
Ch3 Miller Dairy Acquisition

The building that housed Stockholm Dairies was impressive for the small town of Lawrenceburg.  It was three stories and made of brick and had many windows.  Dad’s office was on the top floor overlooking the street and a huge park that the business had donated to the city.  It was full of trees, flowers, pathways for walking, picnic areas, and a pond in the middle.  Many of the employees frequented the park during lunch and breaks to enjoy the outdoors and to get in a walk.

When entering the building one had to go through a security check and scan a badge.  Dad’s office had his own special elevator so he used his badge to open the elevator and head up.  When the elevator doors opened his secretary Tricia greeted them and followed along into his huge office.  Dad’s office was decorated in dark leather with a huge wrap around desk.  He had two leather couches that faced each other with a glass coffee table in the middle and a cow hide underneath.  A set of double doors on one side led into a huge conference room for meetings.  The office had a counter along the back wall with refreshments and an assortment of fresh fruit.

Mom always had her favorite local florist bring in a fresh floral bouquet to liven up the room and add a feminine touch.  Otherwise the men folk that Trevor often had in his company would smell up the office with cigars and the scent of whiskey.

The flatscreen tv was already on with the news on in the background and Tricia had placed a few national newspapers on the side of dad’s desk for him.  “Would you two like some coffee before you get settled in?  There are some fresh croissants over there with fruit as well.  Martha wanted to make sure that you two have everything you need today for the Miller signing.”

Tricia was in her forties and had been working for Trevor for about 10 years.  She was quick and no one messed with her.  Dad relied on her for many things and when things got tough he could always count on her.

“Tricia, we already had breakfast, but I do think that I will have some coffee.  How about you Willa?”

“No thanks dad.  I’d like to take one last look at those Miller documents if you don’t mind.”

Tricia nodded and made haste to get Trevor his coffee.  Trevor took the Miller file from his desk and handed it over to Willa.  Willa made herself comfortable on one of the leather couches.  She wished that she had worn smarter shoes instead of the three inch high heels with the pant suit that she had on today.  Her feet were already beginning to hurt her.  Trevor noticed her discomfort and asked “What’s wrong?  Let me guess.  You are wishing you had worn shoes with a shorter heel?”

They both started laughing and then Tricia walked in.  “Well I see you two are back to your old shenanigans!” as she shook her head and smiled.  She placed Trevor’s coffee cup down next to him and walked out of the office.

Trevor said, “You can go shopping after we get the Miller deal done today.  My treat okay?  I will have Darryl take you in the company car later on.  I’m going to head home early today and check on Martha.  I’m glad you are here to help handle some of this work now Willa.”

At ten thirty that morning they heard a helicopter land on the top of their building and knew that the Miller Dairy group was about to enter the building.  A few minutes later Tricia came into Trevor’s office and announced that the group was ready to go inside of the conference room.  Willa and Trevor stood up in unison and headed over to the conference.

Although Trevor was sixty years old he was still very much in control and looked quite commanding in front of the group.  Willa was just as commanding and very beautiful.  The years that she had spent abroad had added some sophistication to her looks.  She had long dark auburn hair like her mother and hazel eyes like her dad.  She was stunning to look at.  All eyes were on her and Trevor.  Willa immediately spotted someone familiar in the group seated around the conference table…Grey Langley.  What was he doing here?

Trevor greeted everyone upon entering the room and introduced his daughter Willa for those who had not met her yet.  Willa was not a stranger to Miller Dairies, but a few of the faces in the group were new like the attorney they brought along and Grey.  All she knew about Grey was that he was into real estate in Frankfort.  Other than that she had just met him over the weekend at Kaysea’s family vineyard.  He locked eyes with her and she blushed.  Gosh, why did this dark eyed and devilishly handsome man have this effect on her?

Trevor took his seat at the head of the conference table and Willa went to the opposite side and sat on the other end from him.  Tricia had already placed all of the necessary documents on the table with some pens.  Everyone had refreshments in front of them and a pile of snacks.  The meating began with Trevor at the helm answering any last minute questions before the documents got signed.

Grey looked over at Willa and asked, “Are you free for lunch after this?”

Willa was stunned and looked directly at her dad.  He nodded giving his permission.  “Yes, first I need to go over a few items with my dad and then we can head out.  Does that sound good?”

“You’re the boss.”

After the meeting the folks from Miller Dairies headed out to the roof to get back on the helicopter with the exception of the attorney and Grey.  Grey hung out in the conference room while Trevor and Willa went back into his office.

“When did you meet Grey Langley?”  Trevor asked Willa while they exchanged documents.

“I met him at Kaysea’s wine tasting party this past weekend.  It was rather embarrassing because I bumped into him and I spilled red wine all down the front of my dress.”

“Oh, well be careful with him.  I don’t know what his intentions are here.  He’s heavy into real estate investing and I don’t want him getting any ideas about trying to invest in any real estate around here.  I see that he has some connection with Miller Dairies, but I don’t know what exactly.  I’m going to do some digging around.”

“Ok dad I will definitely be careful.  I will try and find out from Kaysea what his connection to Miller Dairies is as well.  She might know something.  He said that their families have known each other for some time now.”  She gave Trevor a kiss on the cheek and walked back into the conference room.

Grey stood up and walked over to Willa.  “I found this great little restaurant downtown that serves an assortment of local dishes.  My driver can take us there.”  Willa was flabbergasted.  He didn’t even bother to ask her opinion about the matter and had already made a decision like he knew her likes and dislikes.

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