
Chapter One

Chapter I

"Daughter, please pay the debt we owe to Manang Helen."  mom ordered me one night.  She handed me the white envelope and a handkerchief.

 I looked at it, there was something engraved on the very end of it, I looked at Mama who was surprised.

 "Mom, what is the handkerchief for?"  I will ask.  She didn't look at me, her trembling hand didn't escape my sight.  I raised my eyebrows because of that.

 "T-Take that to Helen.. They will take care of it.." The last thing she said was almost a whisper.

 I held my breath.  I know the mama well, she likes to borrow money from people she knows, I don't even know where she gets the payment from but I just let it go.  I missed the trembling of his hand, maybe it was just panting.

 I came out of our little shack made of bamboo, it was quite old, and it was obvious that it would only take a few blows of the wind and it would fall down, but now, we are going to build a new house again, but it is made of stone.  I don't know where mom got the money for that, the important thing is that our house will be replaced.

 Even though it's dark, I'm walking on the edge of

 road, there were small street lights, which somehow lit up what I was passing by.

 I'm also grateful for the help of the moon, it's full circle now, and it's beautiful to look at.

 I continued walking, more than a kilometer away from Manang Helen's workplace.  Because it works in a mansion, and I don't know who owns it.

 I just arrived last month, from the city. I studied there, I don't even know where my mother got funding for my education, she just sent me to an exclusive school in the city.  She doesn't send me home, I stay in a boarding house because our barangay is more than three hours away from the city.

 I only come home every semester and summer, because it's a waste of time and I finish too much at school.  But all the sacrifices paid off beautifully.  At least now, I am a psychology graduate.  The only thing missing is work and I can repay what mom did for me.

 I could see the gate of the mansion before my eyes.  With 100b a month, I already memorized the way to it, because mom always accompanied me.  I didn't know that someone lived here, because in the past, whenever I stumbled upon this very place, and looked at the huge house, I didn't notice anyone living there.  All entrances are closed, even the window.  I thought

 it used to be a haunted house because it had been neglected. 

I reached the front gate of the mansion, a Lancaster was carved above it.  But my eyes widened when it suddenly opened.  I heard the sound made by each steel scraping against each other.  I stayed where I was because of the sudden shiver that came over me.

 From where I was standing stood a towering mansion.  Behind it are tall trees that look like a forest.  I swallowed while just staring at the mansion.  I noticed someone standing on the second floor, on the open balcony directly facing where I was, but when I blinked, he suddenly disappeared.  I swallowed, am I right in thinking that the mansion is a haunted house?  I shook my head, maybe it was because of the darkness.

 Even though I was scared, I saw myself walking towards the mansion, I could clearly see from its entrance that there was an old man standing, his hands folded and he was smiling widely as if he was waiting for someone.  It didn't take long for me to arrive in front of the mansion.  I can't help but be amazed at its beauty.  Especially because it was illuminated by the light of the moon which made it more vivid.

 "Welcome, dear."  Manang Helen greeted me with a smile.

 "Manang Helen.. I would just like to pay

 I didn't finish what I was going to say all of a sudden

 turned around and headed to the mansion door, it disappeared into the shadow of darkness then a door opened.  From where I was standing, I could immediately see the luxury in the 100b of the mansion.

 "come in first."  she invites.I immediately shook my head as I walked towards her.I showed her the white envelope and the handkerchief that mom was giving her.Manang Helen looked at it.  Her smile disappeared.

 "Mama gave it to you. She said she was going to pay off her debt. And this handkerchief, it looks like Mama is returning it."  I said while handing the envelope and handkerchief to his two hands.  He just stared at it for a moment and looked up at me.

 "Is she sure?"  she asked. I could hear something in Manang Helen's voice but I couldn't name what it was. I nodded to her question, then Manang Helen sighed, as if a new problem had come to her.

 "I hope Marlene is doing it right."  I heard Manang Helen whisper then turned and walked into inside of the mansion.  I just shrugged.  I'm going home, it looks like it's getting late. 

"Manang Helen, I'll go first--"

 "Dear, come in first."  she said as we faced each other, it's just that she was in inside of the mansion while I was outside.

 "No need Manang, I'm going home.. It's getting worse

 it's also the night—"

 "Have dinner here first, can you join me for a while?"  I heard it as if Mother Helen was begging me.  I turned behind me, the way out of the mansion gate and the way home were revealed to me, I looked back at Aunt Helen.

 When I got home and was about to have dinner, I sighed.  Maybe Manang Helen just wants someone to eat with.

 I know how it feels to eat alone.  I looked at Manang Helen who was still looking at me.  I smiled and nodded, then walked into the mansion.  Her smile widened.

 When my slippers stepped on the shiny marble floor of the mansion, I couldn't help but be amazed.  When I looked up, the luxurious design of the staircase was revealed to me, it was right in the middle of the mansion, and each handle seemed to be made of gold in color.  Its design is so beautiful, I looked at every corner of the mansion, and every thing you see there screams beauty and luxury.

 "You sit in the living room first, I'll just prepare dinner."  she said happily then walked somewhere and was eaten by darkness.  I walked to the other side of the mansion and looked for the living room.  I didn't have a hard time because I immediately saw a table surrounded by an elegant sofa.  There was also a mattress on the floor and it looked very clean.


 I was embarrassed that the slippers were garnit, so I took them off and walked to the sofa and sat there.  I felt like I wanted to fall asleep in its softness when I sat down.

 While sitting I observed the surroundings, I can't quite imagine that no one lives in such a beautiful house?  I remembered what I saw earlier on the second floor of the house, right on the open balcony.  Someone stood there, but immediately disappeared?  Maybe it was with Manang Helen?  Or is it the owner of the mansion?  Maybe I'll just ask Helen later.

 While waiting for Manang Helen to call me, I could only look at what was on display.  There are pieces of furniture there that are so unique, I can't help but touch them.  Until I was staring at a picture frame.  I stare at you hard.  There are two men standing and a woman sitting.  I immediately assumed that the two were married and one had a child.  I stared at the youngest man.  It looks like it's still in elementary school based on the picture.  It wasn't smiling, its silver eyes were just staring at the camera.  It's like I'm suddenly conscious because it's like the man is really staring at me. 

"Maria, dinner is ready."  I almost jumped in shock when I heard Mother Helen's voice.

 "Manang Helen!"  I shouted in shock when she appeared behind me,She laughed at my reaction.  My chest was tight because of the strength of my heart beating because of the shock.

 "You're a nervous kid."  she said with a laugh.  "Oh hey, have dinner first. The food is ready in the kitchen.." she didn't finish what he was going to say when she suddenly turned around and took something from the coffee table on his side.  I frowned because I only noticed it now.  "..I'll follow right after I deliver it upstairs."  she continued.

 "Is there... anyone living here besides you?'  I asked in shock. It nodded in response. So I wasn't blind when I saw something on the open balcony of the mansion earlier?

 "Alright iha.. you go first. Or you can just wait here for me so we can go to the dining room together."  here.  I nodded absentmindedly.

 "I'll just wait for you."  I almost whispered.  Helen nodded again and turned away from me.I just followed her as she walked towards the stairs.Only the sound of her footsteps echoed through inside of the mansion. When it finally went up and I couldn't see it anymore, I just sat back on the sofa and stared at the wall in front of me now.

 I just stumbled upon a painting hanging there.I thought Helen was the only one living here, but there are others.I don't know how many minutes passed before Helen returned. Now I followed behind her to the dining room.

 I almost gasped as a long dining table opened up to me. More than 100 people could sit there.  I slowly approached and observed it.

 I saw that the food was ready on the table, she made me sit in a chair facing the food, and so did she. she gave me a plate and spoon then she also put my food.I was immediately surprised that she didn't join me.

 "Manang Helen, are you not going to eat?"  I ask her.  she just smiled then sat in front of me.

 I started to have dinner.It's a shame, but Helen looks happy that she has someone with her now.  But, isn't she with someone?

 I just shook my head.Maybe the owner of the house is with her here.  And based on the food it served earlier, that is singular.

 "Manang, I thought you were alone here. You have someone with you."  I said.  I looked at her who was now just looking at me and smiling. I stopped eating.

 "You're not going to eat?"  I asked. The plate in front of her was empty. she shook her head. "Huh?  I thought I was going to have dinner with you?" but she didn't answer me.

 "Eat more."  she just said.  I was really wondering because of that, I suddenly felt apprehensive.  I finished my food quickly.  I am no longer with Helen now sitting.  It's in front of the sink and looks like it's doing something.

 I simply looked around, I'm not going to lie, because anything I look at every corner seems...weird.Maybe I have to leave.

 "Manang Helen—"

 I didn't finish what I was going to say when I suddenly heard something break and crash.I almost jumped out of my seat.I looked at the ceiling, because I felt like it was coming from the second floor of the house.But something broke above again, and it seemed to grow stronger than before. That's why I stood up from my seat because I suddenly felt worried.Something strange seems to be going on up there.

 I looked at Helen, who was looking at me worriedly.  When the third time something broke again.  We looked at the ceiling together, but I also looked back at Helen.  I swallowed.

 "Manang Helen, it looks like .. I'm about to go first—" "Don't" she stopped suddenly.  I was surprised because of that. 

"W-what?"  I will ask.  Why would she stop me?

 "A-ahh."  she was suddenly worried. I was even more surprised because of that. "Later. 1-I'll take you out, just wait. I'll go to my boss upstairs first. I'll let you know, he knows as well as you're here."  I just nodded at him as she said it's his.

 "A-alright, just wait for me in your living room."

 We walked out of the kitchen and headed to the living room.Manang Helen sent me straight to the living room while she ran to the second floor of the house. I remained standing between the stairs and the way out of the house. I looked at the door. I can just leave without saying goodbye.  But I'm embarrassed to leave right away. Manang Helen fed me, and received me as a guest of the owner of this mansion.  It would be disrespectful if I left.

 I looked at the second floor of the house, I couldn't see anything because it was quite dark there.

 But I was followed by another broken look.  Wait, what's going on upstairs?

 "Son.. calm down."  I heard manang Helen's  comforting to another person.  I felt like I wanted to help Helen.  Something broke again.  I closed my eyes tightly.

 "Son, she's not leaving. Calm down."  I heard Helen comforting him again.  I only hear grunts in response to manang.

 Something broke again, that's why I decided to go up to follow Manang Helen, it looks like they need help, maybe I can help someone.

 When my slippers touched the second floor of the house, I suddenly felt what.. aura.  Like, weird.  My hair stood me up, I hugged myself.  But I quickly put that out of my mind.

 I walked towards where the noise came from earlier.

 "Manang Helen—t

 I didn't finish what I was going to say when Helen suddenly came out of nowhere.  And his eyes almost widened when he saw me.

 "God Maria, what are you doing here?" Helen's mother asked in shock.

 "Maybe you need help-

 she didn't let me finish what I was going to say as she supported me.

 "Manang Helen—"

 "You shouldn't go up!"  she said very scared.  When we both got down, I looked at the second floor before looking back at Helen.  I stared at her, worried, she was constantly clapping her hands.  That means something, a secret.  Even if I wanted to ask, I wasn't in the place to do so.  I am not in the place to interfere.

 I held my breath.  Maybe Manang Helen can handle what is happening here.  Maybe it happens every day.  I can't help but feel sorry for Manang.

 In the end I decided to go home.  It seems like it's getting late.

 "Manang Helen, I'm just going home."  I say goodbye but manang was surprised by what I said.

 "Huh? B-But it can't be!"  it panicked.  I frowned at that.

 "Why?"  I asked a little nervously.  He quickly looked away.  I held my breath.


 "Manang, ill go ahead "NOBODY IS GOING HOME!!"

 I jumped from where I was standing when I heard the roar of the voice throughout the house.  With wide eyes, I looked again at the second floor of the house, that's where it came from.  I looked at Manang Helen, her face was full of fear.  Even I was scared because of what I heard.

 "Manang  Helen, who is that? What does he want to.. say?"  I'm secretly scolded for my stuttering.  I felt fear because of that scream, I was taken back but I stopped myself from being afraid.

 Manang quickly reached for my hand.  I felt his hand slightly tremble.

 "Mary.. Be patient with him—"

 I did not let her finish what she had to say.  I immediately shook my head.

 "What does that mean, manang helen? Why can't I go home?!"  I almost shouted the question.  Tears are forming in the corners of my eyes, my heart is beating fast because..

 fear  That's right, it's eating me right now because it's happening.

 Something broke again above.  My heart beat faster.

 Who's up there?  Why will it suddenly scream that no one can go home?  It is not possible that he is referring to me because I am probably the only guest today.

 "Maria.." Manang Helen repeated my name.  Her face looked like she was sorry. she seems unable to speak.

 I quickly grabbed my hand from Manang.  I backed away and turned my back on her.  I headed for the door.  But to my surprise when I turned the doorknob it was locked.  I looked violently at Helen.

 "Manang Helen.. I'm going home. Maybe…"

 "Maria, you can't go home."  she said directly.  I was a little surprised by that.  She just confirmed it.  But why?


 She let out a deep breath before staring at me intently.

 "The agreement is over, dear. It can't be taken back."

 I raised my eyebrows at what she said.  Agreement?  What does this mean?

 "W-what's the deal?"  I was very surprised


 "You are the one that your mother paid for her debt. That's why you can't leave. That's the agreement."

 My jaw almost dropped from what I heard.

 Nope.  It can't be. 

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