

"When you want something, the whole universe conspires in helping you to achieve it."

~ Paulo Coelho


“Do you really want to do this, Chloe?” My mom removed her glasses and looked at me with concern.

“It’s okay,” I said, sliding the bag over my shoulder. “I’ve already skipped classes yesterday. Can’t afford to do it today too.”

“I can talk to your teachers about it if you insist.”

“It’s alright. I can manage.” I assured her.

“If you say so.” She said. “But if you need to talk to me, I’m just a call away.”

“I know. Thanks, mom.” I smiled as she kissed the top of my head. I waved at her and got out of the car.

My foot was still not healed so I had to make my way to the school stumbling. I received a few weird gazes from people but they haven’t bothered to help me. I just shrugged it off and went inside. I had history in the first period so I went there.

The class was empty except for me. I occupied my seat in the front and rested my back against the backrest of the chair.

But I really hope I stay in the class because I’ve always wanted Mr.brown as my teacher. He is an amazing human and a dedicated teacher. His love for the subject has always inspired me to spend more time studying archaeological events and know more about the importance of various chains of events that happened in the past.

Slowly the class began to fill up and I stayed rooted in my place. When Sapphire walked inside, my eyes widened. When she spotted me, she grinned at me and came to settle down beside me.

“Hi!” She said.

“H-how are you here?” I asked.

She frowned. “I’m in Mr.Brown’s class. Mrs Henderson is on maternity leave.”

Just then, the door clicked, drawing our attention to it.

When I looked at the door, I was surprised to find Brett walking inside. I suddenly grew tensed. This was a common thing for me when he is around.

After he moved back to Boston, I couldn’t help but worry about myself in his presence. All the while when he was away, I didn’t know how I managed to fall in love with him.

Yes, I thought I liked him since when we were kids but I didn’t know to define our relationship back then. I thought my fondness towards him would evaporate with the passing time but it didn’t happen.

If anything, my love towards him just grew. When I entered my teens and finally realized what the difference between infatuation and love is, I thought maybe my interest in him has been subjected to infatuation, something that most people of my age feel.

I waited for a long time to let go of those feelings. But they were as stubborn as me. They never disappeared. That was when I realized I’ve been in love with him. I realized it when I came back home every day in a hope to have received a call from him. But, my mother was as disappointed as I was when she had to say the same thing over and over again that I hadn’t received any call from him.

When I finally let go of my hesitation, he was not available to take the call. Either he went to his basketball practice or he was busy in his shower. His mother promised me he’d call me soon, but I guess he’s also busy.

When the day finally came and he moved back, the last thing I expected him to do was not recognize me. It hurt me. It hurt me that I’ve been so insignificant in his life. That he doesn’t even remember a single memory I shared with him while that was all I cherished.

But I couldn’t stay upset with him for longer because I learnt what happened to him. His dad died a few weeks before he moved here. I never bothered to ask how because Linda was already at the verge of crying while she told this to me.

After that, I knew I shouldn’t judge him. From what I remember, Brett always loved his dad. He was very close to him and always cared a lot about him. Losing him at such a young age would’ve probably marked a significant change in his life. And as a person who had lost her father too, I should understand what price it asks for.

I decided to give him space and cherish my love from afar. But I haven’t ever expected that I’d fall in a terrible situation where I’ll have to betray an innocent girl. Brett was a close friend of Sapphire’s and he wasn’t even ready to look at my face after he learnt what I’ve done to her.

I had pretended to be her friend for a few days after throwing her into a death trap. Parker, a guy who I now loathe to call as a friend, had tried to drug her to get back at her boyfriend and I helped him. I can’t believe how I could ever do it. Every time I look at Brett, the horrible incident plays before my eyes. And it is very difficult to let go of that guilt.

I wonder if he will ever be able to forgive me.

“Alright,” Mr.Brown said. I don’t remember him waking inside since I was lost in my own thought. I blinked my eyes to drag myself back into the present situation.

“Today’s lesson is something all of us, well, most of us are familiar with. We’re going to discuss the ancient globalization.”

I’ve been the sort of person who loved to deal with ancient civilizations. The various events and processes in the ancient world have always had brought my interest pricked.

Glancing at his students, Mr.Brown continued his lecture.

“When we talk about globalization in general, it signifies the trade over the countries, the migration of people and new discoveries in the various fields of sciences and art. All throughout history, societies have become interlinked not only to various other societies but to different physical factors. They showed their interest in astrology, astronomy and various other things but with each new interest came a challenge. When human societies have gone past these challenges, they globalized their nation.”

Mr.Brown went into deep matters of globalization. The students sank into his lecture and asked questions to contradict his views. He, being a man of patience, have tried to look past the invalidity in their question and carefully answered each of them. By the end of the class, he got the class under his spell. His delivery of speech had a profound impact on the students and its impact was the one that would last for a long duration.

“So class, that’s all for today. I’d like to have you all think over what we’ve discussed and do your bit of research. Meanwhile, I’d like to introduce this assignment to you, which would be on the same topic we discussed today. You’d be paired up and I’ll be doing the job for you. I’ll give you one month for the completion of it because it’s not a simple assignment. It’s going to require a lot of time and effort from the students and if you want to score an A then you’d have to begin working hard on it. Your submission will be judged on your voice, your expression, the validity in the content and the accuracy in your research.”

I looked at him and eagerly looked forward to it. I’ve always loved doing assignments regarding history because it’s the thing that I love. But the only thing that I’m not excited about is about the partner I’m going to get.

“I’ll be reading your name and your partners' name. Please be alert. Anna Willow and Mark Evan. Ryan Reighton and Joey Madrid, Mike Bernard and Thea Flegg..”

Mr.Brown went on with the names as I patiently waited for my name. When the ended the list, I frowned at the odd sequence. He hasn’t read my name.

“Excuse me, Mr.Brown?” I said.

“Yes, Ms.Morgan?” He asked.

“You haven’t taken my name. Could you please check who my partner is?”

“Yes, of course.” He said and flipped the pages and searched for my name. When he seemed to find it, he looked at me and smiled. “Your partner is Bretton Parker.”


I was in our basketball court, patiently waiting. Why you may ask? Because I was waiting for Brett who had seen me standing here for him fifteen minutes ago but still hadn't come to meet me.

After Mr.Brown revealed about my partner, I’ve tried every attempt to ask him to change it but he politely declined. When we were told to disperse, I followed Brett but he headed to his next class. I hadn’t got the chance to talk to him during lunch because he was nowhere in sight. But I had to discuss the assignment. It’s going to be included in the finals so we need to start working on it.

When the practice was over, Brett silently walked in the opposite direction as me.

“Brett,” I called him and he froze in his place. My pace slowed down and I walked to him slowly. And when I reached him, as if on instinct, he turned around.

“What?” He harshly asked me.

“I-I wanted to talk about the assignment.”

“We have enough time for it. We can talk later.” He said.

“No. We do, but we have a lot of work to do too.”

“So, what do you want to say?” He asked. Does he think I’m enjoying this? It’s his project too. He should be showing some interest.

“I was thinking maybe if we can meet after school today. In your house or mine. We can start working on it.”

“Can’t.” He said. “I have plans.”

Then cancel them.

“Oh. Maybe after you come home?”

“I will be coming back home late.” He said.

“Okay.” I sighed. “Tomorrow after school?” I asked.

“Yes.” He said. “That’s fine I guess.”

“Okay. Uh.. see you tomorrow.” I said and smiled. He nodded and turned around and left. I heaved a sigh and looked at his retreating back.

And I don’t know how we’re going to do this assignment if he continues being like this.I don’t know how to make things better. If it’s in my capabilities, I would definitely try to change things for better. But it's not.

I went home after school to find Brett’s car in his driveway. Didn’t he have plans today?

Maybe he’ll go out after a while.

I changed into my PJ’S and glanced from my windows. I could see him in his room. He was casually dressed, nothing close to a pair of jeans and a shirt that he wears when he has plans.

I sighed and went down to have dinner. When I came back, he was still in his room. Before going to bed, I checked once more. He hasn’t gone out.

So he lied to me. He didn’t have any plans with anyone.

But he just didn’t want to have any plans with me.

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