
CHAPTER 8: Especially If That Dress Is Stolen


“TELL Raine you’re forgiving her.” Calvin looked away once he told me this. My brows furrowed, both in surprise and disbelief.

He can’t be saying this.

I’ve been mean, and it shows. It shows a lot on how I acted and swore to make Raine’s life a living hell these past few days, yet it was clear—most definitely clear that what I experienced earlier today wasn’t something I can just provide forgiveness for.

And much more to someone who didn’t even take the courage to apologize for what she did wrong!

“No, I am not doing that.” I stated, gritting my teeth to calm myself. I gave him a small grin as though trying to catch the joke he was trying to play on me, but he didn’t respond with the same humor.


“You know you’re being ridiculous, right?” I pulled my hand away from the sheets when he was trying to reach it out.

“You know I can’t just keep my wolf deprived of her mate’s affection. ” he explained like that would justify anything he has done until now.

“And you can’t just force me to do something that I shouldn’t be doing in the first place for you wolf’s satisfaction!” I responded, raising my voice to even more prove my point, which much to my dismay, isn’t getting through to him.

I am the Luna of the Penston Pack! I can’t accept an apology without it being given.

He sighed before leaning forward to put both his elbows on his knees rubbing his face with both hands. His dour face looks stern and sullen.

“Raine is crying all day, thinking of your condition—of how much she has wronged you and yet you can’t even try to forgive her?” He reasoned out, pointing at me with his index finger.

“Calvin . . . She didn’t even apologize!” I groaned, still seeing Raine’s face reluctant to utter that simple ‘sorry’ off her mouth. She can’t bend her pride for an apology, thus as to what for am I to bend so low as to forgive someone who doesn’t deserve it?

“You—How can you be so stubborn!” I instantly flinched when his hand raised as though he was about to slap me. I stayed in that position, flinching and rigid.

“I-I didn’t mean to—” he hastily followed his horrid action. My eyes remained wide, my knuckles turning white as the thick sheet it was clenching, and never in my life have the thought of me ever trembling in the presence of Calvin, crossed my mind.

Yet here we are.

He raised his hand at me. It could have been a slap. A slap to knock me off or wake some sense into me.

He was about to shift closer to me from the bed when I kicked the sheets away and pulled my feet together away from him. “Don’t you fucking take another step, Calvin.” I raise my index finger, stopping him from getting anymore closer than he already is.

He had the urge to hurt me, and that was enough for me to know that the Calvin I knew— the one who have always cherished her mother, the one who saved lots of women and children from getting killed in the pack wars we’ve been through, and the one who has never ever attempted to even come close as to raising a hand at me—has now changed.

“I-Maryna . . .” he runs a hand through his messed up hair while I rub my eyes that were starting to tear up.

“Just-Just please tell Raine you’re sorry for-for things you’ve done against her and that she’s forgiven from what happened earlier.” he said and was about to take his leave when I shouted.

An ear-piercing scream that shook the large walls like the mad woman I was being notorious for these past few days. He stopped in his tracks to briefly cover his ears and looked at me with wide eyes.

“I will never—ever say sorry to your fucking bitch! I worked hard—bloody hard, Calvin, just to climb and kill my way up to where I am standing right now.” my nostrils flared and my chest was already heaving up and down, desperate for air to fill it all back up.

“And I swear–I fucking swear to the Goddess Artemis that none of what I worked hard for will be in the palm of her hands.” I added, emphasizing every word in a harsh tone I never thought I could ever give Calvin.

I stared directly in his eyes, hoping that he would at least get a pinch of what I’m feeling right now.

My heart, as angry as I was, still beats for him, the only man it laid eyes on for the past twenty five years, yet at this moment, even my fast-racing heart was so weary that it was tired of the person it was beating for—to not even have the ability to swallow his presence right now.

My heated, boiling anger was already bringing warmth to my sweaty face, my shoulder shaking as I was exuding pure hatred, and nothing more.

“You dare call my mate like that!” he growled, his inner wolf slowly resurfacing in his eyes as he took a step closer.

“I did, I did Calvin!” I shouted and his eyes flickered from Sea Green to his golden yellow, a symbol of which only an Alpha’s wolf possesses. His canines were growing and he was on the verge of shifting before he tried to calm himself, he was clenching and unclenching his fist.

I guess he still has some sense in him to not attack me.

“Maryna . . .” with a distressed tone, he turned to me. Contrary to the anger I was expecting to spectate in his Sea Green orbs, it was rather the opposite of fury but rather desperation.

And something else lurked in his orbs. At the way he looks at me. Something even I, someone who knew this person for his entire life doesn’t know at all.

“Maryna, mother—my mother has taken care of you the moment your parents died. The moment your mother died. She was there and so was I. I was there for you! Sacrificing.” He says, Sea Green eyes looking at me.

The death of both my parents flashed directly into my eyes as he was replaying everything. With every word that comes out of his mouth about the mere presence of my parents was like reliving every single short day I’ve spent with them.

Memories that were long gone, and the free time that was not spent wisely.

“She was there with you. We were there with you, took care of you, clothe you, and trained you, Maryna.” He swallowed before trying to take another step closer.

“Stop.” I mutter, both in his attempt to get closer to me, and his unnecessary blabber of everything I owe him, of his mother.

“You just have to return the favor, Maryna—to return the sacrifice me and my mother both made for you. Just apologize to my mate and all shall be sorted out. Y—”

“You can’t just fucking fill me up with fuel with those conscientious words and light me up like wild fire!” I shouted, cutting him off.

“I have paid, and even if I had paid enough, I will continue paying every single sacrifice I have owed you—especially your mother. But this—forgiving someone who doesn’t deserve it? I don’t think even your mother would agree to such a sacrifice.” I utter with finalization.

I then pointed out to the large doors as though telling him to get out.

I have no more strength to do this nor I have any more emotions to provide for him and his persuasive demand. That bitch will never hear any of my forgiveness.

Not now.

And will definitely never.


A few days passed of me trying to memorize and practice my entire song from day and night like how I have always done, and the ball was about to commence.

“You look marvelous, Luna!” Mrs. Jenkins delivered my long dress first before Raine’s in order to avoid any confusion as to who the owner of the other dress was.

Who knows if she saw the one I ordered the designer to make, she would probably like it and considering my recent issue with her and her greediness, she will never be able to stop herself from requesting to have my dress switched once more.

Speaking of my dress, Mrs. Jenkins did not fail me when I told her that I want to shine brighter than any of the ones to attend the ball.

“You look heavenly . . .” Mrs. Jenkins exclaimed once more, staring at me with eyes as round as that of a doe. She placed the dress on me herself and her satisfaction from seeing her creation being alive was more than enough for her to continue throwing compliments since earlier.

“I just know the entire pack would never get tired seeing you in this year’s ball!” Mrs. Jenkins mutters to herself seeing her way out the door as I follow behind her, rolling my eyes.

At first, I thought this was some ploy to diminish the wrong things she’s done though I have already forgiven her, but seeing how she’s been like this for the past three hours we began preparing, I was sure she’s genuine to the point that it’s starting to creep me out how much flattery she’s blabbering.

I grip the paper of the song I’m singing today before heading down the stairs. I threw the other paper in the garbage last night in hopes that Omegas would throw it away. Hopefully.

Everyone was already in their gowns and dresses. Pack members lined up the halls, some covering their faces with fans while others simply murmured to themselves way too obviously.

Yet most seems to be circling someone.

“You look extravagant, Lady Raine!” one of the pack members said and everyone nodded and murmured in agreement.

Ugh, it’s her.

I plucked the fan I was holding open to cover my disgusted face.

“You beautiful women are too much. I don’t think I-I will ever look as good as the Luna in these kinds of dresses.” she looked down, gripping the fabric in hand.

What is she trying to do this time? Why bring me up in her attempts to gain a sympathetic reputation?

The dress was in a deep shade of orange, just like what I instructed Mrs. Jenkins to make for me months ago.

I lashed out at her earlier for stealing my dresses and yet knowing I’d be in the ball to see it, she still decided to wear it.

The dress didn’t suit her at all. Her pink hair contradicted the darkness the dress exudes. It was made for me, afterall, thus I don’t see any reason for it to fit her.

She was sunshine and that wonderful gown she’s wearing is for me—a living and walking hell.

Everyone instantly frowned at her response. “Oh no, Lady! Please don’t say that.” They tried to console her.

They can’t say anything bad. The pack members themselves are well aware they cannot say words that might ruin my reputation behind my back.

The women in this pack honor me more than anyone. Well, not until Raine might decide to take even that one remain of what’s mine away.

“I-I’ll head back now, Luna. Please enjoy the ball.” I forgot Mrs. Jenkins was still behind me. She found her eyes looking away from Raine’s dress. She was, of course, the main reason our relationship for incredibly long years deteriorated.

It was right that she’s going to feel guilty for giving away a dress Raine is wearing that was supposed to be in my body right now.

I nod at her, smiling and muttering a small thank you. I still covered my face with a fan when I walked over to them. The other girls that were muttering consolations all at the same time stopped when someone suddenly entered the circle.

They turn to me, eyeing the dress I was wearing up and down. Their eyes stared wide and scrutinizing at my gown and I gave everyone a chance to gape onto it while I walked to part the circle they’ve already formed around Raine.

Her dress was that of a ball gown, a huge flattering ball gown in a dark-colored orange, while mine was red—the darkest the autumn can ever be with a breast-line that goes as far as my stomach. It was all held by two thin straps resting on my shoulder.

It also has a huge slit on my leg and the back was entirely exposed, showing the scars that were left in all the wars I’ve been through—and the other day’s incident, which I personally requested.

This was far from any of the traditional customs, but in order to stand out like I told my designer, I need to be different, I need to look and feel powerful despite the consequences.

No power is strong enough to be lasting if it labors under the weight of fear. I plucked the fan close, showing everyone my face.

“L-Luna!” they all bowed down in panic. Though everyone’s eyes were down, it was obvious that they were peeking on me and my dress.

“But it’s true.” I mutter, staring at Raine. “You’ll never ever look good as me in this dress.” I smirked and her eyes stared daggers into mine. Bloodshot red eyes that were about to cry from earlier when hatred decided to take over due to my sudden presence.

“Especially if that dress was stolen.” I said and everyone instantly gasped.

I guess not all pack members were there to witness what I actually lashed out for that day.

This is gonna be good.

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