

~E V E~


“Are you going to take the step or not?” I asked her as my soul took over my body again, frustrated that she had simply wasted my entire time with that back and forth. “I mean, it is not hard at all; you simply just have to put a step to it,” I demonstrated with my foot for her to see how easy it was. “See, simple, right?” the young girl nodded. “Now turn around and let’s try this again, alright?”

The high school girl listened as she turned to take my words into action. I smiled mischievously at how sweet it will be to watch someone actually fall off a building. I always hear of it and come around the scene when it is already late, but now I get to watch it in real time.

“Come on, take the step; we are wasting daylight. Hurry up,” I said, pointing towards the sky and how rapidly the sun was fading from it.

The girl sniffed, "Wait, aren’t you an adult? Aren’t you supposed to try and stop me?”

I groaned as this was heading towards a path that I would hate to see the end result of. I didn’t just waste my time on all this, like, is it that hard to jump?

“I don’t know what brought you to this point, so why should I try to stop you at all? Everybody knows what is going wrong in their lives, nothing to whine about. I don’t want to ask questions; now go ahead and jump,” I answered with a shrug.

I guessed that didn’t work, as rather she stepped away from the edge of the roof and moved a little away. “Can I tell you what I am going through? I don’t want to die,” she declared.

“What a waste,” I said spitefully as I tried to walk away, and she tried to stop me. “Please don’t leave,” she begged. “Why shouldn’t I? I am only here to see you jump off a building; do you think I care about your sob story? Humans can be such pathetic fools; I won’t push you to jump if I was so interested in your story.” I moved away again, disappointed things didn’t go as planned.

“I will still tell you either way; first, my name is Rachel,” she began, even as I showed no interest and was heading back to the stairs, yet she followed me. “I attend Stainton High right across the mall, and I am being bullied.”

Bullied? Well, then, if she won’t jump, I guess listening to another sob story won’t hurt; this should be fun.

I paused and turned around to show my deep concern for her. Oh, the trauma she must have been through.

“I am being called ugly and told that I need face restructuring or I can’t join the cheerleading team,” Rachel explained, I gawked at how ridiculous it sounded because no way does she look ugly; Maleloma will kill to get such beauty like this, and I mean it, that wretched is as ugly as her soul.

“Is that why you want to kill yourself? That is not enough reason to kill yourself,” I said to her, soon realizing I was falling into her trap for concern to be shown towards her. What is wrong with you, Eve? You are losing the plot.

“I know, but, look at this,” Rachel began showing me off her flexibility skills or the things cheerleaders do. She smiled all through, showing off how much she enjoyed doing it. I read her thoroughly, and this is the face of someone who loves what they do. “I am good, am I not?” she asked, panting hard as if almost out of breath.

“Ehh…” I shrugged, not giving an appropriate answer.

“At least I got a reaction.” She rushed to embrace me. “Thank you; nobody clapped for me when I did that.” I pushed her away as her warm heart touched my cold blooded self.

“How dare you?” I clenched my fist at this, utterly furious. “Never ever try to get close to me, not to speak of being five feet next to me.”

“I am sorry, I just got too excited.”

“It is fine,” I told her. "Besides, it seems those people in the cheerleading squad don’t have good eyes for talent, and it is their loss.”

“They are my friends, Ruby and Janet; they were the ones who told me to try them out,” Rachel said.


“Yeah, I guess they were disappointed I didn’t practice enough even though I actually did, and they also said I might be too fat; cheerleading is for lightweights, so the guys lifting won't faint,” Rachel said gullibly. I was astonished by this girl's acceptance of everything.

First, she doesn’t look fat; she looks around 55kg; second, she is extremely beautiful; third, and though I am not a cheerleading enthusiast, Rachel did great with that landing. I would give her a 10 if I were so generous, but since I am not, a minus one seems perfect; overall, this can only mean one thing.

“Your friends are jealous of you; you need new friends,” I concluded.

Rachel slouched her shoulders as she said sadly, “It is hard making new friends at Stainton; everybody is busy with their own thing, and besides, I am one who you can classify as an introvert; Ruby and Janet said so; they wanted that I stick to them most of the time.”

“You sure do love this, your friends, don’t you?” I heaved a sigh and looked over at this gullible human. “Well, you need new friends who won’t lie to you; I won’t say more than that, but I still have no reason why you would end yourself if that is the only thing they said to you. I mean, what am I even saying? Of course, you find this enough reason to.”

“There is actually something else; it’s my boy—”

Rachel halted her speech as the sky turned dark and a large gust of wind began surrounding us, making it hard for us to get any visibility. I wondered if it might just be me experiencing this, as Rachel seemed perfectly fine to me until suddenly a whisper swiped through my ear, uttering nothing but air. I knew she was here.

“Inyoka,” the wind whispered. I closed my ears, trying not to listen to its call to me because I knew what it did to me. “Inyoka.” It called out again and vanished.

I opened my eyes as everything became clear as I quickly searched for Rachel around me. My eyes widened as I saw her at the edge of the roof again. She stayed at me with fear. “I don’t know what to do; I can’t stop myself.” She continued to move closer towards it. “Please help me; I don’t have control of my body,” Rachel cried.

Without thinking twice, I ran to stop her as I got close. I saw darkness take over her as she turned away from me and jumped. I couldn’t have reacted more than I already had, so I just watched the sight from above as her body splattered to the ground.

A small crowd of passersby surrounded Rachel’s body as they began to wonder what had happened. “Someone is up there.” One of them had pointed.

Oh, for goodness sake, I didn’t kill her; she did it to herself. I don’t even know why, because I thought I convinced her not to, or I think I did.

I wasn’t just about to freak out and run away, was I?


I ran, with those lazy legs of mine. I hurried off. I just needed to get away from the scene before anyone else would get to see me. It wasn’t like the people below would even recognize me when they barely saw my face. I just can’t have anyone see me here.

As luck would have it, surely not mine, because at this point I am unfortunate. I fell into the arms of this officer from earlier, and I have forgotten what his name was again. Also, I can’t explain how I got into his arms and why he locked in, but he does look delighted to see me again, and I am pretty sure he will also have my hands behind my back very soon when he finds out what is on that roof.


















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