to be scared of them.

" Is something is wrong with your ears or you have got guts to ignore me? Huh? I have asked you something little chubby mouse. I hate repeating myself but for your good, I am in good mood today. So, I am repeating myself. Have you completed my school work yet or not? " Maverick questioned. Naitee's heart jumped to her mouth when accidentally she lift her head and her face was hit by his fresh hot breaths. She realised it late that their faces are dangerously closed which is inappropriate for two reasons. First, they are in public and second she hates him so, she should keep a kilometre distance between them. To her dismay, her heartbeats rose and an ice form inside her stomach making unknown sensations to her system when she saw his intense eyes prowling from her eyes to her nose and then stops to her lips which probably have sauce of noodles over them.

Payal has the same situation because Adinew is ordering her to feed him with her hands and she is completely red like beetroot with his absurd demand. Adinew moved close to her clinging his side thigh with her. In reflex reaction, not wanting to cling to Adinew Payal moved to Naitee who was pushed to Maverick and her face hit Maverick's and to save herself from making contact with his lips Naitee moved her face and ultimately, his lips lands on her forehead.

It was it for Naitee's endurance. Pretty mad of her jolt up from her seat and dump the noodle plate over Maverick's face who was still on his seat because he was still drifting in a daze. For him, the kiss was something that he can't define. Probably he is too young to understand it. Naitee is not his type of girl. She is just fun for him yet his heart is now doing a wild dance that seems like a tornado.

Gasped heard in the background but the damage was already done for which Naitee wasn't shamed about nor scared. She is just speechless and hoping deep down in her heart that no one saw the kiss incident. Nevertheless, poor her because everyone saw it and they are awestruck as her. Payal looked at her plate then at Adinew whose face was masked with horror when he read her mind.

" Don't you dare? " Adinew warned trying to intimate her with his warning index finger yet Payal ran after him with her plate. So stupid of him because how can he even think that she gonna miss this opportunity. Naitee silently stood beside Adi and other A4M members. Meanwhile, Maverick remain in his seat boring holes to Naitee who is not at all sparing him any glance.

" Here take this man " Avian gave a water bottle to Maverick to wash off his head and face. A proud smirk formed over his lips and he looked at Naitee with his intense eyes passing chill to her system. He knows she is secretly watching him. So, he did what he felt like to do. Gasps and people's attention went on him, heads turned to him as he removed his t-shirt showing off his buildup boy body. However, he is not that muscular like a man yet but we can't deny the fact that he has a hot body like hell.

As an expected reaction Naitee's eyes shoot directly at him. There is no more peaking from her side because now she is opening watching his show. Her eyes are wide giving competition to the button sizes. She swallowed hard as he threw his t-shirt at his friend and empty the water bottle on his head after banding a little. He washed his head and face then clean his face and rubbed his wet hair with his t-shirt itself. Naitee's eyes noticed every small moment of his moves. She even manage to notice how many drops fall over his chest from his hair and where they streamed after sexily running over his hard poking out eight biscuits.

Her eye contact broke from his body when Adi pulled her hand and hushed near her ear " Stop looking at him like that. His friends are making fun of you ".

Naitee looked at Adi with a wide mouth giving enough space for any bee to get a tour inside her mouth and count her teeth. Later on, she peaked at Maverick's friends who are now saying something to him while time to time looking at her to which they are laughing together. This shit embarrassed Naitee. She made herself look fun by herself. They all are standing together except Adinew. Then it clicks to her, Where is Payal?

On the other hand, Payal tried to throw the plate of her noodles at Adinew's head, after chasing Adinew to the empty parking lot of the mall but she didn't find him. Surprisingly, she didn't realise when she cross the huge distance away from her friends in the chase. She looked around in search. However, out of the blue, a hand pulled her to the wall and in the process, the plate slipped from her hand kissing the ground. The person pulled her to the wall and palmed her mouth with one hand while with the other he took hold of both hands before her stomach. He pushes her body to the wall by applying pressure with his body.

Terrified Payal opened her eyes and to her relief, she calmed down a little when she saw it's Adinew, not any serial killer or whatever her fear forced her to picture. She shoot angry balls from her wide eyes to Adinew to leave her mouth free but he didn't. In addition, Payal wiggled trying to get out of his hold and an ugly frown covered her forehead as she is scared with their proximity. He is giving her a mini heart attack.

" Don't panic. I promise I am not gonna do anything bad to you until it's the right time. Just hear me out first and I am going to remove my hand for that I hope you won't scream " Adinew said and slowly drag his hand away from her mouth. Payal sucks a deep breath with panting in the process.

" Say fast " Payal let out rudely because she recalled that he is not a good guy. He is a bad guy who has broken her bikes and had bullied her, her brother and her friend.

" I just want to apologise for breaking your bikes. I lost my cool that day but I am not at sorry for hitting your brother. He started it by being my parents that day. " Adinew was saying but Naitee stopped him in middle. At first she was shocked and couldn't trust her ears yet she did as she saw genuineness in his eyes.

" You are sorry or not. It doesn't matter to me. Please step away. You are standing in my personal space. " Payal let out pushing Adinew away. However, he didn't budge from his place which irritate Payal. She is mad at him and she is showing her anger.

" What do you want? " frustrated Payal let out and looked into his eyes which are filled in sadness. Reading his eyes like an open book Payal's innocent heart soften but later on, she gathers her heart to be strong and tough. If you melt easily then you are stupid enough to be fooled by anything common.

" I want your forgiveness" Adinew spat back with hope. Payal gasped at his stubborn nature.

" I am no one to forgive anyone. Please move aside. I am getting late " Payal snapped as anger is running into her veins. Her adrenaline is at its peak.

" You are! because you are mad at me " Adinew respond.

" And why I am? And wait a minute, why are you only sorry to me? You and your friends broke three bikes mine, my brother's and Naitee's. Not only that you broke my brother's leg in the past. Aren't you sorry for that? Huh? Keep you sorry to you. It not gonna bring back things which you and your friends have damaged " Payal said and some tears raced down from her eyes.

Adinew looked at her sliding down tears. Without his knowledge he wiped it away caressing her cheeks with the pad of his thumbs. Payal's breaths fasten due to his rubbing thumbs and the way he is looking at her.

" Don't cry. You looks ugly just like a pig " Adinew let out in humorously earning a punch on his biceps from Payal. She facepalmed herself and lowered her head.

" Hey, don't be like this. I was just kidding. " Adinew said trying to hold her hand but she nudge it away.

" Don't come near me. You are a bad person " Payal let out sniffing showing her red nose and eyes to Adinew who's face lost its shine as her words sink in.

" if that's so then I am gonna apologise to each of you " saying this Adinew turn to his heels and walk ahead making sure Payal is following him because he doesn't want her to get into any trouble in the dark place.

" Where were you? " Anurag questioned Adinew but he keep shut later on when his eyes fall on very upset Payal.

" Where have you been? We were looking for you. Do you know how worried we were for you? Don't do that again " Naitee scold Payal who just hugged her with a sad smile. However, Adi looked mad at Adinew.

" What you did to my sister? " Adi roared at Adinew who instantly looked at Payal before looking back at Adi.

" Let go home, Adi. I am tired and we have assignments to do, unlike other people who forced other students to do their homework " Payal taunt and Adinew cursed himself for being a jerk to her and her brother from day one.

After that, the trios moved from there while the A4M remain standing to the place dumbfounded.

" Did she taunt us? " Avian questioned in wonder because he can't believe that his friend let go of this matter so easily.

" Yea, she did and guys dare you all from now on no one say anything to her and her brother and her dear friend Naitee " Adinew warned his friends who obeyed him except one.

" I won't do anything to those siblings but not my little chubby mouse. I can't promise her " Maverick said.

" Fine but don't hurt her in either of their presence, " Adinew said and later on his friends teased him for being soft to Payal. Adinew himself doesn't know the reason for his soft nature towards Payal but he desires to have peace between them. He wants her to be his friend. His heart had pained when he turned around after breaking her bike on that day. Those tears shining eyes of her troubled him in his sleep. And ultimately, he felt guilty for hurting her.











Mga Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
This is so unbelievable language and grammar is atrocious GoodNovel is charging 57$ for one chapter you trying to match up your financial status with Bill Gates I guess you forgot is ordinary people read because they can’t afford a luxurious life reading is what they could afford and is exploited
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