

Mia's POV

I froze when I heard Leo's voice at the other end of the phone. Leo said hello again and I took a deep breath and responded and my voice came out very calmly and low.

His voice was so deep and sounded sweet over the phone. I didn't know his voice was this sweet too over the phone.

He mentioned my name again and I responded he asked if I was okay and I said Yes. He told me he had gotten home and wanted to let me know and also thanks me for the breakfast and lunch and that he enjoyed it.

I blushed and said thank you too. I again apologized for any trouble I might have caused him the previous night at the club and he said he didn't mind and we wished each other good night and hung up. I wished we could talk for a long. I wished I could listen to his voice often.

Leo's POV

I smiled and dropped the phone. I like that she sounds so cute over the phone and how she looks cute and acts shy anytime she is around me. It made me happy and want to laugh. I don't like friends except for Ryan but didn't mind having her as my friend too, even though I really couldn't wait to have a feel of her. She looked like I could trust her.

I enjoyed her company and she made me laugh. I called Ryan and we talked about the night at the club I told him I enjoyed Mia's company and he started to tease me about how he feels I'm in love with Mia. I told him it wasn't possible because I can't love. He told me Lovia called him to ask about Mia in the morning and he answered she was safe. He talked about Lovia in such a way that made me suspicious of him. He talked about Lovia so passionately.

He suggested we plan a night out for the four of us so we can go for dinner and I agreed and decided to ask Mia later while he asked Lovia. I felt he was doing it because of Lovia but I didn't mind anyway. After all, I get to be with Mia too. 

I went to my study to read a little because I had trouble sleeping. I remembered how Mia was sleeping peacefully in my arms and smiled and continued reading till I slept off.

Mia's POV

The weekend was almost ending so quickly. It was Sunday evening already and I decided to prepare my outfit for the following day. I picked my best work cloth that brought out all my curves and made me look hot. I cleaned and polished my heels nicely and placed them on the shoe rack. After everything I went online to browse for a while till I slept off. I woke up and brushed my teeth, took my bath, and dressed up for work in the best work clothes I picked the previous night and wore as if it was a special day.

Of course, it was a special day because I would be seeing Leo at work.

I was happy that I saw a side of him that no one has ever seen. I danced in front of my mirror happily. I checked to be sure I looked really good before stepping out of my room. I had my breakfast and after I picked up my car keys and got out.

I drove to work humming to the songs that were playing on the radio. There was a little traffic on the way but I finally got to work.

I parked my car and went to my office. I sat down to breathe when Dennis walked in to greet me. It's been a long time since I heard from him. 

I responded and he complimented my look and I smiled and wished it was Leo who had said that to me. I wanted to hear him say something like that to me.

Leo was the center of my heart and life and the only one I loved and wanted to be with and receive compliments from.

I remembered our encounter during the weekend and couldn't wait to see him.

I started to sort out some documents and prepare myself for the day. I arranged my desk again even though it didn't need any arrangements. And tried to rearrange things in my office. 

After that, I came out to get some coffee and met Leo walking in.

I greeted him and asked if I could get him coffee since I was going to get coffee and he agreed. When he walked away I turned to look at him again and wondered why he didn't take a second look at me. Why is he so emotionless?

I went to make two cups of coffee and came back to the office. I knocked and he responded and asked me to come in. I entered and walked to his desk to give him the coffee. 

I then greeted him again and he responded and asked about my well-being.

I told him I was okay and also asked him how he was doing and he responded he was well. I asked if he slept well and he responded and said he did and thanked me for the food I packed for him. I smiled at him in response. 

He drank the coffee and raised his head to look at me.

I asked if he didn't like the coffee and he said it was exactly how he wanted it.

I blushed and offered to do coffee for him every morning and he agreed and I was so happy within.

He stood up from his seat and walked to the other side of the desk and stood right in front of me touring over me. My heart started beating fast he walked to me and I kept walking back till my back touched the wall and I couldn't move again. I stood there looking into his eyes and he was also looking into mine and I wonder

ed if he wanted to kiss me.

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