

A sharp lunge towards the enemy, the werewolf knocks down his enemy, powerful blows fall in an endless stream. Alud growls, with a flourish he plunges his claws into the sides, shoulders and chest of the enemy lying on the asphalt. There is a slight bewilderment on the face of the defeated hunter, turning into a cheeky grin, one blow to the werewolf's chest, and he flies off a good four meters.

Why so much power in this body? The werewolf thought, rubbing his sore chest. The hunter stood up, black wounds from Alud's claws gaped under the torn cloak, greenish, thick smoke came out of them, the wounds healed instantly. Steel flashed again in his hand, an alloy with silver, and Alud smelled something else unfamiliar. It was a small, slightly curved saber, reminiscent of the Egyptian khopesh *

The guard was in the form of a thick ring around the handle. The surface was covered with symbols, a vampire, in place of Alud, of course, would have examined them without any problems, but the werewolf did not concentrate on such details, it was more important for him that this blade was with silver, which means it had a real threat to life. A creaking sound came from the blade scraping the asphalt, leaving behind a deep, slightly smoking line. The smell of singed asphalt was felt by the werewolf. Quickly grouping, Alud jumped away from the hunter rushing at him, a sharp swing on a diagonal shifted to the right, slid through the flesh, smelled of singed wool. Alud howled, a trace appeared on his shoulder from the back , with scorched edges, from which blood oozed.

- Fucking creature! The werewolf cried out, without stopping, rushed to the garbage cans. He grabbed the edge of the square tank with force, the rattle of deforming iron was heard, the massive tank flew towards the hunter, a powerful animal roar accompanied the short flight of the metal creation of man. The iron box simply swept away a standing figure, a creak of iron, flying debris, a thud against the wall, cracks and pieces of the building and a booming echo, like in a cave, “the shadow pin does not even make a sound when it works.” The shiny blade lies nearby, among cans, garbage bags, half-empty beer bottles, the banana skin lay in one strip in the middle of the blade, slightly smeared on it with its rotting flesh.

- Get the damn thing! The werewolf was breathing heavily, looking askance, his shoulder ached brutally. Silver caused an allergic reaction in any werewolf when they were in animal form . Subtle ties with dark energy were broken . Such wounds healed for a long time and could kill if they damage vital organs.

“It sucks to smell your own scorched flesh. At such moments, you can think about the meaning of life. Alud chuckled. For a while nothing happened, an eternity reflected in a few seconds for the werewolf. Thick greenish smoke rose from under the tank. The trash can moved slightly. Resounding blows, the tank flew off sharply, finally losing its shape, slamming into a corner. Garbage outlined the path of the cistern. The green smoke dissipated, the Hunter stood all crumpled, his whole body was covered with lacerated wounds, the floor of his face was dissected. All these wounds instantly healed right before our eyes, leaving no trace, only the clothes suffered in places where the flesh was once torn. On the healing face, deep anger shone.

- What do you think about yourself! Do you compete with us? the hunter shouted, quickly approaching the werewolf.

Who sent you, creature? Alud screamed.

- The corpse does not need knowledge. - Sharply responded hunter. A powerful whipping blow flew to Alud's head. The werewolf dodged, going down, simultaneously striking in the side. The hunter did not react in any way, he mechanically struck like a robot, without fatigue. The werewolf knocks him down, breaks him on the knee, throws him, breaks his arms - all to no avail. For each lunge, the werewolf takes a series of hard blows. Forces gradually leave, the hunter, on the contrary, increases the pace. A powerful roundhouse kick knocks Alud into the passageway between the houses, where he hits the energy barrier of the "Pin of Shadows", the furry body collapsed into a puddle accumulated on the asphalt. The water was dyed crimson from the blood dripping from the werewolf.

- It's useless, you can't take it by force, what the hell to do? Alud thinks. The hunter turned his back, walked towards the blade lying in the garbage. Alud's thoughts swirled wildly in his head. His eyes were fixed on what was holding him back.

- Your same mother! That fucking needle should be used against him. – the werewolf rushed to the pulsating rod, grabbed it with both paws, and pulled it up. The spikes on the rod painfully dug into his palms, even through the wool it was clear how the muscles on the back swelled. The werewolf's senses dulled, and he no longer paid attention to the pain. One thought was spinning in my head, if this is not done, then you will definitely die, the realization of this stimulated a weakened body, this is called will. The wand trembled, buzzed, but slowly succumbed to the inhuman strength of the werewolf. The asphalt crumbled under Alud's feet. The hunter raised his sword, turned around, his face stained with rage at the sight he saw. He ran with his sharp blade at the ready, ready to deliver a crushing blow. The wand yielded. Sharp steel flies through the air, driven by the killer's hands. The wand is buzzing. A powerful blow falls in the direction of the werewolf's muzzle, Alud draws out his wand, substituting it across the blow at the very last moment, holding it with both paws. A sharp click announces the walls of nearby houses. This is the sound of an energy barrier leaving, and hope for survival coming. A powerful wave of a werewolf pressed into the asphalt. The hunter flew off into the wall, slightly sagging from shock, of course, not for long. The stunned Alud instantly got his bearings.C grabbed a rod like a spear . The spikes are already hidden in the surface of the wand.

The hunter shakes his head, quickly rebuilding himself from numerous internal fractures Looking ahead, his eyes see a werewolf standing with a wand . There is wild anger in his eyes. He sees the wand, it flies right at him, passes through the chest and gets stuck in the wall. He feels the thorns dig into him. He sees the energy in the Shadow Pin begin to work, forming a barrier.

Alud saw those eyes filled with silent malice lurking in another dimension. He collapsed like a wreck They left him from the silt to the end. Nearby lay a hunter's blade, a small notch on the blade from a crushing blow, and traces of a rotten banana. Somewhere above, a raven screamed.

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